The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 177: Fightclub part 1

Chapter 177: Fightclub part 1

"Ahhh?" Cardin growled, pulled his eyes from the scroll he was messing with and cast Parc a cold, remembering glareclearly not happy about being tossed around like a wet rag the previous dayhis team besides him also had sour expressions. Cardin's Indigo eyes wandered down to the narrow eyed Lili and the twitchy Ferry. Cardin huffed, "not interested pick someone else." He said, having no interest in dealing with two animals. There'd be no satisfaction when he ploughed them into the ground.

Parc's brow lifted on the rightside before falling in tandem with his lips tilting at the end. "Aww, and here I thought you'd love, the chance to get a bit of revenge against the girls who so easily kicked your asses yesterday. I mean, come on, Ferry even knocked three of you down like pins in a bowling alley and Lili nearly cut your throat in two."

Rage boiled in Cardin's eyes as murmurs filled the air. Cardin leaned forwards and began to speak "bullshit-" he began but Glynda was quick to exclaim.

"Ahem!" though was halted by Parc casting her an open palm and shaken head. Showing he wanted to deal with Cardin himself.

"Those brats broke the rules and were carrying weapons outside of class. No shit we got pushed back a bit. Now though, it'd just be boring. Ain't no way two rats can challenge us four."

Parc smirked, 'oh how nave' he commented. "Alright then. Like father like son I guess." Parc turned his attention away from Cardin and onto the rest of the class, "no surprise you Winchester's have been nothing but low rank hunters. You're all a bunch of cowards."

In the bit of free time Parc has had in the days prior to his lessons, he had been scouring the Cross Continental Transmit SystemRemnants version of the internetfor any information he could about a few of Remnants key players and a few of the lesser characters. Cardin happening to be one such character.

Not far into his past, just a few years prior when he was still a child round his sixth and seventh yearsby Parc's calculationshis father, Crane Winchester had been a respected hunter around the central rankings, neither a rookie nor a veteran, just, normal. He was well liked by others, even heralded as a hero in some outer villages. That all changed when his builtup ego took hold and lead him to taking on a job much worse than he could handle. Four days later, Crane was dragged out of newly Grimm infested village he and his team were set to be the vanguard for.

As the second survivor. The first was his teammate, Piper Dunlin. She'd suffered life threatening injuries and had been in a coma for nearing three months before awakening only to accuse Crane of abandoning her and the others. Blaming him for everyone that died. There wasn't any proof, but it was enough to send the Winchester into a downwards spiral. After that, not much more is known about the man. He had a childCardinwho went to a combat academy north of Vale. As far as the CCT is aware, his wifes alive but suffering from some degenerative mental disease.

Parc could just see the recipe that was, shitty, abusive father and poor upbringing, that was Cardin Winchester. He wouldn't even be surprised if Crane was a chronic alcoholic.

In all reality, Parc cared little for the Winchester's home life. It was none of his business nor did he have any interest in bothering himself with dealing with the boy. But it made for a good goad.

"Shut the fuck up! You know nothing!" Cardin burst from the stone bench, roaring. His face red and practically steaming from the hatred he felt at the moment for the man. "Don't you fucking dare bring my father up!"

Parc paused and tilted an unamused smile his way and slowly marched his way to the fuming leader of CRDL, having to tilt his head up slightly to meet the boys eyes as he stood atop the elevated first layer of seating. "I dare plenty, Cardin. You're still a coward. Too scared to challenge two girls with more balls then you four combined," he sent sidelong looks across the tooth grinding compadres. "Or, are you just refusing my orders because you don't like me. Am I too young to be your teacher? Do I look pathetic? Do you think you could take me in a fight? Is that why? Because you've got an ego the size of your head shoved so far up your ass that you think yourself better than them?"

Cardin teeth were at the point of shattering, his eyes red and sparking but unable to say anything back.

"Now. Would you rather get in the ring and fight? Or, would you rather leave and prove me right?" Parc spun around, marched to his place at the centre of the arena, closeby the wall where a cross armed and legged Glynda was giving him a displeased look.

'She's going to berate me for goading him no doubt,' he thought.

Cardin stood still, huffing as he glared furiously at Parc but soon turned his gaze onto Ferry and Lili. "Come on. Let's get this done with," he grumbled lifting his mace from the earth, letting it rest against his shoulder as he lumbered to his designated point with his teammates prepping their own weapons in nonchalant postures, dual blades, a halberd, and a sword being their choices of weapon.

Parc sighed, 'even after all that you can't even take them half seriously?' he thought staring at their postures so full of openings. The chances they would get killed only growing by the second. Even Glynda seemed displeased with their attitude. Her lips furrowing into a narrowed frown.

Across from them, Lili's eyes sharpened, and she lowered herself, shrinking her surface area even more than her minute form already was and increasing the difficulty of actually hitting her. Meanwhile, stood a step behind her, Ferry was unfurling her whip, the strangeness of its vinelike, and nettled appearance causing a spark of interest to raise in a certain Rose's eyes.

"Calm down Ruby. You can ask her later," Yang whispered in an attempt to hold her sister back from lunging to the strange piece of glorious weaponry.

Checking the two sides, getting a curt nod from Lili, and returning it in kind. Parc spoke, "alright. Quick rundown of the rules! Listen well because I'll only be saying this once!" the students went quiet and Glynda's ears perked, curious to see how his rules were different from her own.

"I'm not doing anything difficult. As you can see," he pointed above himself where nothing but a ceiling was, "I don't have an aura meter. For one good reason. Combat ends when aura shatters, blood is drawn or when the opponent surrenders!"

"What?" The students exclaimed. Cardin faltering for a second from the unexpected rules but soon grew a cruel smile.

"What!?" Glynda exclaimed.

"FIGHT!" he shouted, barely a second later, Lili kicked off the earth, practically sliding like a land born torpedo over the arena, arriving before Cardin in a breath, with her dagger coming up just as Cardin was turning away from Parc.

Barely able to save himself, Cardin lurched his head back but found Lili alter her course, her swing past him by and her dagger flipped into a reverse hold that she sent piercing towards his chest. Ready to sever through his sternum on a direct course for his heart. Cardin couldn't dodge and soon felt a jagged point stab into his aura causing him a slight, non painful jolt but causing him to stumble backwards while his team sent their own attacks to Lili.

Dove slashed his blade down to Lili's head while Sky brought his halberd into a chop, ready to cut Lili apart. Russel though skirted around them, charging towards Ferry who was stood stock still staring at Lili's assault on team CRDL. She made the perfect target, he thought, so vulnerable.

As he rushed her, Ferry's head tilted to him, a tint of fear to her opalescent grey orbs and she flicked her arm like a whip, sending her actual whip dancing through the air and snaped towards him, its jagged stinger shaped tip about to pierce through the boy when he lifted his left hand dual sword and deflected it away.

Ferry yelped but kept her arm flowing and guided her whip to curl around his blade and tugged her arm back, ripping from the boys hand his weapon and sending him stumbling, nearly falling onto his face but was quick to catch himself and continue his one sided rush, still having another weapon to plunge and knock the girl out with.

As he drew nearer in a blinks breadth, Ferry realized she wouldn't be able to use her whip, it simply didn't have the control for such a close proximity. "Hiii!" She squeaked, backpedling and lightly shrieked, "Momo!" as she did, her aura flared and a blue hue took to her body covering her in a film. The film bubbled for one second and a blue arrow shot out of it, tearing from the film and rushed Russel. Before he could react to the attack, it was already upon him. The blue ball of flame like energy coalesced and formed into two lanky paws that shoved him to the ground, when more of the flames dispersed, a fox like creature stood atop him. Its face lacking the features of a mouth but having large pointed ears and bright flame like eyes.

Russel felt fear as the fox stared him in the eyes with its own. Its form flickered for a moment then it leapt, backflipping off of him and bounded to Ferry's side to skirt around her and curled around her legs, casting a deathly stare with its ghost like eyes.

"What is that!?" Weiss burst up to her feet and yelled. "She summoned a grimm!?" she shrieked. Only people from the Schnee bloodline were supposed to have that, it was their hereditary semblance that granted such an ability after all. But something felt wrong, something wasn't right about it. Sure, Ferry had summoned a grimm, just, it didn't feel like a grimm. It was certainly nothing like her sister, Winter could summon. It held in its eyesfiressome type of intelligence. 'It can't, it's a construct,' she reasoned, 'she has to be controlling it. Still how can she summon Grimm?'

The shock even seemed to multiply onto the surrounding students as murmurs grew in ferocity.

Parc on the other hand, was calm though still curious about the fox-like creature named Momo. As far as he could tell it wasn't anything real, just an aspect of her semblance. Something Summer had come to name 'Spirit Master' as her constructs seemed almost spiritual in form. He had actually seen Momo once before alongside her two other spirits, Tiki and Bear. Though when he approached and all fourFerry includednoticed his approach they all fizzled away. Ferry said they were shy.

As Russel lifted himself to his feet, glaring at Ferry, a chestnut hued bullet flipped over his head and Lili found herself landing into a hero pose with one hand on the ground and the other holding her dagger perpendicular to the ground just as Cardin, Dove, and sky rushed past to continue their assault on the miniature raccoon.

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