The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 74: eminem a good or bad friend

Chapter 74: eminem a good or bad friend

At that moment, Clark felt really conflicted, his military mind told him to just silence him, then get on the run again. After opening his eyes, he looked directly at Eminem as they engaged in a ridiculous staring contest.

Hmmm, Clark sighed as his shoulders slumped down, Eminem was already more than a stranger to him. He just couldnt bear the thought of killing him, just because it was convenient for him.

Hahaha, he suddenly laughed at himself mutedly, as he calmed his mood to speak out his thoughts.

Eminem, I may already be surrounded on all sides by soldiers, but I dont regret my actions for even a second. I know you must be feeling really bad, a person you thought was your friend planned the assassination of your father. I know its painful and you may take it as hypocrisy, but the little time I spent with you, I really considered you as a genuine friend of mine.

Eminem, my words may be a load of crap to you, but they are genuinely from my heart. I know you already informed the military, call them in to take me, but I advise you to leave here as Im definitely not going down without a fight.

As Clark rambled on with all his talks, Eminem was silent as tears threatened to flow from his eyes.

These short minutes he already experienced a truck load of emotions. Clark, it is really painful, he finally said with a sob. My father was a bad man, but he is still the one who gave birth to me. You are right Clark, I already informed the army, but I already started regretting my decision.

Eminem fell silent as he buried his head on his arms for a minute, before Clark interrupted him. What is done is already done Eminem, I already told you to leave, Im not going down without a fight.

Ohh, just shut up and follow me Clark. This interruption seemed to touch a nerve as he snapped back at Clark.

You said what? Clark asked for better clarification, as he didnt understand what he meant by follow me.

Follow me fool, or do you want to die? The soldiers are already on their way. Clarks brain worked fast as he quickly stood up, he was not a fool. Not comprehending once was acceptable, but twice was doing injustice to his intelligence.

He quickly followed as Eminem led him out through another hidden door of the bar that he didnt even know about.

Eminem, you really plan on helping me escape, Clark asked again for the 5th time as he just could not comprehend this guys thought process. Just now he was crying about his fathers death, now he was helping him escape.

Clark, stop talking and follow me before I change my mind. Clark immediately kept quiet on hearing this, as he followed him obediently.

Shit, they are already here, Eminem suddenly cursed as they ran back inside. After hearing Eminems explanation, Clarks heart was already pounding as he held his automatic pistols a little tighter.

Eminem quickly thought up a plan as he directed the soldiers to a certain direction, through his implant. They took the opposite side, as they immediately hopped on a power bike they saw parked in the garage. Clark hacked the bike easily with his hacking device, as he carried Eminem on the bike while Eminem gave me directions.

Broom!! They rode out of the compound with speed, as Clark accelerated to the direction Eminem showed. As they sped away, Eminem rapidly made some arrangements through his implant. Clark was feeling really weak this time on the road, as his serious injuries from the last battle started affecting him. He started feeling dizzy, but he held on due to his strong desire to survive and live.

The soldiers searching in the bar quickly discovered that something was wrong, as they started pursuing them. Thanks to the lockdown, there was no civilians in the road, no vehicles, so no hold ups as Clark sped forward without any hindrance. This also worked in the Mocan soldiers favor, they shot at them without restraint, as there were no civilians on the road to hinder how frequent they shot.

Awwn!! Eminem grunted in pain from Clarks back, as a bullet hit him on his back. Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! The soldiers shot at them unrelentingly as Clark maneuvered left and right to avoid the gunshots. His eyes lit up immediately as the sea started coming into view. Eminem already ordered for a speed boat earlier, so it was already parked at the sea shore.

As soon as they reached the shore Clark jumped from the bike diving directly into the water, it was not even 10 seconds before he came out climbing into the speed boat.

Eminem received a lot of gun shot injuries as they ran, but Clark was not too worried about him as any Mocan military hospital could treat his injuries within a day. He quickly started the speed boat, fleeing deep into the sea amidst a rain of gunshots from the Mocan soldiers.

The soldiers didnt relent their pursuit as military speed boats quickly came after him in pursuit. He just thanked his God that Eminem did a good job by buying a speed boat coated with exotic armor, or his boat would have sunk long ago from the gun shots.

Clark didnt have a clear direction; he did not even know where he was going but he continued speeding deep into the sea. This was his first time travelling this deep into the sea physically, but he was not completely ignorant as he trained in the sea using virtual simulations when he was still a cadet.

His eyes were bloodshot, as he didnt have a single minute of sleep throughout the last dozen hours while he was exhausted. His sight was already getting too dizzy for him to see clearly, but he hanged on due to his unyielding will to live.

After he was pursued very deep into the sea, the Mocan soldiers finally relented on their pursuit as they already crossed Mocan borders. Clark continued speeding forward without paying much attention to his surroundings, his instincts was just pushing him to get as far away from the republic as possible. After moving for hours on the speed boat, exhaustion and pain finally took control of his consciousness as he fainted on the speed boat.

Here he was, lonely in the sea without any direction and companion, just striving because of the need to survive. As he slept, the speed boat finally ran out of fuel as he drifted about, aimlessly following the wind, not knowing what would befall him the next second.

Stranded without food, no armor, but filled all over with bullet injuries. For the first time in his life, his dying or living was not in his control.

What a world; filled with uncertainties.

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