The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 56: an unexpected ambush

Chapter 56: an unexpected ambush

Benny cheered with others as Leo scored his 4th goal. The strange person also acted using this opportunity as he pretended to cheer while pushing Benny from where he sat down.

Benny sat at the very top of the stadium seats and some people also sat below him. He was thrown off guard as he fell down but as a high-grade soldier, he reflexively balanced himself by doing a back flip. Bam!! He landed in a row below the one a group of girls sat, the girls jumped in fright and shock as someone flew over them landing on their front.

Im sorry, I didnt mean it, Benny quickly apologized before he glared at the man who pushed him.

Im sorry, it was a mistake, the man answered before leaving. Benny was confused but quickly forgot about it as he continued his cheering.

The game finally ended as the day started getting dark. After having some idle talks with his old friends Leo came as they finally left. Clark already booked a hotel where they parked the car. After getting back to the hotel they ordered food, ate and slept peacefully after watching a movie.

The next day they just walked around the town before coming back to the stadium around 4:00pm to play another round of football. It was already the 3rd day as they continued touring around, 2 days ago the commander already knew that Benny is a high-grade soldier so he altered his plans a little. The 3rd days football game was far more exciting as Clark broke his record, scoring a hat-trick.

After a long day of playing, they finally started going as Clark continually blabbered about how Messi-like he was, scoring goals here and there. Leo and Benny laughed his talks off as they continued walking forward, unknowingly to them some pairs of eyes watched them stealthily from the dark.

Boom!! The air suddenly rippled as Clark immediately noticed a sharp looking sword stabbing at his head. He felt goosebumps all over as he quickly dodged while his armor activated instantly.

Clang!! The sound of metal scraping metal sounded loudly as Clark fell back while Leo and Benny became alert, their armor also activating. Another soldier jumped out of a nearby building as the 2 soldiers quickly attacked Leo and Benny.

Clark was confused, I thought they aimed at me first but now they are suddenly attacking Leo and Benny. He could not comprehend these peoples thought process at all.

Where did all these high-grade soldiers come from, Leo and Benny thought inwardly with surprise. What made them more resentful was that their weapons were kept in their bags in the car, only their daggers and other small weapons which could be kept in their armor was with them.

Clark wasnt given the opportunity to think further as a 3rd soldier emerged wielding 2 swords. The soldier attacked him without hesitation as he suddenly heard a gunshot from above his head.

Its a sniper, what can 1 bullet do when Im in my armor, Clark soliloquized in a perplexed tone. He rolled back quickly dodging the first blow but he became astonished as the soldier moved faster than he did. Whoosh!! Blood flowed as the soldier slashed at him with his other sword carving an injury on his abdomen.

Awnn!! Clark groaned in pain as he jumped back in horror with recognition written clearly on his face. Its you, he asked?

You should have expected it, the commander replied back coldly as he prepared to continue his attack. Clark wouldve fought on bravely on a fair situation but he recognized the battle art the hidden shooter used The deads echo. It was the same battle art that Benny bought and was now learning.

The battle art was used to mainly decapacitate strong opponents and to restrain them. The bullet shot at him was an armor nullifying bullet which could render his armor ineffective for 5 seconds. Fighting a higher ranked soldier was on its own a disadvantage, the addition of this exponentially increased the difficulty of his survival.

Clarks armor already recovered as he brought out his 2 exotic daggers. Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Shockwaves swept the sand away as he moved backwards while trying to block the commanders assault. His brain geared quickly into overdrive as he thought of ways to prevent the ranged specialist from aiming at him.

Tu!! Another bullet hit him as he jumped back in panic, a bullet was simply too fast and till now he had not discovered the snipers position. The shooter was clearly an elite Clark thought in trepidation, he jumped back but the commander was faster as he gave him another cut to his chest. A combination of this kind of sniper with a melee fighter was clearly a cheat, his armor was basically being rendered useless.

Ahh!! Clark screamed involuntarily as the pain felt unbearable. Tu!! Tu!! He hastily dodged despite the pain as the shooter released another two bullets at him, they were normal sniper bullets this time. He prevented the bullets from hitting his vital organs but he still flew back from the momentum as they incapacitated his left hand.

Leo and Benny finally realized the severity of the situation as the battle was too fast paced. Leo suddenly bashed his opponent carelessly with his body to try rushing forward to help his friend but his opponent was too experienced as he calmly restrained him. Ahh!! Clark cried out again in pain as the commander stabbed his abdomen, he summoned strength as he jumped back while giving a command inwardly through his implant. Now he was completely bloodied all over.

Somewhere in the hotel where Clarks car was parked. Zoom!! The car suddenly started on its own as its lights lit up. Master is in danger, master requires assistance, the emotionless voice of the A.I sounded as the car reversed with speed and accelerated towards the gate.

It looked like the car was planning to bash the gate but the A.I already hacked the hotels security. Kwang!! The gates opened as the car drove off with speed. The security man finally realized something was wrong as he ran outside, who opened the gate he asked in surprise?

The man received no reply as he coughed which was a consequence caused by the dust left by the car. He glanced forward and all he could see was a red light that became fainter by the second, the light finally left his vision as the car disappeared from his view.

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate. Please if there is any problem with the translation quality or there is any wrong spelling or sentence, indicate I'll try to fix it immediately.]

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