The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 50: the python military division

Chapter 50: the python military division

A week later after all the hustle and bustle created from the graduation ceremony Clark was finally assigned to a military division of the Spartan army. After graduation all the new soldiers are to be sorted out there in the Southern Sparta military headquarters where theyll be assigned to different military divisions. Clark applied to be in the same division as Leo which was finally processed and approved after a week of waiting.

200 soldiers were assigned to each military division bolstering their ranks. Clark, Leo and 198 others were assigned to the Python military division in Delhi city. 200 of them sat in the military airplane as they flew to Delhi city. They finally arrived after 6 hours of travelling.

After arriving they were led straight to the assembly ground which was already filled with thousands of soldiers as an emergency assembly was formed after their arrival.

The leader of this military division is a high-grade soldier called Captain Daniel; he is a soldier with the 3rd breakthrough under his belt just like Captain Spoky who recently became Lieutenant Spoky. Captain Daniel was a middle-aged soldier probably younger than Lieutenant Spoky Clark figured. They saluted him before saluting their new fellow soldiers.

Captain Daniel sternly looked at them as he said, soldiers welcome to the Python military division. We already know your identities so no need for introduction. From this alone they knew that their new superior was a very direct man.

Here in the Python military division, I entertain no complacency and no disobedience or stubbornness. I expect every soldier under me to respect and obey me no matter your background. I will personally punish any new disobedient soldier, he continued coldly.

Sergeant Clark, Sergeant Leo, Sergeant Benny we welcome you to our military division. The thousand or so soldiers immediately saluted as they greeted the 3 of them. Sergeant Benny was also a new high-grade soldier who graduated with us but was from a low ranked military training base.

The Captain continued after the exchange of greetings, all the new soldiers, you are all expected to do anything you want and socialize with your fellow soldiers for a week before you officially report for duty. The 3 new sergeants should follow me to the hall for the high-grade soldiers assembly.

The captain directly turned around walking to the hall as they quickly followed him. About a minute later they reached the base hall where they found some soldiers already seated. The captain went to the forefront of the hall and sat on the luxurious chair there as the 3 new high-grade soldiers stood before him.

Good evening soldiers, he greeted.

Good evening captain, Clark, Leo and Benny greeted back.

You are welcome again, these soldiers seated here are going to be your comrades, the Captain spoke while facing them.

We have 18 high-grade soldiers in this military base including me, the addition of the 3 of you will make us 21. Mark and Clinton there are my second in commands, they both already have their 2nd breakthrough. The other 15 are of the same rank as you are, try to socialize and mingle with them.

The great Clark, your legendary achievement already spread throughout the whole division, the captain suddenly said. Your achievement is indeed great, yes but here we dont talk with points, we talk with our fists. A lot of the people here are very eager to challenge you, dont disgrace your medals. You have a week to settle down and finish all of your side necessities before you officially resume.

The 3 of them didnt linger again after the talks as they directly left after the captain informed them to read the military divisions guide. Before leaving most of the high-grade soldiers came to greet them as they entered small conversations before, they left. The other high-grade soldiers simply nodded in greeting at them before they left. Clark, Leo and Benny were assigned to stay in the same building as the quickly located the building. The house was very wide and luxurious, it was a 3-bedroom apartment built for the divisions high-grade soldiers.

They were tired so they just lied down on the sofa while Leo and Clark asked Benny to tell them about himself after telling him about themselves. Benny was older than the both of them, he was already 20 years old this year. His mother is a doctor while his father is a factory worker. His father works in a nutrient pack producing company.

His parents were fairly average in terms of wealth and age, they were still middle-aged. His parents didnt save money for him like Clarks parents, they directly enrolled him in a military training base they could afford.

He was also very passionate about being a soldier, his mother strongly opposed the decision as she felt that soldiers undergo to much risk. His father was the direct opposite as he readily agreed reasoning that his son will bring more money to the house as soldiers received the highest pay in todays economy.

Clark and Leo were completely speechless as they laughed when they heard about the reasoning of this guys father, so far so well they got along pretty well. They decided to invite him as they both planned to go on a tour with Clarks new car for the free week of grace. Benny readily agreed as they joked about a lot of other things.

Clarks new car was brought to the military division base today before he was handed the keys. After a lot of talks and jokes they finally fell asleep as they were clearly exhausted from jet lag.

Clark slept in peace as he finally fulfilled a highly anticipated dream of being a bonafide soldier of the Spartan republic.

[Thank you for reading this chapter I really appreciate. Please if there is any problem with the translation quality or there is any wrong spelling or sentence, indicate I'll try to fix it immediately.]

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