The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 121: partnership negotiation

Chapter 121: partnership negotiation

A week slowly passed, as the Spartan fleet moved unhindered in the boundless waters of the Mediterranean Sea. For this period, they were fortunate to not have encountered any hostile fleet.

Clarks multiple battle encounters with the Camelotian fleet, was mostly due to their luck completely abandoning them. If fleets fought battles so frequently, no expedition forces of the various countries will ever return home intact.

Throughout the week, Captain Oxford was maintaining constant communication with the Captain of the Dawn kingdom. After a lot of calculations, they finally decided on a location for both fleets to converge.

Today, both fleets finally met each other for the first time. The 3 formidable-looking ships of the Spartan fleet slowly came to a halt in the middle of the sea, as they faced their allies.

The lower-ranked soldiers and workers of the fleet could only guess why they were meeting an unknown fleet, but no one asked. They knew their authority was not enough, to make them privy to such information.

Their allies, the Dawn kingdom had 4 intact ships in total, as they also came to a halt. Their stopping stirred the seawater, as small ripples like waves erupted from their positions, expanding outwards like the explosion of a psionic bomb.

The ships of both fleets were plain, without any decorations or indication to show their real identities. The 2 Captains had to confirm remotely again before they got ready to meet.

An opening suddenly appeared in the intimidating main ship of the Dawns, as an iron bridge rolled out, extending over to the main ship of the Spartans.

Clark adjusted his military uniform again with a stern expression on his face, as he stood beside his Captain. The soldiers to go for the negotiation were already decided by the Captain, before now.

Captain Oxford decided to take only one other soldier, to accompany him to their allys fleet. And Clark, as the 2nd in command was naturally chosen. Despite snorting in annoyance at the decision, Sergeant Brody did not let out a single word of complaint.

He was depressed, and he also felt wronged by the Captain. After his many years of service under him, he just dumped him to 3rd in command when a better soldier showed up.

He was sad, but he knew that was the way the Spartan republic worked. Unlike most countries, you cant worm your way into higher ranks in the Spartan army just by politics. You have to have the tangible strength backing before youre even listened to.

No matter how he wanted to deny it, the new Sergeant was countless times stronger than he was. Sometimes, he could not help but lament how unbalanced the world is.

Sergeant Scott watched with glittering, respectful eyes, as Clark and Captain Oxford confidently stepped on the iron bridge after it extended fully.

Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! The 2 soldiers military boots echoed across, as they steadily marched forward into the main ship of the Dawn kingdom. Emily watched from upstairs in her room as Clarks figure slowly disappeared from view, into the ship with the Captain.

She already noticed that the fleet was planning something big, but she had no idea of the exact details. She could only rein in her curiosity, as she knew that she didnt belong here. She was not a Spartan soldier.

On entering the ship, Clark knew better than to let his curiosity take over him. He kept a stern face just like his Captain, behaving like nothing interested them here, as they waited for directions.

No matter which game their ally wanted to play, they could not possibly leave a 3rd rank high-grade soldier hanging. A direction was quickly projected to them, as Captain Oxford was just about to say a word.

On seeing this, he kept silent as he led his Sergeant deeper into the corridor. Unlike other kingdoms that emphasize nobility, the Dawn kingdom did not put a lot of focus on luxury and decoration.

The grey metal walls of the ships interior painted it like the old workshop of a retired mechanic. They didnt deem it important to get bright lights also, as the small light illuminating the corridor, made it seem like a haunted ship.

The corridor they passed through, led them straight to the strategy room of the Dawn kingdom. All the qualified soldiers for the meeting were already seated around the strategy table.

Welcome, my good allies from the Spartan republic. Its an honor to host such brothers in my fleet, Im humbled. The Captain of the Dawn fleet didnt find it necessary to use the conventional soldier salute, as he welcomed the Spartan soldiers with a smile.

Its nice to meet fellow soldiers, my name is Captain Jack, he introduced himself, as he extended his hands to the soldiers for a handshake.

Its nice to meet you also; Im Captain Oxford of the Spartan sea expedition fleet. Captain Oxford replied with a poker face, as he took his allys extended hand.

My name is Clark Pen, as Clark was about to introduce himself, the Dawn Captain interrupted him with a smile.

No need to introduce yourself, who doesnt know about you? I never expected the legendary Magician to be a citizen of the Spartan republic. Youre welcome to my fleet; its an honor to have you also, the Stranded dragon.

Clark was surprised. He knew he would get famous from his outcome in the gladiator tournament, but it still felt weird to him. He ignored the blatant way at which the Captain praised him, as he shook his hand also with a poker expression on his face.

Seeing the reaction of the 2 Spartan soldiers, Captain Jack knew that he just met some hard nuts to crack. After exchanging greetings with the other soldiers at the side, Clark and his superior finally sat down.

Weve already talked extensively about the details of this mission. So, my main motive for coming here is if you are interested in the deal I offered. And, if you are, I want to know the number of soldiers you are committing to this. Captain Oxford did not waste time with words; he directly went to the point.

Captain Jack kept quiet for a moment, cleared his throat before he finally answered. You dont have to worry about the number of soldiers Im committing.

I will be going with 19 other high-grade soldiers, including me, that is 20 soldiers from my side. Im the only 3rd rank high-grade soldier, I have two 2nd rank high-grade soldiers, and the rest are 1st rank high-grade soldiers.

But I have a problem with the deal you offered. You know that from the information we gathered, my information team got more details about the vault. The information your team provided was just scraps and pieces.

And our current fleet is stronger than yours. After getting our goal, we can better secure our escape with my fleet, than if we put our trust in yours. I know this may not sound well, but I dont think you have the cards to share the loot we get 50/50 with us.

I want to propose a 60/40 share instead. Well get 60%, and you will get 40%. I think thats fair, right?

From the way they were treated on their way here, Captain Oxford already expected some dubious means to be employed to swindle him. But he could not still help but sigh at human greediness. He slowly stood up, as he presented his answer.

If you think thats the best method. Then forget about the partnership, my Sparta republic has not degenerated to such a state yet.

Including me, my fleet will be going with 20 soldiers also. But I have more 2nd rank high-grade soldiers; Im willing to come with three 2nd rank high-grade soldiers.

You know how effective Spartan soldiers are, compared to other countries. The Stranded dragon here you just greeted, is just one of our many products.

And I believe youve also heard of me, I am stronger than you are. That alone, is enough of a reason to even the sharing odds. If you doubt my strength, you can bring it on, Im ready any time.

If you think our soldier advantage is not enough to make it 50/50, then Im sorry for wasting your time. See you next time, he made a signal to his Sergeant, as they both stood up to go.

Captain Jack already heard about the headstrongness of Spartan soldiers, but still, seeing the decisiveness of the Spartan Captain left him startled.

He was particularly resentful about how this man directly pointed out, that he was stronger than he was. Dont you have any shame?

He knew he didnt have much room, to argue against the Spartans words. The effectiveness and quality of Spartan soldiers have been proven countless times, in this short history of the age of exotics and technology.

The Spartan president, the Legendary Slaughterer, was a prime example of this. On seeing the Spartans almost reaching the rooms door, he finally relented with a sigh, as he called them back.

He was not embarrassed at all; he was just trying to get more resources for his country. If he could even negotiate 5% more shares from the loot for his country, then he had done a good job.

After calling them back, the negotiation went smoothly this time, as everything was finalized in no time.

After the 2 Captains shook hands, Clark finally followed his Captain back, as they walked confidently out of the Dawn ship. They already secured a good partnership for their country; all that was left was for them to prepare themselves for the great vault looting mission.

On reaching his room, Clark finally changed back into training uniforms, as he led Emily to the training room to catch up on their training.

This was the typical life of a soldier in this age where strength reigns supreme. A soldier never gets a moment of rest in his/her life, every moment they are either training or they are going on missions.

The only moment of rest is the day they retire or the day they die.

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