The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 185: Black Bird

Chapter 185: Black Bird

The sky outside was clear, cloudless, and the stars could shimmer and flicker with every second seemingly accentuating the shattered moon hanging far above it all. It was shattered long ago, that much Parc knew, who did, he also knew. The god of darkness, the creator of the grimm. Having done so to spite the humanity he and his brother slaughtered into non-existence as he abandoned the world to be but a remnant of it's past self.

"Gods are always such assholes," commented Parc as he stared with hand on hip at the moon. Whether it was here or back on his home planet, gods were more often then not, assholes. Flooding the world to kill everyone bar a single man and his boat filled with two examples of every animal. Not that two examples would save a species from extinction, that was just asking for inbred deformities.

There were too many examples to quote of gods doing heinous deeds, no matter their name, no matter their time of origin, no matter their place.

As he thought such, he heard a delicate flapping of wings and his head turned to the noise to find a large black bird with beady red eyes having come to perch on a branch not too far off from the cliffs edge.

Parc wasn't much an expert on birds, nor anything like a bird watcher. But when it came to big black birds and his place being in the world he was, he could think of only two. "You a Qrow or a Raven?" he questioned it with a smirk and turned back to gaze over the emerald forest below. "I'm guessing a Raven, the only Qrow I know of is trying to search for the traces Madame Darkseids pawns."

A gust of wind, a flurry of footsteps and a sharp slashing noise alerted him to the fast approach of a blade. But he remained still and waited until an ominously red and near translucent odachi blade was pressed into his throat, a threat and a sign he could be killed at any moment.

"How do you know that was me?" the woman who wielded it growled, her red eyes tilted to the point they resembled the angered orbs of tiger.

"Quite simple really," Parc lifted a hand to his throat and pushed the odachi from his throat, flinching just a bit as he felt his aura get cut. "I was expecting you to show up at some point, Raven." He turned to the woman stood with arm outstretched and back to the emerald forest.

She was a familiar face, in both structure and most pressingly hair. Though not quite as muscled, the woman was of a similar height to Yang with hair as long but in a black colouration that accentuated her pale complexion. She narrowed her eyes, gripped her blades handle tighter and the gauntlets she wore creaked and lightly rubbed together and she readied herself to cut. "And why's that?"

"Just going for short questions?" she twisted her blade and pressed it against his throat again, telling him to get on with it, "fine, fine. I was expecting you because of Summer, and for the fact you habitually stalk your daughter while looking like a bird." he'd seen the videos, the trailers, the ones where Yang is going about her business committing CBT on a poor bar tender while a bird follows her to the club, only to disappear when the action began.

Her eyes only narrowed further, "you make it sound like you know my intentions. I can assure you, you don't."

"Oh, I know enough. For one, Vernal ain't so special, is she?" he smirked as just for a moment, Raven's posture faltered and she met with his tilted orbs and ominously smirking lips. "I also know about the truth about what you are, spring."

"Shut up!" she growled and dug her blade deep into his throat, his aura just barely keeping it from ripping apart his carotid. "How do you know this!? And give me a single reason why I shouldn't kill you right now."

A sigh escaped them, "well, for one, I couldn't give two shits about whether you're a maiden or not. Either way, I'll likely be running into you again. Plus, I'm pretty sure Summer would kill me if I revealed that titbit to Ozpunk." he pushed Raven's blade away only for her to quickly push it back in. "Oh for the love of, could you stop this?" he tapped the crystalline blade with his knuckles three times, "I have no intentions of revealing little miss spring to anyone, maybe Summer at most."

Raven furrowed her brows doubtfully and glowered, refusing to remove her leverage that was his life. "I'm supposed to trust your word? You expect me to just believe you, the man Ozpin is letting teach his students? No, you're nothing but another of his pawns."

"That's cute Raven. Would be even cuter if I wasn't planning on killing the parasite."

she faltered for but a breath but was quick to regain herself and cast him a confused look, "you're what?"

"Planning on killing the parasite, I just said that. Permanently I should add, of course, I still have a Salem to deal with and a Remnant to unify, but I'm planning on killing him. Simple no?" No, it was not, that much Parc was already aware of as killing Ozpin would just send his soul out into the world to parasitize another person.

"You think you can kill him? You know what he is right? No matter if you put a bullet in his skull or rip out his heart, he'll just come back." he could almost hear her teeth grinding hatefully at the thought of the man.

"As I said, permanently. How I'm going to do that? haven't a single clue. Probably need something like a grimm based silver eyed warrior to do that, or, y'know, just destroy his soul completely. Somehow." How was a real good question, something told him it was going to require a bit of the darker arts to achieve such a result.

Raven huffed through her nose, pulled her sword back and glance behind him to see the slight golden hue of head peaking over the edge of the staircase into his building. She stepped back and approached the edge where she swept her blade through the air and formed a swirling vortex of red and black, "you never saw me. If I ever hear word that you've told anyone, even Summer about my being here, I will slaughter you."

Raven stepped through and the portal faded away into nothing like it had never existed before.

"Well that was interesting," he mumbled stroking at his throat. He tilted to the stepping noise of heels approaching and eyed up Glynda who was casting him a cold and deathly look. "You girls done with your little party?"

Glynda kept still and came to stop before him, she pushed her glasses up and then spoke but a short question, "so you and Summer are a thing?"


Inside the classroom that had magically appeared overnight on the cliffs overlooking the Emerald forest, Glynda was stuck blinking slowly at the discarded pair of panties in the distance. The gears grinding in her mind were stuck, she knew what it meant, what the twitchy Summer meant. She didn't want to know, just that idea of the woman before her being seated in such a short skirt and no undergarments was an utterly lecherous idea.

"I take it I was interrupting something?" she questioned.

"What? oh, no, no. You're not, I mean, you didn't." Summer's lie stood out across her red and blazing cheeks. The forced and faltering smile answering more truthfully than her words had.

Glynda was unable to remove the thought from her mind, the harrowing feeling of nudity Summer must be feeling. But there was another issue, one she had only just begun to expect not days prior. "I take it you and Evans are dating then?"

Summer jolted, burned up, and her eyes trembled but her lips tightened and locked up.

"Good lord Summer, he's half your age. What about Tai? what about your daughters? he's barely older than them." Nursing her temple, she said.

"I know! I'm still dealing with that thought!" false tears trickled leaving behind a trail that would quickly evaporate after but a breath. "And I love Tai and I love Ruby and I love Yang and I love Ferry, but Tai's moved on, and so should I." she said with a fumbling determination.

She only got a blankened stare from Glynda who then sighed, "I'm not here to judge you for your choices Summer. You're a grown woman, you don't need my input on your relationships, just, do ensure this doesn't affect Evans teaching of those two. I can see them attempting to skip out on things by quoting him as dating you."

Summer snorted, "don't worry about that. I honestly doubt Parc will ever let that happen. If I'm being honest, I'm more scared for them than anything. I can see Parc giving them some stupid task if they try something like that. Right, remind me to warn him that if he goes to far, I will be beating him."

By then, the tension Summer felt had seemed to lessen, that was until a slight gust stroked beneath her skirt and reminded her of her declothed nature.

"I will do such." Glynda let out a breath and decided to get onto her main reason for wanting to speak with Summer. "Summer, I need to know if he is trustworthy. He says he kills people, he's not a huntsman, but a hitman. And that combat exercise, the first to bleed, loses? tokens? He's turning lessons into competition. Normally, I would have him thrown out, but Ozpin has been refusing anything I say. Therefore, I need you to tell me whether I should be cautious about him or not."

"Oh you should be cautious, absolutely." Summer was quick to respond, "and by that, I mean you should really be cautious about him trying sleep with you. Other than that, he may seem to go a little far, to say the least. But he won't actively put them in life threatening scenarios. For as little as I know about him, he's not someone to let them get unnecessarily hurt. Even if they did, he's got ways to fix that."

Glynda had paused upon the first portion of Summers answer, still processing the latter portions but the first had really gotten her interest. "What do you mean try to sleep with me?"

"Just that, Parc's got this little collection fantasy going on and he wants this harem of women. It's quite amazing and honestly, quite terrifying," especially considering some of his intended targets were her own daughters.

"You are joking right?"

"Nope." she said fiddling with her skirt a bit more, the action drawing a twitch to Glynda's pale, and faintlynearly unnoticeably soflushed cheeks. "He's really doing that. Kurome's one of them, she's like, or well, is, his first wife."

Eye bolted wide in surprise, "I'm sorry he's married?"

"Yeup. Don't get me started there. I'm also processing the hypocrisy I'm feeling about that."

Their conversation trailed off into silence, Glynda's mind jostled and creaking to a clicking malfunction. "I am too tired for this. You know what, I think I need to go to bed early tonight." Glynda creakily rose from the stool and faced Summer to cast a few final words of goodbye and rose up the staircase and out of the room. Halting right outside of the shut door and at the bottom of the staircase.

"My word, what in the hell is going on this week? Why is everything so damned incomprehensible?" faint whimpering like noises escaped her as she fell into a light squat. Her mind returned to the image of Summer sat, squirming as she attempted to hide her discomfort of being declothed down there. Though strangely, Glynda swore she could see a faint smile forcing its way to Summer's lips like she was enjoying the exhibitionism.

"I'm hallucinating. That can't be right," she reasoned and tugged on her own skirt, imagining what Summer must have been feeling with Glynda right there, infront of her, not knowing whether her state of declothed was discovered or not. Though something strange happened, Glynda, instead of feeling revulsion, licked her lips and squirmed just a bit.

She froze, her mind halting as she realized the thought that ran through her mind. The strange allurement such an act had on her was both disturbing and unnervingly intriguing. She glanced up, scanned the edges of the staircase and though of how few students there were out around this time of night, she then turned to the door and saw it unmoving. It was the perfect time to attempt such a thing, not that anyone would know.

'This is utterly reprehensible for a professor to do,' she gently hiked her skirt up, trailed her fingers to her panties and slowly lowered and stepped out of them one foot after the other until she could hold her undergarments before her and could feel the active breeze dancing between her legs to touch her naked crotch.

She blinked at her panties, flushed in the cheeks, and berated herself for the sickening actions she was taking. 'I should quickly get back to my room,' she crumpled the garb into a ball and thought to stuff it into her pocket only to remember she hadn't one on her. She couldn't carry it out in the open, that was too much of a risk. So instead, she placed it into the only place she could think of, she stuffed it down into the opening of her blouse, pressing it deep into the gap of her bosom where she puffed them up to ensure there was no manner one would see them.

Realigning her glasses, straightening her dress, and with a slight chilly breezy stroking her unmentionables, Glynda climbed the staircase and turned to find Parc looking to her. Her heartbeat heavily but she let her nervousness stay hidden in the place where it belonged, far away in her mind.

But no matter what she did, she couldn't retort to the pleasurable, perverseness of the situation.

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