The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 136: convergence

Chapter 136: convergence

Under the directions of Captain Oxford, the allied group of soldiers moved forward alertly in the corridor as they firmly kept the integrity of the turtle shell formation. Even if he was a 4th rank high-grade soldier now, he was not ready to take unnecessary risks.

Being alert and maintaining their battle formation, was something that he was not ready to compromise on. Even if it drained their concentration, its benefits could negate its disadvantages.

Just like the other 2 rooms they just passed; no alarm was triggered as they safely arrived at the door leading to the next room.

After having so many experiences already, they were no longer novices as a soldier immediately came out to open the door. He worked fluently, as the door was swiftly unlocked in less than 10 seconds.

Tightly holding his sword in a defensive pose, Captain Oxford moved in first to scout the environment. As soon as he moved in, the other soldiers neatly swarmed in after him, in their battle formation.

Clang!! The sound of their weapons moving in the air reverberated, as they checked their surrounding for any latent threat.

They originally wanted to inquire about what happened, when they saw their leader just standing. But the scene in front of them stunned them as they also froze in surprise.

All of them widened their eyes in surprise, as they saw some of the soldiers from the other fleets that came to the military base with them here.

Though they did not know what was happening, they all raised their caution level as they looked at these soldiers warily. They did not know how and why they were suddenly meeting these guys, they naturally had to take precautions.

On seeing them, it seems the other soldiers did not also expect to see them as surprise became evident on their faces. They all stood up, as their armors dematerialized from their faces to reveal their appearances.

It was at this moment that one of the Captains from this group stormed out to meet them angrily, apparently in a bad mood.

Why are you just arriving now? We had to wait for a whole day. Such imbeciles, which stupid country, bred soldiers like you chickens? I cant As he blabbered on, he suddenly froze in place as Captain Oxford suddenly released his aura.

Did you just insult my country? He asked in a deep tone, as the atmosphere directly became oppressive and toxic.

It seemed like the pause button was pressed on a remote control, as all noise of dissatisfaction and anger calmed down. Gulping sounds replaced it, as the soldiers looked on, shocked.

He did not know what happened, but from the number of soldiers gathered here, he could directly make out that these soldiers were from multiple fleets. They were not together.

And from the battle scars, metallic debris, mechanical soldier parts, and the signs of explosions around, he faintly understood what happened.

On seeing the aggressive and arrogant manner in which this Captain confronted them, he immediately decided to take the forceful route. There was no need to be polite when strength could directly simplify everything.

On feeling the aura being radiated by the leader of this new group of soldiers, the Captain who came angrily and all the others at the side immediately frowned as their expressions became grave and wary.

They never expected the leader of this new group of soldiers to be a 4th rank high-grade soldier. The Captain who confronted them, his back was already filled with cold sweat as he thought of ways to escape his situation.

After gaining the upper hand by utilizing the intimidation factor, Captain Oxford directly asked for the situation here to be explained to him. He pardoned the Captain who tried to insult his country, he knew that picking up petty fights was not beneficial to his cause.

On seeing the way in which he handled the matter, the other group of soldiers heaved a huge sigh of relief as their Captains all came up to explain the situation to him.

From what the Captains said, he was finally able to understand the situation. These people being angry with them was actually not wrong, as their one-day delay already placed them all at a disadvantage.

This room that looked twice as large as the other rooms they entered, was some kind of convergence room. 5 groups of soldiers that took different passages are supposed to converge here if they could survive the initial rooms.

This room was the key room, to gain access to the deeper parts of the military base. Due to their delay, of the 5 groups of soldiers that are supposed to converge here, only these 4 groups were able to come on time.

This resulted in them fighting a battle, that was originally designed for 5 different groups of soldiers. After losing a lot of resources, they were finally able to emerge victoriously.

Despite not losing any soldier, the loss was too much for them to handle, since they clearly knew that another group was supposed to be here and help them.

After resting and waiting for 6 hours, they thought the last group of soldiers was already annihilated from the previous rooms.

Despite feeling it was a pity, they decided to leave them behind. But to their surprise, the energy signature of five 3rd rank high-grade soldiers was required to open the door to the next area.

So, they could not do anything but curse their luck and wait hopelessly for a miracle as only the 4 leaders were Captains. After a whole day of waiting, they already lost hope, they did not expect to meet them now.

On seeing them, they were all unhappy and outraged. The others were able to restrain their emotions, but that Captain was not able to do it which brought the awkward situation.

From the account of these soldiers, the Spartan/Dawn alliance soldiers were able to know how lucky their allied group was.

Of the 4 groups of soldiers who converged in this room, they all lost a minimum of 4 soldiers in their way here. The group with the worst luck directly lost 6 of their soldiers, losing more than half of their strength.

Their allied group of soldiers losing only 4 soldiers was already extremely good, as it meant that they lost only 2.5 soldiers when divided individually.

After understanding the situation, Captain Oxford directly told them to prepare themselves that he and his soldiers were ready to depart.

He felt a faint sense of urgency. If the words of the soldiers were correct, then the other group of soldiers probably already had a head start over them in the vault looting.

After all their experiences, he already came to a conclusion. This was a biological research base, but the resources here were very worth them coming here for the loot.

He naturally did not want to fall into a disadvantage before the main battle to get the loot begins. All his thoughts were on escaping previously, but his breakthrough in strength granted him much more confidence.

After listening to his reply, all the Captains left as they quickly started organizing their soldiers.

They also knew that they were already behind, they could not kill themselves over it nor could they complain to a 4th rank high-grade soldier for wasting their time. They could only silently endure.

After settling everything and completing all the preparations they wanted to make, they finally got ready to go.

Captain Oxford led his soldiers, as they quickly came before the energy-powered door.

There was a sensor device designed in the door to detect the energy signature of soldiers. After they released their power, the device was immediately able to capture it as it started opening with sharp metallic grinding sounds.

Though they were obediently following the mechanisms in the military base, they did not let down their cautiousness.

Why did they make such a door that required the energy signatures of 3rd rank and higher-grade soldiers to be unlocked? Did they know that their research base will be infiltrated one day?

All these questions and doubts were reasons that they could not still relax, despite them already reading and knowing much about the military base.

Was this really a high-grade conspiracy like they speculated? Well, they did not know, these were just assumptions. They could only rein in their curiosity, move forward, and solve any problem as it comes.

On opening the door to move forward, they were surprised as just like their last rooms, this one led to another room that was connected to the first one.

Unlike the last rooms, this one was a teleportation room. They were able to recognize it immediately on entering the room.

Clark was surprised, as this room looked exactly like the teleportation chamber he passed through when he went to the outer headquarters of the Seafarers alliance.

The whole room was completely white without blemish, painting it in very bright and beautiful light. Everywhere was vacant, the only thing occupying the room was the constantly pulsing teleportation field at the corner.

Before they could analyze the situation and think further by themselves, a voice emerged from the room as the A. I controlling the teleportation function directly communicated with them.

It seems that it was not designed to be able to detect intruders, as no alarm rang despite already communicating with them for minutes.

After understanding the requirements for them to be teleported to the next room through their communication, they underwent some procedures before finally being teleported away.

On arriving at their teleportation location, they blinked their eyes open as they squinted a little to adapt to the low light intensity. They were in the familiar-looking corridor again, but it seems this was where its boundary ended.

The only thing before them was a staircase leading upwards. After receiving instructions from their leaders, the soldiers climbed up while being alert as they quickly reached the top of the staircase.

After a simple programming battle by one of the technical soldiers, the abnormally reinforced door was finally unlocked. After unlocking it, they cautiously opened it as they all prepared their defenses for any ambush.

Boom!! Boom!! Despite being prepared, some of the soldiers were startled as soon as the door opened. Loud sounds of an ongoing battle immediately assaulted their hearing sense organs, disorienting them for a moment.

Take cover. Captain Oxford was already prepared, as he quickly gave an order to his soldiers. He ducked while rolling forwards as he tried to get a better view of what exactly was happening.

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