The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 67: mission reconnaisance

Chapter 67: mission reconnaisance

They both activated their camouflage devices disguising themselves as regular citizens of the Moca republic. Clark adviced that they should disguise as siblings, but Sonia insisted on us disguising as a pair of lovers. After much argument Clark eventually relented as he finally disguised himself.

Looking at the decision from the bright side, it was not too bad. Clark consoled his ego with this as they quickly located a boutique. He got dressed in a pair of ripped jean trousers and a polo t-shirt, while Sonia got herself dressed also in a pair of tight jean trousers and a polo t-shirt of the same color as the one Clark got.

After some questioning around, they discovered that this town was called Danal, and to their relief this town was very close to the states capital Vegas city. They quickly located a transport vehicle going to the capital.

As they both entered the bus, they drew a lot of stares and attention as it was very rare to see a pair of lovers this young in this era. They were both still 18 years old, this age where there are already life prolonging medications a lot of people enter relationships and get married when they are between 30-50 years of age. Its not an unseen sight, but it was rare hence the attention.

A lot of people in the vehicle admired their young love, while others looked weirdly at them, they didnt mind because this was their goal. They planned on behaving like a pair of young and mischievous honey birds who are from huge backgrounds in the state.

Unlike the Sparta republic, here in the Moca republic being from huge backgrounds dont necessarily mean being from a military background. A lot of Mocans, that are businessmen and do other professions are big men as they can use their money to groom a huge number of soldiers under their family.

In the Spartan republic, soldiers are priceless but people here have a different ideology. But despite this ideology, high-grade soldiers are still indispensable and priceless as this is the age of exotics and technology not the age of businessmen. If you refuse to expand your territory to get more exotics, your neighboring countries will do just that and swallow up your territory.

After about 10 minutes of driving, they finally reached the capital of Madara state, Vegas city. Vegas city was one of the most developed cities in the Mocan republic due to the states close proximity to the federal capital territory.

Clark, this place is full of people, much more than we estimated, Sonia said as she held his hand.

This gesture from her made Clark cringe as he tried to take away his hand, he quickly suppressed the urge as he inwardly chanted one of his favorite quotes to calm himself down, Aal iiz well, Aal iiz well. Despite his uneasy mind, he agreed with her as the security of this city was also sturdier and tighter than they expected.

For the whole day they didnt do any significant thing as they spent the whole time trying to integrate into the city. As this mission was very important, the Spartan government provided all the soldiers with 100,000 credits each. Spartan currency has almost the same value as Mocan currency, so they were given 100,000 Spartan credits approximately if converted.

Sonia bought a bunch of other identical high-end trending clothes for the both of them to make them look the part as children of influential people. The day was not completely fruitless as they gathered information about where the willful children from huge backgrounds normally visited.

Things went better than expected as they found out that the son of a minister of the Mocan government is celebrating his birthday in 3 days, they both tacitly agreed to go to the birthday celebration. Clark finally reported back to Captain Briggs on their discoveries for the day, as he maintained a network connection always with all the soldiers.

They booked a hotel to spend the night after a whole day of eye service and observation. The next day Clark woke up feeling a little weird, if Im correct its been more than 4 months since I last had a dream. Hmmm, it seems Im lacking inspiration here in this cursed country. He forgot about everything else as he pinned the whole blame on him being in the Mocan republic.

Today they were better equipped with information so they went to party in a small joint where most of these rich children frequented. They had a great day, no serious problems and most especially they finally made their first rich friends.

It was a blonde-haired boy named Frank Rinklin, Clark befriended him and Sonia naturally befriended his girlfriend. They chatted a bit and enjoyed themselves throughout the day. Clark knew they did a good job from this alone as they got home feeling happy, Frank Rinklins father was a close friend to the governor of the state.

As their mission progressed, Sonia also tried progressing her private mission but Clark repeatedly rejected her. Sonia Im sorry for behaving like this, but I think were just too young for this. To be sincere youre beautiful, I mean it, but I cant be your boyfriend. Ive never talked to a girl like this, youre the only one. If it was 5 years from now then thats a different case.

Clark you mean youll be my boyfriend 5 years from now? Sonia suddenly raised her voice as she asked in an excited tone.

Cough, cough, no Sonia thats not what I meant. I meant that Ill consider it if it is 5 years from now. Clark replied awkwardly as he tried without much result to keep a serious expression on his face.

Sonia completely ignored Clarks last sentence as she skipped cheerfully to the bathroom, Clark remember, in 5 years youll be my boyfriend.

Clark didnt know why, but he used smiling to express his helplessness as he shook his head. He finally transferred information of their progress to Captain Briggs, which he repeatedly praised them for.

Clark felt happy and fulfilled as he was finally contributing to the downfall of the Moca republic. That night he finally had a dream, but it was not a good one. He dreamt of himself being captured together with Sonia, by the Mocan military forces.

Their squad fought hard but his teammates broke ranks as soon as their Captain was caught by the Mocan soldiers. 12 of his squad mates escaped leaving the remaining 8 of them to be captured by the opposition. But despite these setbacks and their unknown fate, Captain Briggs was still satisfied as they succeeded in killing the governor of Madara state.

On the day of their execution, Captain Briggs spearheaded an escape plan he made. They successfully escaped but 5 of their comrades died, Clark was also shot as he blocked a bullet aimed at Sonia. He woke up with sweat all over him as he couldnt sleep again because of the nightmare.

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