The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 126: the swordsman mechanical soldier

Chapter 126: the swordsman mechanical soldier

Captain Oxfords armor held despite the force and momentum behind the strike, but his face twisted in agony as pain erupted all over his body. The sword on his hands became heavy for him to hold, as his hands became numb from the impact.

His figure flew backward like a speeding ship without a sailor, as his bulky form finally hit the iron walls with a loud boom sound. His figure created a dent in the reinforced iron walls, remaining stuck in it like a traitor on a stake, about to be sentenced to death.

His brain grew muddled and blurry, as he fought hard to keep his consciousness. He felt terrible, like all the bones in his body were displaced and bent out of shape. The pain was excruciating.

The other soldiers eyes widened in horror, as they finally came to a realization. The mechanical soldier they were fighting against previously was just the secondary form of this bringer of terror.

This streamlined, sword-wielding form was the original and primary form of their opponent. What they were fighting against previously was just a shell, this was the real body.

The once imposing and giant-looking form of the mechanical soldier was now reduced to a less ridiculous size. Its current look of a swordsman mechanical soldier looked more aggressive and tyrannical, as it exuded the forward ever, backward never aura of a melee specialist.

The sharp edges of its sword gleamed with a dangerous silver sheen under the glare of the light, complementing the fine contours of its new armor form.

The soldiers felt shocked and cheated. After putting in so much effort, and even losing a soldier, youre now telling us that that was just your preliminary form. What the f**k.

Despite the anger, apprehension, and resentment they felt, they were still prepared to fight. This was a battle, their opponent was not about to allow them to enjoy a moment of peace.

The mechanical soldiers ominously glowing red eyes started flickering again, as it started planning for the right and most efficient way to finish off its opponents.

Attack!!! Before it could finish its plans, Captain Jack took the helm of leading the battle, as their previous leaders health status was still unknown. He started giving orders while running forward to engage their opponent.

As he advanced with his sword, he made a signal for a soldier to check up on Captain Oxford.

Despite the mechanical soldiers better, faster, and more efficient battle form now, its opponents were still war-hardened veteran soldiers. They would not botch and give in to defeat, just because their opponent suddenly grew stronger.

Instead, on seeing the sorry state of their Captain, the Spartan soldiers grew red in rage, as they advanced with momentum to engage their opponent.

Boom!! Boom!! Both sides quickly clashed aggressively again with more force than before, as the mechanical soldier started executing the finesse of a sword maestro.

Its originally defense-oriented form now took on an elusive speedy form. Its figure blurred, as it drifted in and out of the battlefield with speed. Unlike the last time, it was the ruler and director of the battle.

The soldiers armors left sparks and energy residues behind, as their opponents sword impacted them again and again. Despite their rage, nothing would happen in the face of absolute power.

The sword techniques stored in the A. I of the mechanical soldier made it a nightmare to face, as it executed all sorts of elusive sword techniques on the battlefield.

Its sword left only afterimages behind, as it continued to outfight the dozens of soldiers facing it. It completely controlled the battle, suppressing its opponents, as they began passively defending.

As these soldiers fought, Clark stormed off to the corner of the battlefield, as he quickly dragged down the battered form of his captain down. The current look of the Captain was just a shadow, of its former self.

Despite the worry he felt, he calmed down as he quickly administered first-aid techniques to regain the Captains vigor.

5 seconds after receiving the first aid administration, Captain Oxfords blurry eyes started clearing up, as the sounds from the ongoing battle started being transmitted to his hearing again.

His strong physique as a 3rd rank high-grade soldier played a huge role in his quick recovery. His muscles, organs, and bones were naturally extremely strong after developing them for so long.

After remembering what happened, and seeing Clark before him, he grabbed his hand immediately. Why did you leave your brothers alone to fight that thing? I dont need your help; I can take care of myself, I can handle such a blow.

Clark ignored the tone of his Captain, as he dutifully checked his other injuries, before finally heaving a sigh of relief. His superiors recovery rate was outrageously faster than his.

As soon as he felt his palms again and regained his strength, Captain Oxford sprang up quickly as he ran back directly to the battleground. As the leader of this expedition, he was not resigned to rest while his soldiers fought alone.

Boom!! Captain Jack withstood another strike from the mechanical soldier, as he slid backward while stabbing his sword at the metal floor to stabilize his backward moving figure. The friction from the stab ignited sparks all over his position.

Despite only fighting the new form of the mechanical soldier for less than 3 minutes, the groups of soldiers were already at an absolute disadvantage. He already started regretting his decision to come here for this expedition.

Arcanite metal is something above my league, why did I let greed take over me? He lamented sorrowfully, as he got up again to lead the offensive of the soldiers.

Bam!! Bam!! Captain Oxford finally returned to the battlefield with a bang, as he directly started executing his battle art and his self-created technique. Following his lead, all the soldiers also executed their battle arts, while those with self-created techniques executed them also.

His arrival only eased the struggle of the group of soldiers; it felt just like the arrival of a bigger prey for their opponent to prey on.

The soldiers fought with vigor, but their hearts continued being filled with despair, as they recognized that if the situation continued like this, their death was guaranteed.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!! Bam!! The sword of the mechanical soldier rotated with speed, as he activated a new sword technique. The soldiers tried to respond fast, but one of the 1st rank high-grade soldiers was slower as he took the full brunt of the blow.

He would have died immediately, but his Captain saved him as he directly took the remaining force of the strike. Despite not dying, the soldier completely lost all ability to fight, as he suffered deep injuries from the unexpected maneuver.

Having taken the rest of the force, Captain Oxfords armor flickered a bit, as he coughed out blood while staggering backward. His brain was already trying to revolt, but he steeled his heart not to regret his decisions.

No retreat, no surrender. That is the Spartan way. Even if his decisions led him into dangerous situations, instead of regret, he would look for a way to solve his problems.

Feeling regret at any slight mistake is the attitude of cowards. The Spartan republic was a country that didnt welcome cowards.

Annoyance slowly gnawed at his consciousness from the stress he was in, as he wondered what the hell Clark was still doing at the corner. The boy did not have any record of being cowardly, so what was happening now?

After so long, most of the soldiers already accepted their fate, as they fought with the thought of only delaying their inevitable death. As the soldiers gradually lost all hope at victory, a change finally appeared on the battlefield.

[Ding!! High-grade stealth means detected from an unknown source, implementing stealth counter-measures. Counter-measures implementing in 54,]

Before the A. I of the mechanical soldier could implement its plans in full, Clarks figure already materialized behind it, as he prepared himself for a charge. Despite executing it so many times already, he never grew tired of the feeling of boundless power he felt when executing it.

His armor creaked while the energy film flickered from the pressure, as he entered the animation phase of his self-created technique.

With the speed and strength of a dragon, his figure blurred as he quickly closed the short distance separating him from his opponent. The mechanical soldier tried to dodge, but it already calculated that it was too late to avoid it directly. So, it tried parrying the strike instead with its sword.

With the precise 3d perspective at which his implant projected the battlefield to him, Clark knew the battle situation like the back of his hand.

Boom!! His spear finally impacted the streamlined back of the swordsman mechanical soldier, as mechanical parts fell from it like rain. The pressure and force from the strike did not end there, as it continued wreaking havoc in the internals of the mechanical soldier.

With one well-planned solid strike using stealth, he succeeded in breaching the lighter armor of the mechanical soldier.

The other soldiers did not need instruction to know what to do. They unleashed hell, as they vented their pent-up anger and frustration at the slightly frozen figure of the mechanical soldier.

The mechanical soldier tried to evade, but the two 3rd rank high-grade soldiers were already before it, as they tried all means to hold it down.

Bam!! Bam!! Melee attacks and gunshots were all aimed at its now vulnerable internals, as bright sparks and small explosions covered the small room at which they fought at.

The soldiers were not going to waste this small opportunity that presented itself, as they unleashed all their abilities at the mechanical soldier. Despite flickering rapidly, the A. I could not find an escape path this time, as the soldiers stuck to it like the way a bee stuck to honey.

After successfully getting his opponent cornered, Captain Oxford finally got the chance to shine. With his high-grade sword, he directly took the role of the main damage dealer.

His strikes sounded like thunder, as he vented his pent-up anger at the mechanical soldier.

This stealth maneuver from Clark became the turning point of the battle, as the red glowing eyes of the mechanical soldier started diming. As it had no emotions, it felt no pain despite its energy systems depleting rapidly.

After what felt like an eternity, with a final violent strike from Captain Oxford, the glow from the mechanical soldiers eyes finally dimmed. Despite this, no one left their guard, as they continued attacking it for 2 more minutes before finally stopping to rest.

Bam!! The enormous streamlined form of the mechanical soldier fell with a bang, as its systems finally lost all energy supply. The mechanical terror terrorizing the group of soldiers was finally brought down.

The soldiers heaved a sigh of relief on seeing this. It was finally over; they survived this arduous battle despite its many difficulties and the complications involved.

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