The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 145: boom boom boom

Chapter 145: boom boom boom

Boom!! Captain Oxfords figure flew back rapidly for a moment as he coughed blood pitifully in waves before he was quickly dragged back into the earth-shaking battle by the exobeast.

The 2 Generals of the Diadem and Nadan republic had it even worse, as Drakonous gave them the honor of receiving the most attention. As the strongest, they received the best-reserved portion for the strongest.

They both caught a sorry figure, bloodied all over, as their armors energy reserves were already depleted by this Frankenstein exobeast terror. The only thing now keeping them alive was their various high-grade gadgets and their rich battle experience.

These 3 top-tier high-grade soldiers were now really feeling desperate, as they already figured out the plans of this deadly exobeast.

Drakonous, as an intelligent exobeast, knew that it could not end the three 4th rank high-grade soldiers lives instantly. It also already detected the extremely volatile and energetic bombs that would soon explode, through its sharp senses.

After knowing this, it decided to focus on stalling the 3 soldiers with an arrogant reason.

Im confident in my thick skin, I can tank these bombs without feeling as much as a fierce punch or even a prick of a needle. Can you? With this outrageous mindset, the 3 soldiers were directly placed on the path of doom.

After receiving another short but draining series of injuries, they grew more desperate as according to their calculations, the bombs would explode in less than 30 seconds.

The Spartan Captain already exhausted his protection reserves, so the pressure was now mostly being held by the 2 Generals as they started unleashing their trump cards.

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!! Fierce counter-attacks rained down on the exobeast from their various trump cards, but it only suffered light bruises here and there as its thick skin showed its outrageous protection.

10, 9, 8, Seeing the ominous but despair-inducing countdown, their heartbeats sped up as terror finally started appearing on their faces.

General Mark of the Diadem republic gritted his teeth on seeing this before his eyes started glinting with a dangerous light shortly after as he quickly and decisively made a decision.

He and Captain Oxford were extremely angry with the Nadan General, as he and his soldiers were the cause of all these. If they did not bring that blood sample, perhaps such an outrageously strong exobeast would not have emerged from the depths of the sea.

Captain Oxford suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face, but he suppressed his feelings as he hastily answered the call notification on his military pocket phone. The Diadem General just contacted him.

I will lend it to you. Dont worry, I have a unique protective exotic treasure. After I tie him down, protect me for that short period so that we can both hide under the protection of my shield. General Mark summarized his words as best as he could, showing his sincerity.

I hope you can really be sincere and not botch our only chance of survival. Please. He pleaded with the recently advanced Captain while gritting his teeth, as he quickly explained his plans to him.

7, 6 Got it, let's do it immediately. After checking the time again, Captain Oxford quickly agreed to the proposal as he could only bet his chances on this. He originally already felt that the situation was hopeless, so any survival plan was welcome to him.

Whoosh!! As the battle raged on with Drakonous still firmly suppressing them, before the Nadan General could react, General Mark suddenly closed the distance to his position rapidly.

What the He could not even let out a word before he was enveloped from behind in a hug by the shameless and ruthless Diadem General.

Before his brain could react to allow his struggle, he was shortly distracted as a sharp sword, gleaming under the depths of the water was thrown at the newly advanced Spartan Captain.

It was at this moment that he felt himself being dragged swiftly to the bottom of the main hall of the military research base. He still could not understand what was going on, but he was sure that it was not to his benefit at all.

Captain Oxfords eyes shone brightly under the cover of the shadows in the water, as he kept his sword while advancing closer to grab this new sword that was floating in his direction.

After firmly grabbing the sword, he felt a wave of excitement rush through him as he turned to face the exobeast again. But this time, with a determined expression on his face.

He let loose completely, as he started executing his 2 battle arts simultaneously, while at the same time preparing to execute his self-created technique.

Drakonous was surprised by the humans actions, but it didnt give a damn as it swatted at the one still remaining behind with its dagger-like claws.

Whoosh!! Bam!! Bam!! This seemingly humble sword displayed unmatchable power in the hands of the Spartan Captain, as he stalled the exobeast for 2 seconds before being swatted back down.

Despite still being overpowered, the time he stalled for was extremely precious. His being able to stall was already outrageous enough.

He rapidly disengaged from the exobeast, as he used the momentum from the hit to dive swiftly to meet the 2 Generals at the bottom of the hall. He could only pray that the General would fulfill his promise.

Drakonous did not hinder his disengagement this time, he wrapped itself up with its enormous scaled wings as it could feel that the time for the bam bam was now.

After quickly reaching the bottom, General Mark fulfilled his promise to the Spartan Captain as he welcomed him in before activating an extremely energetic exotic shield above them.

He finally let go of the Nadan General, as the latter floated on top of them, stunned with anger written all over his face.

3,2,1, The Nadan General wanted to roar in anger, but he could only bottle up his frustration as he activated all his other remaining shields to grant himself a layer of protection.

Whirr!! A soft whispering sound seemed to reverberate across the military base for a moment, before extremely bright light shone everywhere, blinding every eye that was still opened.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! The long-dreaded explosion finally followed as the sound shook the foundations of the military base like rolling thunder, echoing along with the flames to all corners of the base.

Drakonous being at the top felt the impact first, as the explosion submerged his tightly wrapped-up form like an egg being cooked in raw fire.

The Nadan General felt it next, as all his erected shields started igniting and popping off like lit candles being subjected to a mighty rushing wind. Their protection lasted only for an instant, only succeeding in weakening the heat waves a bit as he was quickly submerged by fire.

Ahhh!! With a blood-curdling scream echoing around the hall, the General was roasted to death in less than 5 seconds, as his outrageous soldier constitution could hardly lend him any protection.

After getting the brief protection of the Nadan General, the remaining two 4th rank high-grade soldiers left their fate to God and this unique shield that they relied on, as their muscles tightened from tension.

Boom!! The shield surface flickered rapidly from the impact and heat, as it struggled to resist everything being thrown at it.

Captain Oxford did not know what happened next from here, as he fainted directly from the impact of the shockwave to his brain.

On the few convergence rooms. After hearing the loud booming sounds, the trapped soldiers displayed terrified expressions on their faces as they speculated their fates.

They were not allowed to guess for long, as bright white light quickly blinded their vision for a moment. Before shortly being followed by the extremely red-hot fire from the explosion.

Ahhh!! Nightmarish roars of pain escaped from the various convergence rooms, as their inhabitants were all roasted to death in less than 2 seconds after their defenses were swiftly breached.

The lingering aura of death finally harvested its returns, as all these high-grade soldiers were harvested from this world tragically.

After getting outside the military research base again, Clarks multi-purpose boots blasted out blue energy gas at its maximum output as his figure streaked forward rapidly from its surrounding.

He left afterimages behind, as he quickly overtook dozens of the soldiers who escaped before him.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! It was at this moment that the fuse was finally switched over, as the long-expected explosion sound reverberated out before spreading outside the base the next moment.

The water in the surrounding released mist from the extremely hot temperature, others directly evaporating as the red-hot fire spread out its tentacles like a death god of fire releasing its heavenly tribulation punishment on arrogant humans.

Ripples appeared, spreading around the water as the glaciers in the surrounding were melted immediately, indirectly raising the volume of the water.

The Sea reacted fiercely like it was provoked, the water rolled while constricting like a black hole before expanding outwards the next second to create a frightening undersea current.

Clark felt the shock impact hit his brain, as he was barely able to hit his consciousness. Despite this, only joy filled his heart as he narrowly escaped the initial range of the explosion, though it was still expanding.

His expression was grave, as his implant diligently sent him footages of soldiers being roasted to death behind him. He increased his efforts, striving to arrive at the sea surface in the fastest way possible.

The ongoing battle of warships on the sea surface suddenly came to an abrupt halt, as the loud booming sounds of the explosion were finally transmitted to the sea surface.

The eardrums of some ordinary ship crews burst immediately as the sound decibels surpassed their endurance range.

The already unstable water from their battle became more unstable, as the rolling waves and tides became higher, higher, and fiercer.

Some of the more fragile ships operation systems directly botched from the fierce shockwave and pressure impact, as the soldiers watched with pure horror written on their faces.

As the explosion was not visible from up there, they could only picture an image of what was causing this, which was only bringing more horror to their faces.

Boom!! Boom!! They thought it was over, but this was just the initial shockwave. The next and real shockwave finally came to the surface, hitting them hard as some ships armors were directly breached.

Ahhh!! Screams of terrified soldiers echoed across the sea surface, as their comrades died from the shock impacts immediately.

Gloom and death spread across the sea surface, as these fleets finally started reaping the reward of their looting expedition in the way they never expected.

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