The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 672 Lighting Wind Holy Land

The flight didn't take long at all. Mater Xing's group crossed over a few hundred miles in merely a few minutes.

They rushed through the Starfall wasteland, soon coming towards a beautiful mountain peak.

A blooming scene of nature was sprawled all across the mountain peak. Coming here from the Starfall wasteland seemed as if one was seconds away from crossing into an immortal land.

Master Xing led his group to the top of the mountain peak. There, a single Holy King master stood.

This Holy King master was a bit special. His rays of holy light exuded enough density to make all middle stage masters feel inferior.

With a casual glance, Cain could tell this man was an ordinary late stage Holy King master. A person who would occupy a high elder position in the Cloudsea Holy Land simply stays guarded at the entrance of Starfall wasteland.

Cain felt more curious than tense at the power disparity of the Central Starfield.

At this time, Master Xing loudly called out to the late stage master. "Senior martial brother! We have completed our mission!"

"What?" The late stage master slightly trembles. His gaze swept through the three lightning Roc before narrowing on Cain.

His Divine Sense, which could easily study any early stage master, failed to sense anything from Cain. All that he could tell was that this was a talented Divine Star expert.

With a curious tone, one without disrespect, the late stage master asked, "And? Who is this? Are you planning on bringing him to the sect?"

"Rest assured, senior martial brother. Brother Cain here helped save Zexi's and Lao Heng's lives. And was the sole reason why we could collect the golden blood. His talent is also extremely high. Our sect will lose nothing but letting him join." Master Xing confidently stated. His views were completely swayed. Nothing about Cain could make him have any doubts.

"I see..." The late stage master seemingly nodded without a change in expression.

But Cain detected something strange. Only he, with his Chaos Soul Sense, could perceive that the late stage master had slightly stimulated his soul energy.

Master Xing, Zexi, and Lao Heng were completely clueless. It was hard for most divine cultivators to perceive soul energy in the first place. It would be impossible for them to do it with just a little stream of soul energy.

Cain stayed on faint alert. There was no point in calling out the late stage master, as there was no evidence to prove his point.

But he's ready to face anything that might come at them when returning to the sect.

The late stage master didn't spare any more words. He waved his hand, causing an array formation to glisten on the ground right next to him.

Mysterious law principles of the space Dao twisted apart the atmosphere.

Cain could tell that the one who made this teleportation array couldn't just be any Primal Soverigen grandmaster. But one at the peak, or most likely crossing into half-step Heavenly Venerate.

He could tell, as the sensation of extreme power was eerily similar to what he experienced with Elder Xi.

With one last nod, Master Xing's group stepped on the teleportation array, causing a blinding, divine light to engulf them all.

The sensation of space instantly sucked in Master Xing's group. In the next moment, they all were teleported through space.

Left alone, the late stage master chuckled to himself. "The lords will surely be happy about this. It's about time for them to finally push back those damn demons and moon-order scum..."


The twisting pull of space only lasted a second. When it cleared and Cain opened his eyes to a majestic sight. Even more majestic compared to the usual cultivation flare.

A world size estate was right before Cain's eye. Indeed, this entire Holy Land estate encompasses the size of a giant planet!

Perhaps it could be counted as slightly larger than some planets.

Rainbow-colored Dao lights rippled all across the sky. Every stream of Dao light amplifies the atmosphere to its peak. Allowing it to be one of the most holy places for cultivators to study the universe.

Various divine creatures soared through the air. Every divine creature exuding suffocating divine laws that'll be enough to make any Divine Ruler tremble.

This also holds true for the lightning Rocs cultivators shuffling in and out of the world-size estate. Every single one of them could not be considered average.

Placed inside regions like Cain's dragon family or the Atlas Realm, even an average talent here will be considered extremely special in those regions.

The power disparity only grew wider. It was no wonder to see why the Central Starfield stands above all other lower regions.

In front of Cain were lightning-colored steps that led to the entrance of world estate. These steps alone exuded mystical Dao principles magnetic to the Spiritual Seas.

Zexi held a beautiful smile as she looked all around. She took a deep breath of the refreshing air and shiver.

Spreading her arms, she proudly proclaimed, "Welcome to our Lightning Wind Holy Land, brother Cain! I just know you're going to love it here!"

"It is indeed quite grand." Cain smiled with increasing curiosity.

They all were about to take their first steps up to the Holy Land. But right then, two suffocating presences suddenly descended into the area.

These presences were overwhelming. Their Holy Aura twisted apart space and suppressed all inferior divine laws.

"This!" Lao Heng collapsed to his knees. Master Xing broke out in a cold sweat. And Zexi dug her nails into the skin of her palm.

Only Cain remained completely calm.

Soon enough, a voice boomed across the sky. "Ah? What's this? To think our junior martial siblings would come so soon."

Flashes of holy light blinded the area. Two middle stage Holy Auras took control of everything.

Floating a few meters above everyone, appearing as holy emperors that can control numerous planets, were two majestic geniuses.

These were extreme geniuses among extreme geniuses. Every ray of their holy light would absolutely blind any early stage master if they dared to stare long. The principles of their laws could not be understood by inferior beings.

These extreme geniuses held causal smiles. Looking down at Master Xing's group as if they were nothing more than an amusing attraction.

Cain merely needed one gaze to tell that these two were a pair of powerful Divine Decree Lords. Both of them were on the same tier as Master Yao and Shui. Perhaps even slightly stronger than them.

But of course, this level of prowess was nothing to even middle stage Divine Star Cain. Much less his current late stage cultivation.

Zexi furrowed her brows to an extreme. She quickly transmitted to Cain, 'These two are Divine Decree Lords Quan and arrogant pair of assess if I must say. Since they're here, they have no good intentions for us.'

Her words were right on the mark.

Master Quan and Bai didn't bother with superfluous words or gestures. Master Quan directly said, "You've managed to complete the golden blood mission, no? Now I know it must've taken a lot of time, but I and Bai are asking you to help us out here. You should know that the Astral Demons and Moon Order members are putting a lot more pressure on us in these recent days. Aiding us with those golden blood vials is basically helping out the entirety of our sect!"

As Master Quan spoke, neither he nor Bai took even a single glance in Cain's direction. Simply believing him to be some random talent they found off the wasteland.

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