The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 171: 171: Crackling Danger (1)

Chapter 171: 171: Crackling Danger (1)

Chapter 171: Crackling Danger (1)

Hisashi was honestly impressed by the blonde girl's willpower. Even after being tortured for almost a day, she was still moving her dirty mouth.

He really would have wanted her as his subordinate if not for her background. Being Neji's lover meant she had to die.

On the contrary, he changed the initial plan because of this development. It might take weeks for her to finally break, Hisashi wasn't going to wait that long. Now that he knew Neji was alive, he wanted to destroy that boy again as soon as possible.

So, using his century-old experience, he schemed something.

Something that'd let him get what he wants.


Toga's eyelids slowly parted, her golden irises peeking out as they gained focus, blinking a few times and looking around the room.

"Oh… they left me alone when I was sleeping."

She was tied against the wall, sitting on her naked ass while her back rested against the cold wall. Her arms were tied above her head, shackled, but except for that, she wasn't confined by anything else.

Looking down at her body and then doing another double-check, Toga was surprised to find most of her wounds vanished.


She hummed for a moment before shaking her head. Thinking about it, she could guess what happened.

That big bad villain must have a subordinate with a healing quirk, though that quirk's power probably wasn't enough to heal her entirely so she was still bleeding from some places. As for why they healed her? It's a common tactic in torture to wait until the victim is recovered enough so that they can be tortured further.


Last night was painful. Really painful. But not unbearable for a person like her who gets off the pain. It was certainly a funny expression her torturers made when she squirted all over them while getting her nails plucked out.

But that's all, she needed to get out of here and kill that bastard. Neji was her blood bank, someone she loved, how dare this bastard kill him?! He needed to face consequences, big villain or not.

It was then when knocks fell on the door of the room she was locked on in before the small slider under the door was pulled up and a plate of food was slid in front of her legs.


How was she supposed to eat with her hands tied?

Hearing her stomach grumble, she couldn't help but sigh as she moved her feet to the plate and started to use them to tear the bread and bring it to her mouth. It wasn't particularly hard, as she was a flexible girl, the hard part was gulping the dry bread.

Barely making it through her throat, luckily not choking to her death, Toga gritted her teeth as she cursed in her mind.

'Fuck. Change of plans. I can't beat them by myself. They were asking me about where I and Neji last met, meaning there's a chance that Neji's family or friends (or both) are in that Eusha city mansion right now. Maybe I should go there to find them… maybe I will find someone who can sympathise with me, and even take revenge by my side.'

There's also a chance that the reason they're asking this is because Neji somehow managed to survive, and they're looking for him. But Toga didn't want to think about that possibility since she would just be disappointed.

Toga twisted her wrist, finishing the bread, as the shackles around her arm loosened just enough for her slim hands to slip out. These types of shackles were child play to her. She expected a supervillain of this calibre to do more. There also weren't any CCTV cameras here either, must be because this is a make away Base, not an actual villain base.

That's why it was all too easy to climb the vent and crawl towards the exit without anyone even realising.

She soon exited the damn vent, falling out in a dustbin where she found a cat lurking by.

She didn't like animal blood, but there was no choice, so she grabbed it swiftly, cutting its throat with a nearby broken glass, as she drank its blood. Not long after, she took the form of a yellow cat, looking very real and natural.

She didn't want anyone following her, so this was necessary even if these small legs meant it would take hours longer than normal to reach Eusha city.

'Welp, whoever is there in the mansion, if there is anyone at all, I hope they don't get frightened by me. Hehe.'

Licking her paw once, she started to run. First, she made sure what city this was, then she started running towards Eusha. Luckily, it wasn't that far from here.




Hisashi watched the yellow cat run through the city fast and tirelessly, avoiding villains and taking the shortest route.

He had to admit, this girl was a gem. She was moving as if this city was her hometown, even though it was clear this was her first time here. Such instincts were rare, she was a true sociopathic killer. Unfortunately, she would die soon.

From the looks of it, she was making her way in a certain direction, not just wandering around, this meant his plan to let her slip out without stopping her was a smart one. There's a chance she's not heading to Neji's base, unlike what he had predicted, but that would just mean Toga had no use anymore and was free to be eliminated.

For now, he flew a thousand metres in the air, his slit draconic eyes focusing on the cat as he flew softly, his mind imagining Neji's horror when they came face to face again.

That reaction, he will make a portrait out of it.


In America, at the headquarters of the Public Safety Commission (the PSC), another discussion was happening.

["This is unbelievable, it's been more than 24 hours since Japan was cut off from the world, and now THIS?!"]

["President, what is the meaning of this?!"]

The president of PSC groaned aloud. "How would I know something like this would happen?! She made this decision on a whim, or else it doesn't make sense!"

["How does it not make sense? It has been theorised for a long time that she has some sort of future sight quirk, she probably knew all this would happen."]

["That's impossible. We have such Prophet type Heroes all over the world ourselves, but none saw this coming. How would she-"]

One voice that protested was scoffed at by everyone before he could finish.

["Nawab isn't one of those mere prophet types. If All for One and Hisashi are world-class threats, then-... well, do we have a term for a threat bigger than the world yet? Anyway, she's beyond villains like those, her powers don't make sense, so don't compare her with such heroes."]


Everyone was silent for a moment, that silence was broken by a certain short fat man.

["Fuck. Ya think I care? Do something you nutjobs!"]

It was Kim-Jong-Un the 7th who yelled, slamming his hands on the table behind the screen.

"Please watch your language, mister Kim."

["Fuck your language, ya white bastard. I don't care, you have to do something. My Star is there, I can't let her die! I can't even contact her, or I would have called her back! Do something!"]

There were a few snickers at his reaction, mocking him for sending his rising star to such a place. He might have had some plans behind that action, but it's all down to water now that "Ujir" was heading to Japan.

Nawab's right hand, Ujir was caught in the satellite when she left India's boundary (where the satellites didn't work) and flew toward Japan at a great speed.

Why? For what reason?

Nobody knew, nobody could even guess.

Ujir was an SSS-Rank villain, also the main face of Nawab, since the Empress rarely took things into her own hands. One of the reasons why Nawab was so feared across the world was because of Ujir too, the power she demonstrated was just… tremendous.

All of the people present here knew that, some but we're confused as to why Kim was so worried. After all, he did send Starfire to Japan knowing too well that both AFO and Red Dragon were there. Why was he so frightened now that another enemy of that calibre was heading there?

The reason Kim was so pissed off and worried was that Uji had a history with Starfire's bloodline. Starfire seemed to be a hot-blooded girl, based on the rumours, so if she learned about Ujir in Japan, she might just go to attack her, therefore losing her life in the process.


Except for Kim Jong Un himself, nobody cared for Star's death. The only thing they cared about was- How to keep these villains out of their own lands?

["I have a proposal to make."] A calm female voice said, making everyone focus on the president of China's PSC. ["Japan currently holds two of the world's biggest villains, threats who plan to take over the world, and now a third villain, whose master is a bigger threat than them, is heading there. When else will we get a chance to eliminate all three of then if not this?"]

"...Elaborate." The president of PSC HQ seemed interested, crossing his fingers under his chin.

["I say we nuke Japan. The entirety of it. Even these big villains won't be able to survive against a head-on nuke. That'd clean this world in a great way, cleansing evil from its root."]

["Oy, you Chinese bitch! My Star is in there-"]

Kim tried to talk, but a crossed-mic icon 🔇 appeared beside his screen, indicating his sound to be muted.

"You do know All Might is in there, right? He is one of the strongest heroes alive, if not the strongest. People from all over the world love him, along with many of the top heroes from different countries. Big Red Dot and Salaam are just two prominent examples."

At the HQ President's words, the woman from before laughed.

["You think All Might is still alive? Against both the Catastrophic Dragon and All for One? He's strong, I saw him fight in person, but he's not that strong. He's most likely dead or at least heavily injured. No, even without considering all that, he's weakened, weaker than ever, you said it yourself yesterday. Besides, he's the greatest hero anyway, he wouldn't mind sacrificing his life for the greater good. Would he?"]

She continued. ["And about the civilians and other heroes. When have we, the PSC, ever lacked excuses? Is it really hard for us to fabricate a story?"]


That was an absurd proposal, and the HQ president would usually not even hear this far but… there were merits behind her words. There was logic behind this proposal.

Japan wasn't that big a country and considering the potency of the Nukes of this era, only three of them should be enough to take out the entirety of that country.

All Might's sacrifice, considering he's still alive, would be a massive loss, but it's not unrecoverable. He's a Japanese hero, anyway. This wasn't a time to think about good or bad, as this was an opportunity to eliminate three SSS-class villains at once, establishing order in the world.

Now it was just a matter of agreeing. The PSC is basically the government of this era, so their decision is the absolute one, meaning as long as the majority of the other branch presidents voted positively, this can be done. This can be achieved.


After a short silence, the HQ president sighed, running a hand through his purple hair as he spoke.

"I am holding a vote. Press "O" if you support this idea and "X" if you are against it."

This single vote will decide Japan's future.


It will decide the world's future.

While Kim yelled from behind the screen, still muted, pressing "X" repeatedly, enough for him to get kicked out of the meeting, the votes kept changing tides until it took a stand still.

It stopped in a 1:2 ratio session.

With more than half of the world's leaders voting positively.

With that it was decided that soon, Japan was going to get nuked.

Nuked again after almost 300 years.




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