The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 165: 165: Damnation

Chapter 165: 165: Damnation

Chapter 165: Damnation

Ochako Uraraka was one of the lucky students who managed to escape from the Red Dragon a few hours ago.

Her apartment was far from Musutafu city, and it took half an hour even with the bullet train. So she couldn't possibly go there now that the bullet trains were dead on their tracks and villains were everywhere.

But still, with her quirk, she managed to flee from Musatafu by lightening her body and hopping off from building to building.

Now she was in a new city, but… she wasn't safe here. In contrast, right now she was in severe danger.

"Hiss~ W-where are you hiding?" A hissing voice asked, chuckling to himself as Ochako held her breath, hiding inside an oversized dustbin that smelt like shit.

Ochako closed her mouth with her hands, while her tears slid down her cheeks, her body shaking as her previous urge to vomit vanished. T-this was real danger… she could die now.

She could hear the footsteps of the man walking around the alleyway where the dustbin was located, which made her fear all the more strong.

She knew this man, no-14 in the Hero Billboard, Pro Hero: Anaconda.

He's famous for his aggressive tendencies, but he was still a really inspirational hero. But today it was different. For some reason, Anaconda was waiting for her in this city, as if he somehow knew she was here, and secondly, his usual green eyes were shining red.

The moment Anaconda met Ochako, he attacked her, making her go pale as she tried her best to escape. She didn't know why he was doing this, and neither did she know how she should escape. At this point, all of this felt like a dream… a nightmare. Nothing made sense, after all.


Her heartbeat started to pound faster as the footstep walked inside the alleyway, the owner chuckling with a hiss.

"A-are you here, hehe?" the hero's voice said, closing distance. "Y-you know, I have a really good sense of smell. I could smell a very faint scent of you around here, but that smell stopped leaving any traces since I came here."

The footsteps stopped, right in front of Ochako's dustbin as her body started to shake in fear.

The voice then continued, "Meaning you had either escaped via some sort of teleportation. Oooor~" Abruptly, the lid of the dustbin was yanked out, revealing Ochako's frightened expression as the Hero grinned. "You're hiding somewhere here."

"Kyaaa!" Ochako covered her ears, closed her eyes, and yelled. She had no way of winning, she already knew that.

Anaconda's quirk made his face look like that of a snake, and he could even transform into an Anaconda if he wished. Together with his experience and mastery of the quirk, he was an opponent far too strong for her.

This was a dead end.

Even as she screamed, the man grabbed her by her neck and pinned her on the wall, making her choke as she coughed and tried to resist.

"C-calm down now. I am just going to hand you over to my lord. He will take care of you, don't worry." The hero said while his eyes shone. Then, he slipped his hand into a pocket in Ochako's uniform, making her wince before he took out a small piece of meat, covered in green scales. "G-good work, by the way. I am sure our lord is impressed with you."

Ochako's eyes widened as the small pinky sized flesh stirred in a nodding motion. How did she not notice this in her pocket…? More so, wasn't that Setsuna's quirk at work? W-was she working with that Dragon?!

Ochako gave up struggling as her body went limp in the Hero's hands, her eyes wide as she realised, she might as well be considered dead at this point.

"A-anyway," the villain said, putting the small flesh in his own pocket. "Let us get going. The base is kinda far from here."

Ochako was placed above his shoulders as the man left the alleyway and was prepared to sprint with his body transforming slightly to give him more muscle. But before he could sprint though-

"Stop right there!" a feminine voice came from the sky, speaking English, making Anaconda turn along with Ochako as both their eyes went wide in surprise.

An orange-skinned girl with busty proportions, wearing a purple 'armour', was flying in the sky with her eyes glowing green and her red hair flowing in the air as green energy swirled around her hands.

[Image Here]

"You despicable evil! I have come to eliminate you," said the girl as she looked down on Anaconda with her eyes narrowed. "Leave the girl down before I decide to finish you in an instant."

Anaconda clicked his tongue as he glared at the flying girl, his body changing in size as he grew taller, as he replied in English too. "You talk a lot for an unknown hero wannabe. I will make sure to break-"

Before he could finish his words, the girl's eyes shone brighter and two green beams left her eyes. They rushed forward and hit Anaconda in the face, making the older man scream in pain as he fell back, leaving Ochako a small chance to flee.

Anaconda tried to get up again, however, the foreign hero moved like a bullet and crashed onto Anaconda's face, both of her feet digging into his skull as it burst into a pile of blood.

Blood splattered up on the street, marking Ochako and the new hero who looked down on the destroyed head with a nonchalant expression.

Ochako was shocked, the urge to vomit returning, but she didn't actually vomit. He deserved to die, for he has failed as a hero. A part of her still couldn't believe she survived, but she was so relieved.

"U-um…" Ochako called the foreign pro hero, trying her best to speak proper English. "Thank you for saving me, but excruse me, w-who are you?"

The hero turned to her, still looking nonchalant, as she walked over. "I am Starfire, from the United Korea. Nice to meet you, and if you don't mind-" the girl paused, leaning over and capturing Ochako's lips, making her shocked.

The kiss was short and the girl soon withdrew her face back, tilting her head in a cute manner as she started to say in fluid Japanese, "Mmmh, do all Japanese people taste like vomit and garbage?"

"Uh…" Ochako paused, thinking of the question while realising this girl somehow managed to learn Japanese with a single kiss.


Sir Nighteye, the famous former Sidekick of All Might.

He was baffled and shocked at the current development in Japan. He was still in his city when the network blockage happened. He's in fact one of the first people to notice the blockage, though that didn't mean he was able to stop the villain attack that happened minutes after.

Dozens upon dozens of villains gathered around his city, attacking different parts of it with the intention of killing and destroying. Mugling, r*pe, stealing, robbing banks, and many types of crimes started to happen at once. Nighteye's agency didn't have many heroes, so he couldn't stop all of these even if he wished.

His first option was to contact All Might. Their relationship was much better than before due to Nighteye stepping up and apologising. But due to the network jam, he couldn't even contact All Might and Mirio!

At last, after gathering a few other heroes he managed to secure the part of the city where his agency was located. The heroes were currently resting there, now that dawn was approaching. They were tired and they needed sleep if they wanted to keep saving people, and while they did that… Nighteye was busy fighting with himself.

'I have to… I have to look into the future.' He didn't want to, but sitting on his desk, his chin resting on his hand as he watched the report of the casualties around the city, he knew he had to use his power if he wanted to know what was going on.

Since the incident 5 years ago, where he watched the future where the world is destroyed, Nighteye was scared to use his ability again. He still used it when it was a must, but he still didn't go beyond a day in the future because he was scared.

Now, when he finally gained knowledge about the 'white-haired man' from the vision, things have taken a turn for the worst. He never saw this development in his future, no way could he have missed such a major development while looking into the future 5 years ago. Meaning the future was altered, and Nighteye believed the 'white-haired man' was the one behind all this.

Neji Hado, the boy with silver hair, was too bright in his class to not stand out. Principal Nezu confirmed that Neji was really the man in the vision after the UA Sports Festival. Nighteye even sent him an invitation letter, but the boy chose Mirko instead which Nighteye understood since her invitation was kind of a big deal.

He was planning to meet the boy using Mirio's friendship with Nejire, but Nezu specifically requested that to be delayed until he returned from Summer Camp.

'Maybe I should have met him either way before that.'

He should have, honestly. He really believed that boy was behind all this one way or another, even without One for All.

Nighteye grunted, slamming the table as he leaned back in his chair with a sigh.

"Okay, fine… let's do it."

Taking a deep breath in, he closed his eyes and activated his quirk. Making his future roll out in front of him like a movie, as more time passed within the vision the movie became blurrier, more broken and all, but not even three days into the vision, Nighteye saw something… horrifying.

Mirio Togata's quirks were gone. That wasn't the only horrifying part, because one of the Nawab's people was in Japan, and in three days from now on, that person will take Mirio's life for whatever reason.

Nighteye's eyes sprung up as he gasped for air, grabbing a water bottle from the table and drinking the contents as he trembled on his chair.


Nighteye asked himself, wiping his sweat with a paper towel as his mind raced.

How? How did Mirio lose his powers?

Why? Why was someone like Nawab after Mirio's life?! That didn't make sense!

At last… Why were three nukes coming towards Japan?!!?

Nighteye got up from his chair, trying to walk out and inform his sidekicks but he fell on his face, getting up as he shakily walked again.

What the hell was Japan confronting right now?




Author's Note: Neji isn't the only one making moves. The international forces are doing the same, and some of their actions aren't making sense to our poor Nighteye sir.

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