The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 61: clarks first time using a battle art

Chapter 61: clarks first time using a battle art

The Mocan soldier finally weaved into a car as he yelled at the driver to move. He grinned as he felt the exotic sword which he got from this unexpected encounter. Youre still too green to stop me, he said before he was startled as he heard screaming sounds all around him.

Tu!! Tu!! Tu!! Boom!! Boom!! Clark wielded his 2 form-gun in its machine gun configuration as he unleashed a myriad of different bullet shots. All the cars obstructing his way floated up due to the anti-gravity bullets hitting them, he ordered his soldiers to shoot at their now vulnerable fuel tanks as he sprinted below the cars while shooting at other cars.

Clark released emp bullets at other group of cars as their engines directly switched off. He hasnt mastered the battle art completely yet, so he couldnt combine shooting these unique bullets and normal bullets interchangeably yet.

But he was not alone, as his unique bullets stopped and disoriented the opposition his soldiers shot at the now defenseless men as they started dying in droves.

Clark succeeded in keeping all the vehicles from escaping as the cars exploded frequently due to the heavy firepower his soldiers unleashed. He was already surrounded in a sea of fire from the explosions as he focused on finding the Mocan soldier while maintaining a steady output of bullets using the battle art. At this moment, he looked just like a grim reaper harvesting lives as his sacrifices.

Whoosh!! Clark finally noticed a shadow rush out of the sea of burning vehicles and people as he stopped his battle art immediately. He sprinted forward pursuing the shadow as he changed his load again to normal bullets.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Clark fired at the escaping person as he quickly closed in on him. Ptui! Ptui! His bullets finally connected as holes filled his opponents head, blood rained down like a waterfall from his head as he fell down.

Clark was excited as he ran closer to check but he immediately realized something was wrong after having a closer look, this person was wearing another cloth and most especially he died too easily for a high-grade soldier. This person is just a distraction, Clark immediately understood as his brain quickly geared into overdrive. He looked to his right and saw a tall tree by the road.

Clark kept his gun in his back as he brought out his 2 new daggers to help him climb the tall tree faster. He quickly scaled up the tree as he supported himself with a branch of the tall tree. He brought out his 2 form-gun as he quickly changed it to the sniper configuration.

He increased the snipers vision range to the maximum as he checked around. After 15 seconds of checking, Clark grinned while also sighing in relief as he finally saw his target, he was already over 2km away as he sprinted despite his injuries. Clark focused completely as he aimed at him after confirming his identity from his uniform, this will probably be my first Mocan soldier casualty, he thought.

Boom!! Clark released the bullet as it swiftly flew forward, through the magnified view of the sniper rifle he saw his opponents brain matter splatter out as he fell down. He quickly scaled down the tree while giving a command to his subordinates.

A soldier quickly drove one of the military vehicles to where Clark stood, he entered as the soldier drove forward to the direction, he showed him. They finally reached where the Mocan soldier laid dead, lying in a pool of his own blood.

Clark further confirmed that it was him from the presence he exuded despite being dead. He looked at him for 10 seconds before collecting back his weapon. He naturally also took this guys armor and exotic sword, he grinned on checking the armor. Inside he found a pair of exotic daggers, a bunch of exotic throwing knives and a bunch of exotic explosives.

Clark snapped a picture of the Mocan soldier as evidence before he returned to the military checkpoint with his subordinate soldier. On reaching there the battle was already over as his soldiers already started cleaning the battlefield up.

The commotion from the battle already drew a crowd of people as they finally had the guts to take videos and pictures of the scene after they confirmed that the situation was under the soldiers control. But Clark restricted them from broadcasting it immediately until their investigations are over.

Of the over 50 escorts who attacked his squad, only 7 survived as his soldiers hand cuffed them, all the others died in the battle. Unfortunately, Clark lost 2 soldier lives this battle, he was deep in thought as he came down from the vehicle.

Burry all the dead attackers, Clark ordered. The soldiers looked at him with genuine admiration this time as he saved their lives and he crowned it all after telling them that he killed the Mocan high-grade soldier.

Some of them were looking at him with fanatic gazes already before he left to the room provided to him in the military checkpoint. The soldiers worked on burying the dead as cleaning bots were brought to clean all the debris and dirt from the battle. The road was damaged from the battle so they simply called for a road manufacturing company. They came and fixed the road in less than an hour, a result of increased technological skill.

After all the hustle and bustle from the battle Clark finally had time for himself. He had a lot of reasons to be happy from the outcome of this battle, first of all he was happy for the successful kill. Secondly, he discovered that he improved a lot in the use of the battle art after his first real battle.

I guess you improve faster with real battle experience but the cost is too much, Clark thought in resignation. He also felt lucky for buying new higher-grade bullets for his battle art, he already sold the old ones that he stole to get this better one.

A Mocan soldier appearing this deep in the Spartan republic territory, I guess the government was right Afterall about their new invasion plan. Those people who escorted him, there is a high chance that they are the thugs of some powerful individual or company who was bribed by the Mocan military.

Some Spartans are getting really more daring, I hope the military gets the identity of the secret helpers, Clark thought as his face scrunched up into a frown.

After all his silent musings Clark finally delegated attention to the loot that he gained from this battle.

Battles are really the best way for soldiers to earn money, it is also the fastest way for soldiers to die. He muttered in surprise.

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