The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 93: the sea farers alliance

Chapter 93: the sea farers alliance

After Clark and his group were informed, they all came out to see the mind-blowing sight. This section of the sea was like a world on its own. Ships and structures like buildings, spanned across the surface of the sea, making it seem like a world in a fairytale to them.

The sight was mind-blowing. The environment around here was exaggeratedly boisterous, as ships of different brands sailed away, while others sailed in.

As their fleet slowly moved forward, they were completely dumbfounded as they reached a certain part of the world on the sea. A huge metal platform was erected in the middle of the sea, with other smaller platforms erected around it, spanning across miles.

They finally saw the huge recognition flag. The unique flag of the Sea farers alliance waved, following the direction of the wind as it stood firmly in front of the middle platform. A huge building stood in solitude in this eye-catching platform, displaying its identity as a property of the Sea farers alliance.

What actually drew their attention, was the formidable looking ships patrolling the perimeter of the platform in the middle. Clark already knew that this huge building was a registration center, to get access to the headquarters of the sea farers alliance.

The ships surrounding this building were of a different level entirely, as he was sure that one shot from their main cannon could directly vaporize their current ship. The armor of the ships gleamed ominously, as the sun rays shone down on them, making them look even more intimidating.

Their fleet finally stopped outside the perimeter created by these fleet of ships, as the Captain came down, while ordering them to follow. The Captain ignored the other platforms, that was blooming with people, as he led them to this central platform.

The headquarters of this huge organization was not where any random person could enter, only the 5 of them [the gladiators] and the commander of the fleet, [i.e the Captain], was allowed to enter.

All the remaining people in the fleet are not permitted, so they can only watch their future battles through their televisions or projections. They quickly boarded a sea shuttle, as it carried them straight towards the huge building.

As they moved, Clark suddenly felt something warp through him. He looked around stunned, but could not find anything. Somewhere inside the building, images of them appeared, as a worker quickly looked through their information. The feeling of something warping through him, was a result of the scanning on them.

They quickly reached the building, as 2 highly optimized robots came to meet them. The Captain went forward, as he explained why they came to the robots. Shortly after, they were allowed in as the huge doors of the building opened.

Clark was silent throughout, as they went into the building. His brain was still marveling at the sight before him. Emily clung to him, as she followed him inside.

She already saw him as an anchor for comfort and support when she was nervous or afraid. They quickly arrived in a huge hall surrounded by huge walls on both sides, their only direction was forward. The Captain went directly to the center of the hall and they followed him.

The hall was completely lit up with lights, so the whole place was very bright, but the hall lacked any decoration and there was no presence of people either. Clark felt the urge to ask the Captain, but he kept his curiosity to himself. No matter how high of a status he held now, he was still a captive they captured.

His confusion grew, as they came to meet a wall obstructing their way forward. The Captain answered his doubts, as he raised his right hand and quickly placed his palm on the wall.

A screen suddenly popped up on the wall, showing the Captains fingerprints on it. His fingerprints were quickly scanned, as the A.I of the building materialized as a robot.

The robot presented a paper to the Captain, they all kept quiet as the Captain started filling the form. After he finished filling the form, the paper disappeared as the robot turned to face them.

Team Roman Empire, you are welcome to the tournament, I hope you have a nice time here in our headquarters. It suddenly snapped its fingers, as soon as it finished speaking.

They immediately disappeared from there, their brains seemed to blank for a moment, before their eyes cleared to see themselves in another shuttle. Clarks mind lagged a second behind, as the high technology already exposed to him during this short encounter, was mind seizing.

He finally snapped out of it, as he focused to observe his surroundings. Shit, he subconsciously cursed as he hurriedly felt his back for his spear.

Pa!! He stared wide eyed as the huge shark exobeast swam away, after unsuccessfully attacking and trying to eat them.

Shit man, he cursed again. We were actually dropped into the sea. His small heart was already faltering, this was his first time that he was even seeing a sea exobeast up close.

What kind of shuttle is this? How can it be so strong? Why the hell did a sea exobeast try to attack us? He asked this series of questions in succession, as he turned to look at the Captain. The others were also shocked, but they reacted mildly compared to him.

The Captain chuckled as he glanced at him, it is now that we are going to the headquarters of the sea farers alliance.

Did you really think that their headquarters would be at the water surface? This is just a means of transporting us there, to their real outer headquarters. They can teleport us there directly, but they prefer this mode of transportation to show-off their strength to outsiders.

What you saw on the surface, are structures that are built mostly by the visitors here, to connect and perform trades in the sea. People are hardly allowed to come this far, its because our conditions are special, thats why everything was so smooth.

Clark was confused, he wanted to ask, show-off their strength in which way. But he quickly shut up, as his answer was delivered generously to him. Light was the first thing that entered his sights.

A huge gate faced them, decorated colorfully with flowers. From the color quality and the glow, it released. It was apparent that it was created from some high-grade exotics. THE SEA FARERS ALLIANCE was written on it, with bold characters.

As soon as they passed the gate, he basically felt his heart stop beating for a moment there. They were greeted with a bunch of ferocious looking submarines, of various shapes lined in a row, decorated with yellow colors.

The formidable cannon muzzles extending from their sides, was the cream on top the cherry, clarifying their identities as weapons of mass destruction.

Past this row of submarines, were other monsters of technology. Turrets were lined across the sea bed, painting a very epic but dangerous sight; 2 huge defensive structures were placed on both sides of the path they took.

The Annihilators, these words appeared suddenly in their shuttle, to indicate the name of these defensive structures with a description. These are defense structures, that can fire up to 2000 highly condensed laser beams in a second.

He shuddered in fear, at the sight of these structures of destruction as the shuttle continued forward.

But his thoughts could not help but wander. F**k, thats shameless, he suddenly blurted out, drawing the others from their intoxicated state.

He awkwardly apologized with his face, but his thought process still remained firm. Why the hell will you be describing your own military weapons to outsiders?

We know that you are strong, but act like the strong. Shamelessly promoting how strong you are, this act completely destroyed his little remaining reverence for this enormous organization.

After 30 minutes of passing across the machinery filled area, they finally came across a huge city underwater. The city extended for as far as their eyes could see, and everywhere was filled with the color, red and blue. This is the trademark color of this organization, and the whole city was filled with this exact same color.

The shuttle finally entered the city, they were further shocked again, as the city was completely dry just like a normal city on land. There was clearly no shield covering the city, but the water was kept completely at bay.

The technologies utilized by this peak organizations are completely beyond my imaginations, Clark thought in amazement.

The shuttle quickly took them to a place like a port, as it slowly descended in this place. They came down, as the Captain led them forward. No one spoke, as they came into another hall. But this time, there were people in the hall.

People of different colors filled the port, doing their own business. They observed, as they followed the Captain to the front of the hall. The captain raised his hand and repeated his previous actions, as a face materialized this time.

Your camp is located in the gladiator quarters, the robot spoke as its eyes suddenly flickered. The Captain informed them, that the co-ordinates of their camp was already sent to him, so they turned around leaving.

As they left, they observed the other people here as they already deduced that these people were likely their competitors.

As soon as they came outside, a bus drove to their front, Roman Empire team was written on its body, so they immediately understood as they went in.

The Captain changed the setting to manual, as he drove the car to the co-ordinates that was sent to him. Clark was further astonished, as he discovered that the bus was going without any form of fuel.

It was an electric powered bus, and he also discovered that all the vehicles here are electric powered. All you need to ride your car was charge it in any shop, or even your house, as the alliance installed the chargers on every house in the city.

Man, he felt like heaven descended on earth. The scenery of the road, of the houses and everything here was just too beautiful, bright and attractive. He felt a sudden urge to stay here forever, if possible, but that was just wishful dreaming.

Zoom!! They finally arrived at their camp; it was a huge compound reserved for their team. This time, not only him, all the gladiators wowed in awe at the scenery, Emilys expression was like she was seeing stars.

The Captain chuckled again, as he led them inside the compound. A robot was inside the compound, who acted as a guide, as well as a helper.

He told them to settle down inside, as he went to a corner to make a call. Good afternoon General, he greeted in a respectful tone.

Hmmm, the other side only answered with this, before asking his question. Have you arrived with the gladiators?

Yes General, they are already settling down inside.

Good, have them start training immediately, as there is no time for slacking off. The reward for the organization that wins this time is very good, so work them to their limits. I dont want to entertain any chances of losing. Be prepared, I will soon be there, send me the co-ordinates of the camp.

Ok sir, the Captain replied as he quickly sent it.

Inside, as soon as they went into the house, they started moving around as they admired the scenery. The people living in this kind of place are really in heaven, Mark said with a sigh.

Mark is the real name of Jian Wushaung, his words were true as the living standards here was miles better than any of them ever lived in. The house was decorated all over, with pictures of legendary soldiers of the sea farers alliance.

The sea farers alliance is an alliance that is ruled by 4 different powers. These powers or organizations, combined their strength during the great battle of supremacy as the battle became too tough.

Their alliance empowered them considerably, as they dominated to become one of the big 5 powers after the great battle. They are the perfect example, of 2 heads are better than one.

As they admired the decorations around the house, the Captain finally came in. Guys, stop roaming around, be prepared because my organizations sea expedition leader is coming to see you guys.

On hearing this, they quickly stopped what they were doing, as they came to meet him. He told them about the General, General Turan of the Roman Empire organization.

They quickly settled down, as they neatly sat down awaiting the arrival of the General.

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate. I'm sorry for the late release, school work overtook my time considerably today.]

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