The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 76: the terror of the sea

Chapter 76: the terror of the sea

As Clark was brought to the highest part of the ship, he was finally able to get a lot of other details about these people. He discovered that this was a fleet consisting of only 3 ships, he also noticed that this was the biggest ship of all 3 ships.

He noticed another very important detail, the ships were damaged on some places, so he concluded that they probably engaged in a fierce battle not long ago. So, this fleet probably consisted of more than 3 ships before, he thought in silence.

Knock! Knock! The leader of the doctors knocked as they silently waited.

Come in, a deep voice finally answered as they all proceeded to enter. Contrary to Clarks expectations, the leader of this ship didnt make his own room luxurious. No decorations, it was simply a plain room just like the hall he woke up in. The leader faced the sea outside with both his hands behind his back, he finally turned around after the last person closed the door after entering.

Good morning Captain, they all greeted.

The Captain acknowledged by nodding, as he sat down in a chair by the side. The lead doctor went to sit opposite the Captain as he read some medical analysis from his book to him. The Captain nodded at last, before turning to face Clark for the first time.

Whats your name? he asked while staring at him.

My name is Adam, Clark answered immediately.

I know you are a soldier, and with your physique you are probably a high-grade soldier. Which country are you from? Clark didnt answer this, he only stared back at the captain.

Clark gave him a wrong name for a reason, he didnt know the country this fleet belonged to, if it was an enemy of the Spartan republic, he didnt know. As the Captain already knew that he was a high-grade soldier, revealing his country and real name was just stupid.

The Captain chuckled on seeing his silence as he stood up. Ok, no need for all those, my name is Captain Jack. I am the overall leader of this fleet; on a normal basis, I would have kept you as an exotic miner but our fleet is not in a favorable position at the moment. As you may have already discovered, we suffered a huge loss from a battle recently. We lost 2 ships and a lot of valuable soldiers.

We are in dire need of high-grade soldiers to bolster our ranks at the moment, we saved you or you can call it capture, anyone you like. I want you to help fight, and protect my fleet. If you refuse, then I have no other business with you, well just kill you then dump you in the sea. But if you help us, youll receive the clearance and status of a normal soldier in my fleet.

Clark chuckled, do I really have a choice? He asked in a sarcastic tone. Ill fight for you, but I want my bag back.

No, youll receive only your 2-form gun back, the Captain answered authoritatively.

Ok, Clark answered with a shrug. He was the captured here, a beggar is not a chooser.

We are currently having repairs to our ships, try to socialize with my soldiers to get to know them more. If things go according to my calculations, well mine our remaining ships full with exotics in about a years time so you wouldnt face too many battles and youll probably survive. The Captain finally revealed a smile as he said.

This is Doctor Dickson; he is the head doctor of my fleet.

Cough, cough, I already met him sir, Clark said with a cough as he secretly glanced at the doctor in question. The mans expression was completely tranquil, without any fluctuations.

You can go, the Captain finally said the long-awaited word. Clark did just that, after taking his 2-form gun back.

Man, what a life, Clark sighed as he walked outside. He went directly to the ships armory to get the fleets soldier uniform, as directed by the Captain. His status was that of an ordinary soldier in the ship, so he was going to use normal reinforced steel armor.

What a demotion from grace to grass, he thought ruefully.

When Clark reached the huge hall, the soldiers used as their barrack, he didnt receive any special welcome as they nonchalantly glanced at him for only a second before continuing what they were doing. He had instructions from the soldiers who escorted the doctors, so he walked directly to the middle of the hall.

As he was walking, he didnt know why, but he started feeling dizzy and weak all of a sudden. He forcibly controlled himself while walking to the Corporal. The stern man turned to look at him, yes, you are?

I am Sergeant Adam sir; I woke up today, so they led me here. Clark answered smoothly.

Good, go and sit with the other soldiers, the Corporal said after taking a photo of him and doing some other procedures. He didnt even get to meet the high-grade soldiers of the ship, he felt a little bad, but he soon forgot about it.

Maybe, this is to my favor, I dont belong here, I should be planning my escape instead. He muttered to himself, either as a form of comfort or motivation.

As soon as Clark went to the bed he was assigned to, the feeling of weakness and dizziness came again. He couldnt help it, he slept directly after giving the nearby soldiers a quick greeting, which they didnt bother reply to.

It was an afternoon abrupt sleep, but Clark had a dream. He saw himself still with this fleet in the sea, after staying with them in the sea for 2 years, he made a name for myself. During his stay there, he broke his limits twice to become a 3rd rank high-grade soldier. He became known as Adam, the conqueror of fleets, as he helped expand the fleet by helping to sabotage other fleets ships.

He proved his prowess countless times in battle quickly earning another nickname, The terror of the sea. From the initial fleet of 3 ships, they increased to 15 ships through his help.

He became the 2nd in command, as he couldnt become the leader of the fleet, he didnt belong to the country.

As Clark dreamed of himself being the conqueror of fleets, he didnt know that some unique transformations were happening to his body on a scientific level in the real world.

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