The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 59: clarks first encounter with a mocan soldier

Chapter 59: clarks first encounter with a mocan soldier

The next day, Clark and his bros woke up feeling refreshed. They officially reported for duty today, as high-grade soldiers they were sent to different military checkpoints.

Clark was sent to a military checkpoint in a small town in east Delhi. He was assigned as the overall leader of the soldiers in the checkpoint. He felt kind of weird as he became the leader of soldiers some of which were old enough to be his father or mother.

Despite feeling that way, Clark still performed his duties to the best of his ability as he made sure that all the soldiers were performing their duties by thoroughly inspecting all the vehicles passing the checkpoint. He didnt bring his car as there were military cars provided by the division, he didnt want to feel and behave too special on his first day at work.

Most of the time he didnt have anything doing so he just studied his battle art while simulating it inwardly through his implant. He studied and practiced through his implant for the majority of the day as there was no emergency requiring his attention.

During this time, his squad caught 2 vehicles transporting hard drugs, they detained them before handing them over to the police. The day passed uneventfully as Clark returned with his squad to the military base while they were replaced by the night shift soldiers.

After getting back Clark wrote down his squads time of return as well as writing that his squad survived no casualties. This squad was placed directly under his care, as its leader and sergeant he had to take care of the squad soldiers and protect them. After filling his record for the day, Clark went back to his room where he saw Leo and Benny already back.

They greeted as Clark quickly dove down eating the food that Benny prepared; they shared their days experiences as he ate. After eating Clark also shared his experience, surprisingly Bennys squad actually encountered a group of bandits.

The squad stopped them as they killed most of the bandits while capturing the few who surrendered. Despite the action, Benny didnt get to act as they were local bandits wielding only ordinary weapons. The soldiers under him easily controlled the situation.

After all their idle gossips they finally slept. The next day before going to his checkpoint with his squad Clark paid as he dropped his shield for its energy to be recharged. Clarks routine continued as he went to his checkpoint every day, working as a high-grade soldier is simply too convenient, this was the joyful thought occupying his mind for most of the time now.

After days of practice Clark finally started getting a hang of the battle art as he tried considerably better than days ago in his recent simulation practices. Just a little harder work and Ill master my first battle art, he thought excitedly.

Clarks boring streak of only studying, practicing and supervising his subordinates finally ended today as his squad faced their first major challenge and it was clearly not an ordinary one. The long line of vehicles was passing by and they happened to pass through his checkpoint.

They first claimed that they worked for a certain influential company in the Sparta republic. When they saw how unyielding Clarks soldiers were during the supervision they directly attacked. Fortunately, all soldiers had armor, despite them being of a lower tier than Clarks exotic armor they can still withstand some firepower.

Unlike Clark and Leo who received good exotic armor, some soldiers graduate with ordinary armor which is still better than terrorists or any private organization can provide. Their armor is better than the best bullet proof vest of the 21st century. Leo and Clark graduated from the 2nd best military training base in Southern Sparta unlike most of these soldiers.

Some of the slightly unique soldiers with low-grade exotic armor stepped up as they led the assault. What was astonishing was that some of the men in this company actually had exotic armor which made things more complicated. Where did this group come from? This was the question on every soldiers mind.

The battle became heated as both sides rapidly exchanged fire, Clarks soldiers were better trained so there were no casualties on his side unlike the men from the opposition who already started dying despite some of them wearing armor. Clark finally got ready for battle as his men were clearly struggling.

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!! Bam!! Bam!! All it took was 5 bullet shots from Clark as the first soldier on exotic armor died from the opposition. Chaos quickly grew in the opponents formation as Clark killed 2 other men from their side. All it took was one shot from his exotic sniper rifle as the ones with ordinary armor died in droves. His soldiers became motivated on seeing this as they fought harder killing more men from the other side as they witnessed their new sergeant fight for the first time.

As Clark killed in the battle, he saw a suspicious man among the men from the self-proclaimed company as he maneuvered his way closer to where his men shot from behind their military vehicles and blockades. Clark turned to shoot at him but focused on him too late as he sprinted closer to his soldiers ranks.

The soldiers reacted fast by shooting at him but his armor surprisingly held as he unsheathed his sword and sliced down.

Dodge, Clark suddenly shouted into the military communicator but the targeted soldier reacted late and was slashed cleanly in 2 without any ounce of resistance.

Hes a high-grade soldier, Clark announced. Form the counter formation immediately, he ordered in a tone filled with authority.

The military created some tactics which are slightly effective against high-grade soldiers, this was to help the normal soldiers not become too completely clueless in a battle between high-grade soldiers.

Things just got a lot more complicated as the soldier didnt bother hiding his identity again.

A Mocan soldier, Clark blurted out in surprise as his eyes gradually became bloodshot on seeing the uniform, that he loathed the most.

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