The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 70: assassination successful

Chapter 70: assassination successful

Boom!! Shit, the captain cursed as he backed out an order for his soldiers to take cover. The boom sound was a gunshot sound from a hidden sniper, another undiscovered variable. A random sniper was nowhere close enough to earn a curse from Captain Briggs, but that one shot destroyed one of their comrades brain.

All of the soldiers including Clark reacted fast as they hid behind structures in the mansion, while they searched in horror for the mysterious shooter.

Hes a 3rd rank high-grade soldier, equipped with a top-notch sniper rifle, Captain Briggs announced displaying his experience and keen observation ability, as he recognized the strength level of their opponent just from the angle and positioning of the shot. Despite them hiding, the Governor couldnt run as some of Clarks teammates used their various ranged battle arts to incapacitate and restrain him despite his turtle shell defense.

Doing this was a disadvantage to them as time was not on their side, but the hidden snipers weapon was just too strong. One shot was all it took to obliterate a soldier on exotic armor. Clark and the other soldiers gradually calmed down as the captain directed them, on how theyll attack without exposing themselves.

Boom!! They didnt even finish arranging their formation and moving, before another bullet was released at them. Fortunately, the shot was fired at a 2nd rank high-grade soldiers from the Spartan army, despite the speed of the bullet the soldier revealed his skill as a Spartan, he responded extremely fast as he twisted himself with speed.

Ptui!! Blood flowed as his left arm was obliterated into a bloody mess, the soldier survived the shot as he removed his head fast enough.

He is in the 9 0clock position at the east, Captain Briggs finally deduced this snipers position.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! All the soldiers responded fast as they unleashed hell on that position, the finally saw the shooter on black. He hastily dodged as most of the bullets barely scratched his armor, Clark and some other ranged specialists positioned themselves in better angles as they aimed at the position where he rolled to.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! They shot at him with pin point accuracy, he finally tried jumping down from the elevated platform he was on, after noticing that the firepower his armor was receiving was too much.

Unfortunately for him, he was facing well trained high-grade soldiers of the Spartan republic, blood flowed as he received 3 shots to his chest, his armor finally succumbed to the huge firepower. Clark and his squad mates silently rejoiced, as his armor was not as perverted as his sniper rifle. Despite the concentrated fire on him, he still escaped as he jumped down immediately disappearing.

FOCUS FIRE ON THE GOVERNOR, Captain Briggs yelled as they acknowledged his order returning to focus again on the Governor. As they tried every means in their disposal to deplete the Governors armor, a voice suddenly interrupted in their network connection.

Captain!! Captain!! Sonias voice sounded flustered on the network channel they established as she spoke hurriedly; the soldiers have broken the security firewall I placed on the door to the secret compartment. The soldiers are storming out, sir we have to retreat the mission is already a failure.

No!!, focus fire on the Governor, his shields energy is almost drained. Captain Briggs didnt even think before he barked out his new order, they were already this close, he was not willing to go back without completing his mission.

Despite his unwillingness to fail, he was even more unwilling to die, his brain was already over heating from thinking and the various calculations he was making, his implant was working at full capacity at the moment.

Captain Briggs suddenly made a decision as he barked out a new order, Stark, Lara, you 2 follow me we are going to get something. Lara and Stark were one of the few Corporals in the squad.

Panic was beginning to settle into Clarks mind, as he remembered his dream. Sonia finally burst out running out of the huge building with speed, as she was being chased by the large number of soldiers the Governor hid. Clark and the other soldiers didnt know what the Captain went to do, but they couldnt disobey orders, so they continued shooting at the Governor.

The huge number of soldiers finally caught up, as they advanced to protect the governor while retaliating at Clarks squad. With the help of the bodyguards of the Governor, they quickly took back the initiative of the battle. The battle quickly became more chaotic, as the innocent Mocans who came to the party died frequently from stray bullets.

Warning!! Your armors durability is now below 10%, Clark received a warning as he continued weaving in and out of the battlefield.

Captain we should retreat, the mission is already a failure, the soldiers complained in their network connection, as the 3rd soldier in our squad died.

As the battle raged on, Clark moved closer to Sonia as they co-operated while killing the enemy normal soldiers in droves. The enemy force was scary, but the majority of them were normal soldiers, so they couldnt finish them straightforwardly.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! As the fight continued 3 extremely loud gun shots suddenly sounded in the battlefield. Clark felt a chill go down his spine, as he could never forget the sound of the mysterious soldiers sniper rifle. It felt like things were slowed down, as the whole battlefield became eerily silent to him.

The 200 soldiers escorting the Governor and shooting at them couldnt believe their eyes as they saw blood blossom from the governors head. 3 shots, were all it took from the absurd sniper rifle to deplete the Governors shields remaining energy. Clark now understood why the captain told them to wait, he went to get the f**cking sniper rifle.

Retreat!! Retreat!! What are you waiting for? Captain Briggs yelled into the network connection as Clark and the other soldiers were jolted from their short distraction.

They didnt dare waste any more time as they all bolted out of the mansion, the Governors soldiers reacted very slowly to what happened as they still couldnt believe that the Governor actually just died.

As they retreated, it seems the virus Clark and Sonia placed on the mansions A.I was finally destroyed. The mansions A.I immediately started retaliating as it witnessed what just happened. Heavy exotic artillery vehicles and vehicles with huge turrets attached to them started emerging from underground to prevent their escape.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! Bullets sprayed out like rain at them, as they hastily left the compound, Clark wanted to curse but he ended up thanking God for their luck as the A.I didnt have the time to erect more defenses or even lock down the mansion. If the mansion was locked down, then forget it, they are all as good as cornered mice.

The state military already knew about the assassination, as all the soldiers in Madara state were mobilized. Some of Clarks squad mates already started cursing themselves for choosing to join in this dangerous mission, the escape part was the real challenge of this operation.

As they escaped, other parts of the Moca republic were also rocked violently as numerous reports of assassination attempts were being reported.

What completely shocked the whole country was the ongoing assault on the presidential villa, 3 ministers in the presidential villa were already dead and the president was currently in danger. His exact status was unknown.

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate. Hey guys, I'll change my book cover today. A friend helped design it, she's also an author. Tinalynge.]

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