The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 98: the stranded dragon vs the sharks mandible

Chapter 98: the stranded dragon vs the sharks mandible

At exactly the day the 3rd round of the team tournament ended, the battle fixtures for the individual tournament were revealed. Round 1 of the individual battle tournaments- 1st day: Friday.

#1 The fierce lion vs The Rakshasha

#2 The Godzilla vs The Alligator

#3 World dominator vs The perfect brawler

2nd day: Saturday.

#1 The stranded dragon vs A shark's mandible.

#2 The killer of dragons vs The versatile fighter.

The spectators cheered in excitement, as the fight fixtures were revealed. World dominator was without contest the most popular, as some people chanted his name like he already won the individual tournament.

After getting the day he was to fight, Clark ignored every other thing as he continued his intense training.

As he trained, the days slowly went forward as the battles scheduled on Friday were quickly concluded. The winners are The Rakshasha, Godzilla, and World dominator.

All the battles were fierce as expected, but the World dominator's battle was different. The difference is that he completely dominated his opponent throughout the battle, before killing him.

After Clark watched the battle, his face slowly took on a solemn and grave tone. "I met a huge wall this time," he thought, as he discovered that this guy improved slightly since his last battle. He paid a lot of attention to this opponent's battles, so he was able to notice this slight improvement.

"If this guy continues improving at this pace, then I'm in serious trouble," he thought worriedly. Being defeated was not why he worried; he was still drooling over the awards for the tournament. He didnt want to lose anything that he could win.

After self-reflecting and resting for some minutes. He stood up, going back to train.

He knew that there was a higher chance of dying in the individual tournament, but if he didn't even have the guts to take such risks, he would have opted to be a farmer instead. Even If he died here, he'll die without regrets knowing that he tried his best.

The long-awaited Saturday finally came, as Clark got prepared for battle. He cloth himself in his armor, as he waited to be called to the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seat belts as the 2nd batch of individual gladiators come to ditch it out in a fierce battle of survival. Let's welcome our first 2 gladiators, The stranded dragon, and The shark's mandible". Applause rose from the spectator stands, as both gladiators came before the arena.

Unlike the team battles, the individual battles are real physical battles, not virtual, so an arena was naturally erected. Instead of using a cage, they made a typical gladiator arena, but it was surrounded by an energy shield.

A gap slowly opened in the energy shield from 2 opposite ends, through which both gladiators entered the arena. Clark grasped his spear tighter while steadying his mind, as the energy shield enclosed behind him.

The energy shield solidified quickly, as he immediately started observing his opponent. No matter how strong he was, he would never make the stupid mistake of underestimating his opponent before the battle began, not after his many experiences.

The 10 gladiators chosen for the individual battles are undoubtedly geniuses in their various countries. A genius is not someone he was going to underestimate.

Genius? What status or ability can make someone be referred to as a genius soldier? Well..., he didn't know. "I'll find an opportunity to ask a higher-ranked soldier if I find the chance," he muttered to himself.

His opponent wielded 2 sabers as his weapon of choice, he also observed him with caution as soon as he entered the arena. Clark has not made any astonishing moves in the past battles, but his team is still a powerhouse team.

As someone from a powerhouse team also, his opponent was not foolish enough to underestimate him.

Boom!! He charged forward swiftly, after observing to his satisfaction. His opponent was even more decisive, as he also charged at him with his hands facing backward, while his sabers trailed behind like 2 poisonous vipers.

Whoosh!! A shark's mandible attacked first, as he launched himself forward. He suspended himself horizontally in the air, as his sabers struck forward with speed.

Clark bent down, sliding forward under, as his opponent's saber flew past him. Clang!! He quickly turned, striking at his opponent with his spear, but this guy reacted very fast as he blocked with his 2 sabers.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Before his opponent could even land down and recover from the shock of the strike, his spear already stabbed forward again multiple times with speed. His opponent was very decisive, as he directly started executing his battle art, The bald saber.

Clang!! Metallic sounds reverberated, as A sharks mandible accurately parried all the stabs directed at him.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!! He quickly counterattacked as he stabbed forward with his right hand, his left hand complimented the move as his other saber also slashed across. Ptui!! Blood flowed from Clarks shoulders, as he suffered an injury but he still retaliated as his spear impaled his opponent's left shoulder.

Wow!! The audience erupted, cheering as a replay of what happened was shown in a slower motion. Clark predicted this maneuver from his opponent, as he already used it 2 times in the previous team battles.

As soon as his opponent stabbed forward, he executed his battle art, the frenzied maneuver as he quickly bent down. He jumped slightly to help suspend himself in the air below his opponent's saber, while his spear ruthlessly stabbed forward.

Due to the boost in his speed from his battle art, before his opponent's other saber could even start slashing across, his spear already arrived impaling his shoulders. This resulted in their first shedding of blood.

Whoosh!! He still recovered first despite this as his hand moved quickly, he tried to turn his stab into a slash but his opponent reacted fast also as he quickly leaped back. His opponent escaped death, but a bloody scar was still drawn on his chest.

As soon as his opponent landed, he rolled backward increasing the distance between them, while quickly stabilizing his steps. Clark didn't continue pressing forward immediately, as he stood there allowing his opponent to stand back up.

"Are you underestimating me by doing this?" A sharks mandible asked in a deep but cold tone, as he narrowed his eyes on seeing this. He was surprised at first, but he quickly understood as he saw his opponents expression.

"I want to have an exciting battle before a winner is decided," Clark answered calmly.

He already noticed that despite how extremely real, the virtual arena of the Seafarers alliance seemed, real battles were still the more effective way to improve. So, this rare chance to fight with real opponents, he was not going to squander it. He wanted to utilize it to its fullest potential.

A sharks mandible slowly stood up after hearing his opponents explanation, as he blew out air from his mouth. "OK," he finally replied.

He also understood the reasoning behind improving faster, but this decision by his opponent still surprised him. From their short exchange earlier, he already recognized his inferiority compared to his opponent. But the feeling of being underestimated felt awful, his anger slowly boiled as he forcibly suppressed it.

"You asked for an exciting battle, and an exciting battle you will get". Boom!! His words didn't even finish before he bolted forward, appearing in front of his opponent in an instant.

Clark was startled by this speed, but he still reacted fast as he raised his spear to block the first slash.

Clang!! The force from the blow pushed him back a little, as he hurriedly tried to steady his steps. Whoosh!! He didn't even see it, but he reflexively ducked as his opponent's saber swept past above his head, removing almost all his hair.

Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! His spear struck forward in a blur, as he reflexively blocked all the strikes aimed at him while staggering backward from the force released from his opponents strikes.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!! His opponent didn't end there as he executed his self-created technique, the mandibles of death. The force and speed behind his blows increased, as his 2 sabers struck forward with speed like lightning.

Clang!! Clang!! Ptui!! The 3rd strike finally achieved its goal, as Clark received a bloody gash across his chest. Hmmm, he grunted in pain, as he parried his opponent's other strikes swiftly. It looked like he was about to fall, as his legs couldnt keep up with the speed at which his upper body moved back at.

Boom!! A sharks mandible ended his combo with a ferocious and swift slash aimed at his opponents legs. Due to the speed at which his opponent parried his strikes, he predicted that an ending strike to his legs would be unexpected to him.

So, he gambled on it to earn a solid advantage. His plan was ambitious and feasible but he underestimated his opponent's reaction speed.

Clang!! Clark's spear stabbed down as he parried the strike, he parried but the force from his opponent's 2 sabers is not beans as his spear was flung sideways. He quickly jumped as his legs moved sideways, following the same trajectory as his spear.

His gaze hardened, as he felt a rush of adrenaline run through him. He grinned, as he caught his spear with his outstretched legs. He recovered them back, as he applied force to his spear.

He finally achieved his goal now. The rush of adrenaline, the rise in blood pressure, and his heartbeat were his end goal. "It's time to end this battle," he muttered to himself.

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!! His spear moved like a bolt of lightning as he struck thrice, his opponent reacted fast as he also blocked thrice. But his 4th strike broke convention, as the force from the blow landed on his opponent like the fall of Mountain Kilimanjaro, not Mount Tai this time.

His opponent completely lost control of himself, as he was slammed down into the metal floor with a huge sound. He quickly slashed down at his opponent's neck with his spear to end the battle, but this guy refused to relent as he moved with speed, narrowly dodging.

He was surprised that his opponent dodged, but he didn't hesitate as his spear stuck with his opponent like a noisy mosquito.

A sharks mandible finally threw all caution to the wind, as he executed his self-created technique again despite the feeling of tiredness he was currently experiencing.

This only excited Clark further, as his hand speed completely erupted. All the spectators saw was a blur, as sparks flew around from the collision of their weapons. He decided to compete directly against his opponent's self-created technique.

Ptui!! Ptui!! He stabbed his opponent's arm as blood flew out, his opponent reciprocated as he slashed at him, cutting his abdomen.

As soon as he received the slash, he turned around once. He used the momentum from the turn as he hacked down with his spear. Bam!! His opponent blocked it, but the force from the blow pushed him back.

He quickly capitalized on this, as he followed up by stabbing at his opponents neck. Clang!! Whoosh!! His opponent reacted again as he parried the stab, but he failed to block the follow-up sideways slash.

He turned around, as he slowly walked back out of the arena. As he walked, his opponent's head slowly slid down from his neck, as blood spurted out. The audience finally reacted, as cheers exploded wildly around the stadium.

This battle was a very fast-paced one, and the spectators loved such battles the most.

They were not stingy with the applause, as his ears vibrated slightly from the loud noise. Under this excited filled stadium, he walked out as the winner of this battle.

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