The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 173: Prior to the first lesson

Chapter 173: Prior to the first lesson

Come midday the next morning all of team RWBY, JNPR and other first years had made themselves to the Emerald forest overlooking clifface with professor Goodwitch leading them along with a strange caution to her gait.

They hadn't gone there to go perusing into the forest and get some active combat practice against the grimm. No, they were there because of their new teacher who had ordered for them to arrive on said clifface. Why exactly? None of them knew. Though chances were when construed from the location he intended to have them do something in the forest.

Glynda paused, head spinning every which way as she looked around the cliff, searching for any sign of Parc or even a cloaked Summer but was met with nothing. That was, until she saw a decent bit away what looked like a cantilever house pushing out of the cliff about five meters down said face. Her brow arched with confusion, where did that come from? Did he build that? She questioned recalling how not even a week ago there was no building built into the cliff. Meaning that in that short amount of time someoneParc most likelyhad built a form of engineering marvel into Beacon's landscape.

The question now was, how exactly did they get down to it?

Casting an over the shoulder look to the class of 20 she said, "this way students," and began to stride her way further down the cliff to where the building protruded.

At one point one of the students, Nora Valkyrie, noted the house and screeched in an earpiercing tonality, "whaa! It's a floating house! Ren, I want one!" and latched to the mistralian boy with a pink fringe of hair like glue, shaking him furiously while he simply gazed into the distance with a blank look.

"Maybe when your older Nora," he knew giving her anything floating was just a danger to herself and her community.

"Noooo, but I want it nowww," she shook him even more.

Not far from the two was Jaunne Arcstaring like a scared kitten over the ledge he'd been launched off of a many days priorand Pyrrha Nikos who was thoroughly intrigued by the interesting form of architecture. It looked similar to some places in Argus, in the richer districts but had a more simplistic look about it. Still, it wasn't often one got to see a cantilever building.

Pyrrha lifted her gaze from the cantilever and turned it to her side, following the dark aura convalescing around the members of team RWBY. One of whichthe R and near perfect replica of the team namewas faintly blushing as she tried to take her brightly smiling sister scroll away to delete some illicit picture of her and Weiss cuddling.

It was a cute picture, at least, Pyrrha thought so.

"Come on Yang! Just give it to me!" Ruby bounced trying to rip the scroll away.

"Haa! No! I've got to send this to dad, he's going to be so surprised you got yourself a girlfriend." Yang cruelly chuckled.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Weiss bellowed from the side, her own pallor reddening for a moment before retracting back to her usual paleness after a few calming breathing exercises.

Ruby nodded, "yeah, Weiss was just sad and I was trying to comfort her." She added.

"I wasn't sad," Weiss blankly put.

Ruby arched a confused eye her way, "but you were crying?"

"No I wasn't. You're making up strange conjectures you are completely incapable of providing ample, solid evidence for. You simply decided you needed a pillow to cuddle in your sleep and for some reason decided I would be a more apt thing for you to," Weiss shivered disgustedly, "hug. From now on, I would prefer you to keep your distance from my bed and me."


"As I said, I was not crying. End of conversation. Stay in your own bed so that I can have my full seven hours of sleep."

Ruby blanked out, staring conflictedly at the girl. She remembered Weiss was crying, but Weiss seemed so sure she wasn't. I do like cuddling soft things Ruby bobbed, maybe it was just her mind playing tricks on her and she sleep walked into Weiss' bed to cuddle her.

Yang smirked, a mischeivious shimmer coming to her eyes as she opened up her scroll to the picture of her sister and Weiss cuddling and turned it to show it off to the girl. "Well, you look like you loved sleeping with Ruby. I mean, look at this, arms wrapped around Ruby, face pushed into her boobs using them like pillows. And whats that?" Yang pointed to Weiss's face, "is that a smile I see? Oh it is."

Ruby shrunk in, feeling her entire body go red and a puff of steam escaped her.

As Yang presented the damning evidence, Weiss kept a neutralif not shaded in flushexpression and spun the revolving dust cylinder on her rapiers hilt to lock in the ice dust, gripped the handle and in a split second with help from her semblance summoning a glyph, sent a miniature spike of ice careening through the air and impaling into Yang's scroll, shattering it to bits. Her rapier quickly returning to it place hanging on the waist of her dress.

In the process of the downwards swing nearly cutting Ruby in half had she not tripped and got left behind to jog back to them and retake her position.

"I have no idea what you are talking about. If you continue to speak such slander I will contact my lawyers and have you sued for Libel."

It took a few moments of processing for Yang to understand the two halves of her scrolls case in her either of her hands. When it did come, Yang shouted, "Nooo! What have you done!? All of my games were on there! How am I going to live through Ports lessons now!? I was rank fifty Weiss! Fifty! And now everythings gone!" Yang bawled into her hands, smirking after a bit.

"Oh well, at least I've got everything to automatically back up onto my backup scroll," and from the back pocket of her brown booty shorts pulled a smaller type of scoll coloured in black, opened it and pulled up the same image Weiss had thought she'd destroyed.

Weiss stumbled over nothing and nearly face planted the earth, staring wide eyes at the new scroll in horror.

"So, do you consider this evidence princess?" Yang winked and before Weiss could launch another volley of ice snapped it shut and burrowed it into her pocket out of Weiss' reach.

Weiss' mouth hung open but was quick to shut it a neutralize her expression. Clearing her throat into her fist, she said, "no. it is clearly falsified. Those people do not even so as remotely look like me or Ruby."

"But the you in here had the exact same scar," the one over her left eye, the one she'd earned from the challenge her father had put her up against having her challenge an arma gigas for the right to come to Beacon to study.

"Recent images are uploaded of me daily by paparazzi and have been available for years. It is not difficult to find a decent image showing my scar." A frustrating perk of being a known singer back in Atlas and as being the daughter of Jacques Schnee.

As they continued bantering back and forth, Pyrrha's expression turned into a soft, amused smile that narrowed to worry when she looked to Blake who had been silent, more silent than usual, and was a step further away from the group then most others.

She still seemed to be annoyed with Weiss, though Yang seemed to have found something more amusing to hold over Weiss' head for a bit.

Pyrrha sighed, she truly hoped they fixed their relationship soon.

"Ohh, please tell me we're not going down there," as professor Goodwitch came to stop at what appeared to be a stair case leading down to the cantilever building, Jaune spoke and gazed down at the building feeling a rising vertigo assail him.

Jaune was unique, to say the least about him. He was neither skilled, competent, or well, anything. He was amusing and Pyrrha would say charming to a degree with his general naivete and actions. He was like a shy little brother wanting to become a hero but hadn't the faintest of how to go about getting there. Pyrrha was tempted to start giving him some private lessons just to get his combat up to snuff and his competency in the more literary aspects of huntsmanship to a halfway decent point.

All of which one may think left Jaune to being the weakest linkbecause, well, he was. Pyrrha wasn't going to deny thatbut somehow he seemed to glue the team together and formed it form a working relationship into a full on family with Ren taking up the aspect of the father, Nora the boisterous older sister and Jaune the incompetent little brother. Where that left Pyrrha at was like something of the quite mother always trying to do the best for her children to be the proper crutch she could be to make them better.

It was fun, not being treated like some goddess just because she had won the Mitral Regional four times in a row. Apparently, that made her something of a hot topic and a popular rookie huntsman-in-training on the forums online. Her fame had gotten so high that she was even scouted to be the mascot for Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes and got her face plastered all over them. Sadly though, there was a lot of sugar in them and they weren't very healthy. But it payed the costs of her stay at Beacon, so who was she to complain.

"All right class," Pyrrha was taken from her thoughts and drawn to Professor Goodwitch who pushed up her glasses, "in single file as we descend the stairs into your new classroom please."

The five teams in unison formed together into two lines and began to descend after Professor Goodwitch, still chattering about as they soon came to a large, almost castle like door entering into the high-ceilinged cantilever building.

'I wonder what the lesson will be?' Pyrrha thought.



Under the kind request of one of the members of Discord, I have created a poll for the 'pancake queen' aka, Nora.

Here it is. To join the line of concubines or keep her with Ren.

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