The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 72: battle art the cobras maneuver

Chapter 72: battle art the cobras maneuver

The Cobras maneuver, Clark muttered in surprise as he recognized the battle art Sonia was using immediately, on seeing it. This battle art was one of the best available in the Sparta republic, and it was not even created there. So, it was very rare, this only made him think more about her background as this battle art was not attainable to soldiers with unimpressive backgrounds like himself.

Clang!! Metallic sounds reverberated as metal spikes came out from her bag, attaching themselves to her clothes. This was the weapons people practicing this battle art used.

Whoosh!! Sonia moved from her position with speed, as she jumped while spinning forward. Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! All the soldiers blocking her path were sliced apart by her spikes like vegetables, as she spun with speed creating a path forward. Clark was astonished, but he didnt linger in one place as he sprinted after her while blocking the bullets flying at them with his shield.

She finally met an opposing high-grade soldier, who advanced forward trying to stop her powerful momentum. Due to the exotic armor, he was wearing it was simply impractical trying to kill him.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! The 1st rank high-grade soldier shot at her with his dual automatic pistols. Sonias figure suddenly blurred, leaving behind an after image as she advanced with speed while dodging or better still curling around the bullets like a Cobra.

The soldier watched in astonishment as Sonia quickly reached his position, after dodging all his bullets. She advanced forward to slap both his ears, with both her hands with force.

Bam!! Despite the protection from the armor, the soldier grew dizzy as he started seeing stars while his pistols fell from his unsteady hands. Despite this, Sonia couldnt kill him quickly, so she grabbed him and threw him backwards with a suplex throw, while conveniently catching his 2 automatic pistols.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! She reaped lives of the nearby soldiers while slashing others with her spikes as she advanced forward.

Captain Briggs finally made it to the teleportation field, but he didnt escape immediately as he wanted to help his soldiers. He first helped the one closer to him, the Corporal as she also safely reached the teleportation field bloodied all over. They didnt leave, but tried to help both Clark and Sonia reach the teleportation field. After withstanding a huge amount of damage, Clarks shields energy finally depleted as it deactivated.

Its now or never, Clark repeated his short pick-up phrase, before executing his battle art. This time, it was not his first battle art he executed, he executed The Frenzied maneuver as he already mastered it.

The Frenzied maneuver was a very straightforward battle art, it increases your strength and speed enormously by performing some specific actions. After weeks of learning, he finally learnt his second battle art.

Boom! Whoosh! Whoosh! Clark hacked, sliced and cut with his sword as all the soldiers around him started dying in droves. After months of training, he noticed that he had a boost in every aspect comprehensively.

This is my first time using my full strength after a while, he thought in silence. Blood and body parts lingered behind him, as he advanced forward with Sonia, they already received some gunshot injuries as their opponents were not idle either.

After battling for countless minutes, it was now remaining 30 seconds before the warship leaves, but there was still some distance between them and the teleportation field. Looking at their back, youll only see a sea of blood and body parts. After a huge mental calculation session, Clark discovered that if no radical decisions were taken, they would not make it in time.

Clark was already starting to feel quite desperate, he held tightly onto his nerves as they continued dragging closer. His mind was already working on overdrive to get a solution, but there was none. He suddenly remembered his dream, but he forcefully discarded it to the back of his mind as thinking of that would bring no solutions. His mind was thinking of a million different things at the moment.

Is this how Im going to end, Clark thought. He suddenly regretted his decision to join this suicide mission. All these thoughts were just the minor ones in his mind, the majority of his mind power revolved around the thought of Sonia dying with him. He didnt know when, but he knew that he was already in love with this girl he encountered by fate.

Even the mere thought of seeing her gasping for life felt just like a needle piercing his heart. Today, Clark made one of the most radical decisions of his life, he rapidly came up with a message and sent it to her implant through his own, before he finally steeled his mind.

Sonia also already calculated their hopes of surviving, the result was disheartening but she still persevered. To her, dying together with Clark in the battlefield was not too bad a result, at least theyll be recognized as war heroes. And maybe, theres a tiny chance that a miracle will happen and theyll be saved. As she ran with Clark, she suddenly noticed a change in his demeanor.

Boom!! She didnt even have the time to comprehend what was happening before she was hit by a bullet from Clark. She was first surprised, before she immediately understood when she felt no pain but saw herself moving forward with speed, Clark used his other battle art on her. That bullet fired was a pressure filled bullet, the momentum brought from the bullets pressure was what was carrying her forward.

Boom!! Boom!! Whoosh!! Clark shot a myriad of bullets at all the soldiers blocking her path as he completely forgot about defending himself.

No!!! Sonia shouted as pain engulfed her heart, she wanted to go back but she couldnt as she quickly disappeared with the Captain and Corporal. The teleportation field finally disappeared. The battle came to a sudden halt, as the opposing soldiers turned to glare at him.

Surrender, the teleportation field already disappeared. The one who seemed to be the leader said in a domineering tone as he glared at Clark. Clark grinned at them as all his fears mysteriously left him.

So that you can parade me around the state, before executing me, right?. He asked with a chuckle. Dream on. Even if I die, you will not have an easy time, I promise you that.

He immediately resumed his battle art after saying this, as he rushed into a dark corner nearby.

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