The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 65: the baldhaired captain

Chapter 65: the baldhaired captain

Clark this decision you made is terribly wrong, Leo could not help but say again for the 5th time during the short time they walked back. Do you think your parents will be happy if they see you from heaven diving head deep into trouble because of them?

Forget it bro, I already made up my mind. If they really wanted me not to do this, then they wouldnt have died, Clark replied as he quickly prepared his things.

After a lot of fruitless persuasion Leo finally relented as he glared at Clark. I do not give you permission to die, remember I havent given you the wife I promised.

Clark involuntarily smiled on hearing this as he turned to glare at him, who asked you for a wife get one for yourself.

Youre just 18 and you keep talking about wife and girlfriends. General Maks is over 60 years old but is still single, cant you emulate him? Clark asked which made both Leo and Benny burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Unlike Leo, Benny didnt say much, he just wished Clark Goodluck.

It was already over 8 minutes before Clark was ready. Goodbye guys I hope Ill see you sometime later, Im off to protect the republic. He said with a smile as he pressed the done button on his wrist watch, his vision darkened suddenly for a moment before he reappeared in a dimly illuminated chamber.

On arriving Clark felt someone staring at him which caused him to look to his right. He was confused to see Corporal Mark glaring at him like he killed his father. Hmmm, weird whats wrong with this guy, as his thoughts already started drifting off to know what happened, he was stunned as the door of the chamber suddenly started opening slowly.

Cough, cough, Clark coughed involuntarily while trying to avoid Marks gaze awkwardly as he finally understood what happened. This guy probably rushed to prepare and finish under a minute, trying to impress the General with his speed but he had to wait in this cold chamber as the both of them were expected to go at the same time, so the door was locked to him.

After trying hard to diffuse the tense atmosphere Clark finally led the way as they walked forward after the door opened completely. Wow, Clark exclaimed in surprise as he entered a completely unexpected environment.

Despite clearly knowing that this was a warship, he felt like he just entered a mansion, even Corporal Mark couldnt hide his amazement under his poker face as his eyes twitched a little. Despite how awed they were, they were both soldiers, they could not act like country bumpkins, they had a little something called reputation to uphold.

Clark forcibly controlled himself on seeing the huge number of soldiers and people of other occupations discussing, while others walked around. The huge mansion like hall was completely filled with people, the people stopped to look at them very briefly before they continued their work.

Beep!! It was at this point that their wrist watch finally beeped showing them a direction to go to. Clark silently followed Corporal Mark as they walked towards the direction their watch showed. As Clark followed, he finally had the time to secretly admire his surroundings while commanding his implant to take photos of the surroundings.

Man, Clark screamed inwardly as he admired the splendidness of this heaven. This is undoubtedly the most beautiful place Ive ever been to, he thought in awe.

Blueish white light shone down from the top of the warship illuminating the whole place, giving a beautiful but cold tone to the surroundings. All the soldiers and other workers were either talking casually or going into a different chamber. Clark didnt have the time to admire forever as his wrist watch suddenly beeped again.

This time the watch directed the both of them to a door, the Corporal didnt even think first as he went to knock on the door directly, he already returned to his usual silent and sagelike behavior. On seeing so many people, Mark knew that he was probably just one among the multitude to the General, he was not going to be noticed anytime soon so he recovered his usual self.

The door automatically opened as soon as Corporal Mark knocked. Good morning squad 008, this squad will be completed today, as soon as they both entered an emotionless voice suddenly announced as the sound spread throughout the whole room. Clark keenly recognized that this was probably the warships A.I speaking.

The voice continued, welcome your new comrades, Sergeant Clark and Corporal Mark. As soon as the voice of the A.I finished Clark and Mark received a lot of data transferred directly to their implant. Clark stood petrified in one place as he listened to the new information processed by his implant as fast as possible.

A video was played in his head through his implant, he recognized the owner of the voice, General Bakash. This is warship G-14 of the Spartan army; the Spartan army is recruiting 200 high-grade soldiers for a mission deep into the Mocan republic territory. According to estimates made by the government, there is an 80% chance that the Mocan republic will claim a small part of our territory this invasion which is unacceptable to the Spartan republic.

You and 199 other lucky high-grade soldiers choose to participate in this mission. I call you lucky because, Im leading you all on a mission to assassinate high Mocan government officials and if possible, the president which is unprecedented since the beginning of both countrys existence.

Clark slightly expected this, but this still successfully shocked him to his very bone marrow. Unlike the Sparta republic, the Moca republic does not elect their president based on strength. The current president of the Moca republic is a successful businessman whose influence have spread towards all the neighboring countries.

Despite him being a normal human being, the amount of protection alone he has is top notch in the whole Moca republic, the inclusion of his many personal military forces is that, he is basically impenetrable and unkillable.

If you have any question ask the warships A.I, G-14. Try to integrate with the other high-grade soldiers in your squad. The inclusion of you 2 makes your squad a complete squad of 20 high-grade soldiers. Goodluck soldier, be always prepared for battle, from General Bakash.

Clark finally snapped out of his daze only to find Corporal Mark glaring at him again. Clark coughed as he tried to ignore him this time while going forward to greet his new teammates. 2nd rank high-grade soldiers have a really terrifying mind he probably finished his video for a while, Clark thought, finding it funny.

Good morning guys, Clark finally greeted with a smile.

Good morning, Mark also greeted as this was not the Python military division where he could ignore others without any repercussions.

Since when the A.I first announced their arrival the soldiers in the room already stopped their activities as they all curiously looked at their new squad mates.

You are both welcome, I am Captain Briggs, Im the leader of this squad. A bald haired man answered with a smile as he stood up.

This is our captain, Clark thought in amazement. The mans bald head made his announcement look extremely funny.

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