The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 45: his majesty clarks greatness

Chapter 45: his majesty clarks greatness

Somewhere else a cadet escaped as he sometimes retaliated killing the ordinary soldiers going after him. Only 1 high-grade soldier pursued him with a bunch of ordinary soldiers as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him. I cant die here, I must graduate, I need to be a soldier of the Sparta republic to make my parents proud, he thought as he ran.

His armors durability was already depleted as he received bullet shots. Despite being bloodied all over he persevered as reinforcement finally came, the policemen from the nearby town arrived, they helped him as he survived. I did it, he thought in excitement as he finally fainted from exhaustion.

A girl maneuvered between the encirclement of the terrorist soldiers conveniently killing some as she tried her best to escape. She was the cadet assigned to this terrorist base.

She focused as she forced herself to break through the tight encirclement of soldiers. Fortunately, the high-grade terrorist soldiers disdained to pursue her giving her the perfect opportunity to escape. She finally escaped after a 50 minutes battle of wits.

In a forest covered in trees and weed; a cadet ran with his full might as he tried using the trees as cover to prevent the durability of his armor from going down further.

He was unlucky as the female commander of this terrorist base was launched from her car at him. He tried to dodge but she was a high-grade soldier while he was not. Ptui!! The spear cut him in two as his armors durability finally depleted completely from the blow.

Kid the mistake you made was trying to use my soldiers as training material for your graduation, the female commander said to the corpse beneath her feet. You paid the price for it, she snorted coldly as she went back to the temporary terrorist camp in the forest.

This sort of situations happened in different places to a lot of cadets as they desperately tried to finish their training so that they could graduate.

Leo finally arrived at the military base looking pale and exhausted. He scaled down from the warship as he walked straight to his room.

As soon as Leo entered his room Clark heard the familiar sound made by his friends door as he quickly got up, Leo is back, he blurted out in joy. Clark raced to the opposite room, on reaching there he knocked the door loudly. 10 seconds later a pale looking Leo came to open the door.

Whoa!! Clark was startled as he jumped back in surprise, what happened to you bro? Clark quickly entered the room as Leo went back in, closed the door and listened as Leo narrated his experiences. Leo demanded for Clarks experiences also after he finished but Clark declined asking him to rest first, Leo obeyed as he quickly slept. He was really exhausted this time.

Clark went to the medical section of the base as he bought some pain relievers and anti-bacterial drugs for Leo. Though having a breakthrough provides stronger resistance to diseases and infections at the end we are still humans not some superheroes from some wuxia novel, he muttered. On his way back Clark was surprised as he met Anderson.

Good afternoon Clark, did you just finish your training? Anderson asked on seeing Clark.

Clark fought back the urge to roll his eyes at him, he greeted back politely as he thought, all the cadets who came back is this how clean their uniform is? He finally answered after the short mental tour, no, I already finished mine since.

Oh, ok I finished mine last week.

Clark replied him with a simple ok as he told him that he had something to do before leaving.

Leo woke up in the evening feeling better than when he just came back. Clark already prepared food for him so he ate to his fill before Clark forced him to take the drugs that he bought for him.

After eating and everything Leo finally couldnt hold back his curiosity as he asked about Clarks experience. Clark rubbed his hands gleefully as he excitedly told his friend his story while conveniently exaggerating some parts of his experience to make it more interesting and of course more captivating.

Wow, Leo exclaimed as he ohhed and ahhed throughout the story session. When Clark finally told him about the exotic weapons and armor that he stole, Leo practically worshipped him.

For real Clark? Leo asked for the 10th time since his friends story started. Clark sighed in resignation as he showed Leo their account details. Due to a couple of reasons, Leo and Clark saved a lot of the money they got throughout their training to be used after they graduated.

Leo trusted Clark to the extent of allowing him to safeguard all their money in his bank account and thats what they did. After 3 years of training, they managed to save 15,000 Spartan credits, added to the 10,000 credits Clarks parents prepared for him for his training they had a total of 25,000 credits.

On showing Leo the account balance, this guy practically almost fainted as he saw the amount showing on the screen. The balance showed that they had a total of 93,000 Spartan credits as Clark already sold all his stuff online. Thats a humongous amount of money to any ordinary soldier not including civilians as with this amount of money they are practically billionaires to civilians. According to Clarks childhood pastor, this amount of money can be better referred to as a palm sweating amount of money to civilians.

Man, youre really resourceful, Leo exclaimed again sincerely. Shit man, I dont know what to say thats awesome Clark.

Hahaha thats what I want to hear, Clark said as they both burst out laughing. We are graduating rich Leo, he said again with a grin.

But Clark you really have guts to be thinking of looting during such a situation when others would probably be freaking out. Im beginning to be more impressed and awed by you man. Leo said with the typical Im proud of you son tone.

Your majesty, thou art great oh, accept this humble offering. Leo joked as he suddenly stood up, he pulled his pants down imitating the way it was done in the ancient Indian movie The 3 idiots.

It was simply a gesture of respect sincerely from his heart, Leo felt this was the best way to express it so he did it. Clark on the other hand just rolled his eyes as he chuckled with delight.

[Thank you for reading this chapter I really appreciate. Please if there is any problem with the translation quality or there is any wrong spelling or sentence, indicate I'll try to fix it immediately.]

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