The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 119: a new life begins

Chapter 119: a new life begins

After entering the bar, Clark didnt see anything that indicated this place as his country fleets hide-out. The bar was as boisterous as any other; the men here smoked and drank recklessly, as they sometimes burst into loud fits of laughter unexpectedly.

What peeved him a bit was the way the men groped the female waiters. The expression on their faces showed their unwillingness, but they could only hide it behind a strained smile. This was their business after all.

Despite feeling a little annoyed, he was still able to control himself. It was none of his business; he already learned the trait of absolute self-control, from his many experiences.

The man escorting him suddenly made a sharp turn to the left; he followed the man as he was led to a dark corner. He kept quiet, despite a wall obstructing them now.

The man suddenly moved forward again, as he knocked softly on the wall. As he knocked, a blue glow suddenly flashed briefly past his hand. Before disappearing, the glow turned green for a moment.

I activated it, sir, you can now go in, the man turned to face him, as he informed respectfully.

He nodded calmly, adjusted his suit, before directly walking into the wall. He did not know what technology the wall utilized, but he already saw more than enough throughout the years, he was not completely clueless.

His speculation was right, as soon as his body touched the wall, space warped a bit before he was teleported away shortly after.

His eyes became blurry for a short moment, before clearing back the next. He squinted his eyes to adjust to the light intensity, as he now faced a dark room. The only source of light came from 3 green flickering lights, like candles.

As soon as he appeared, the green flickering lights were extinguished, while the room became illuminated by light projectors in the ceiling. He was now able to see 4 soldiers, who all turned to face him as soon as the light switched on.

You are finally here, Clark Pendragon. Welcome to the Spartan secret base here in the Seafarers alliances outer headquarters. The one, who seemed to be the leader, spoke first, as he welcomed him with a smile.

The leader waved his hand across the table, as the projection they were analyzing disappeared.

My name is Captain Oxford; I am the regional leader of this Spartan fleet. I watched your battles; I didnt know that my country created such an exceptional soldier.

These are my assistants, Sergeant Brody, Sergeant Jack, and Sergeant Scott. You are all of the same ranks, so I hope you get along well.

Clark thanked the Captain for his hospitality with a smile, before he exchanged greetings with the 3 sergeants. He later learned that the room he was teleported to was the bases strategy room.

Its a good thing you came now, as we just received a dangerous mission with extremely high priority to it. I cannot avoid it by any means, so you coming just presented me with a stronger power to overcome any complications.

Let me led you in, to show you all our fellow countrymen. As we go, please can you explain how you ended up as a gladiator?

Clark nodded with a smile at the Captain. As he followed him down the corridor, he started narrating his encounters for the past 3 years to him. The 3 sergeants trailed behind them while listening carefully.

It was not long before they reached the main location of the base, it was just adjacent to the strategy room. Clark already expected something big, but the size of this base still shocked him.

It looked just like an underground city. Despite being countless times smaller than a real city, the number of people working and walking about spread for as far as his eyes could see.

The strategy room was built at the top of the base. So, from up there in the corridor, he could see the huge and boisterous multitude of people.

Blue light shone down, illuminating the whole base, as machines and humans worked in sync. Machine parts were moved around, as the functioning ones performed various tasks, such as loading goods and other miscellaneous tasks.

Other machines performed more sophisticated tasks, and from his implant, he knew that a high-grade A. I was controlling these machines.

He was surprised by how enormous the base was, he could not help but turn to the Captain doubtfully. Did all these machineries and people follow one fleet, all the way from the Sparta republic here?

Captain Oxford smiled on seeing his surprise. Clark, stop thinking ridiculously. My fleet cannot accommodate this many resources and people, these people are workers of the republic that are assigned and fixed here for 5 years.

Every 5 years, new batches of workers are transported from the Sparta republic here, to replace the previous batches. They can be referred to as the republics secret foreign workers or ambassadors.

Dont be too surprised Clark, this base is the only base we have here in the Seafarers alliance, so it has to have some flare and grandness to it.

The Seafarers alliance knows about all these secret bases, you know our technology cant possibly beat those of this hegemon. They dont destroy them though, as they find it below them.

And this is our only lifeline to survive here in the sea. Thats why all countries and organizations pay protection fees to them; they are the tyrants of the sea after all.

Lets stop with all the talks, let me introduce you to them as the new high-grade soldier of this fleet. He turned back to face the huge number of workers, as he activated the voice amplifier.

Fellow citizens of the Sparta republic, we have a new high-grade soldier in our midst. Lets welcome our new brother,

After doing the regular welcoming routine, Clark finally integrated completely into the fleet. With the help of the easy-going Captain, everything went smoothly.

He prepared himself to leave the next day, as the Captain said they could no longer delay their departure.

Somewhere else in the port of the Seafarers alliance, Mark stood on the hatch of a ship belonging to the Mercenary alliance.

After a long day of undergoing different departure procedures, he was finally allowed out of the headquarters of the Seafarers alliance. As he wanted to start his mercenary organization, he naturally had to contact the masters of the act, to make it legal.

Despite the Seafarers alliances firm grasp over the seas, the other big 5 powers still had their influence here. Despite the influence being minuscule, he was still able to locate a fleet belonging to the Mercenary alliance.

He heaved a sigh of relief, as he was finally about to leave this vicious region once and for all. As he was about to go inside the ship, he suddenly caught sight of a familiar silhouette rushing towards his position.

His expression morphed into that of surprise, as he stared at the approaching figure of his teammate. Before he could think further, she reached his position in an instant.

After facing the man who made her heart beat faster after so long, her face could not help but blush. Combined with the slight sweat running down her smooth temples, her blushing took her beauty to the next level.

Mark forced a smile, as he tried hard to make himself not get distracted. As he was about to ask why she was here, a pair of lips suddenly enveloped his.

He froze in place, as the soft but sweet sensation enveloping his lips completely took away his reasoning faculty. He didnt know what happened, but he would enjoy this moment first, before asking questions later.

After kissing to her full, Aurora finally withdrew herself back, as her face directly turned crimson. Despite how embarrassed she felt, she still forced herself to face her crush.

I love you Mark. I already did, since the first day I saw you. Circumstances were the only reason why I held myself back. But now we are free, I just couldnt hold myself again.

After recollecting himself a bit, Mark looked at his blushing teammate with a weird and surprised expression.

Really?? I dont know, but I think I also fell in love with you. I just didnt tell you because I thought youll frown on such things. You know, your personality is not exactly inviting.

She blushed further on hearing his reply, but she just bumped him on his broad chest. She already knew that he liked her, so she was not surprised. As a woman, she was sensitive enough to notice the feelings he harbored towards her.

She could only thank her lucky stars for finding the courage to go after him. If she was a minute late, perhaps, she would have lost him forever.

After clarifying their feelings for each other, the 2 soldiers held each others hands, as they turned to go into the ship. They ignored the strange looks coming at them, as the power of love reared its head, removing what they once knew as an embarrassment.

Aurora did not know where this love will lead her. Love is blind, that quote was true in her situation. But she was ready to dive into it, life was never predictable.

No matter what situation she found herself in, in the future. She knew that with him by her side, they would pull through any storms obstructing their advancement.

In another ship belonging to the same fleet of the Mercenary alliance, Arthur stood on the deck, as he looked at the waves of the flowing water.

After separating from his teammates, just like Mark, he directly located the regional fleet of the Mercenary alliance. As a registered mercenary belonging to this enormous organization, his pass to leave was authorized countless times faster than his Captain.

He looked back at the slowly fading and disappearing metal platforms, as he thought back on his experiences throughout the years.

He broke into a smile when the faces of his teammates flashed past his eyes. He didnt know if he would see them again in the future, but he knew that their impact on his life was enormous.

His life as a lone mercenary was without a specific direction, he would go to anywhere a mission was offered. He drifts to any direction life threw him at, that was just his life.

Emily slowly looked for clues, as she tried without much success to look for any trail left behind by Clark.

She was depressed, as she was rejected by the soldiers from her country. She didnt know what happened; they just rejected her like she was not a part of them, despite them already searching their database.

Did something happen back home? She could not help but question worriedly, as she couldnt make heads or tail of the situation.

Clark was the next best choice for her to follow. After so many years together, they already developed a very deep bond as friends.

She ignored the nefarious ways in which the men around looked at her, as she continued asking for clues. As she searched, a man suddenly grabbed her hand, startling her.

She turned warily, to see a man dressed in black. I know who you are looking for, the man said to alleviate her heart a bit, before leading her to a corner.

He recognized her as one of the teammates of the soldier he just escorted to his countrys secret base, in the morning. That was the only reason why he approached her.

After explaining the situation to her, he directly contacted Clark through a means exclusive to him.

Clark rushed there immediately; he was surprised when he heard she came looking for him. After listening to her explanation, he finally understood her situation.

He decided to take her with him; at least she will be safe staying with him for the time being. He booked a hotel for the both of them to spend the night there, as he possibly couldnt take her to his countrys secret base.

As the day grew dark, the team of 5 gladiators finally found their way back to their various destinations and occupations.

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