The Blue Eyes

Chapter 229 - WILL YOU MARRY ME?

Kevin was standing on the mini stage with a microphone in his hands, and behind him were three people who were ready with their musical instruments such as a guitar, a keyboard, and a drum.

His blue eyes were staring in one direction, which was the front door of the orphanage. The door finally opened from the inside, and two men walked side by side with one man hugging the other man from the side.

His sweet smile graced his face upon seeing the tanned man that he loved the most with all his heart.

"Oh, our birthday boy has finally arrived, huh? Just walk faster, or you will miss the fun!" Kevin teased his lover enthusiastically on the stage.

Some spectators in front of the stage turned their heads toward the direction of Kris, who was being dragged by Luke. Those spectators urged the tanned man to walk faster, and the atmosphere felt a little funny.

Kevin could see how his lover grumbled in annoyance, and he couldn't help but giggle. He knew that his lover was angry right now.

Luke finally managed to drag Kris to the front of the stage, and he let go of the tanned man before stepping aside from the man. Other people in front of the stage stepped aside as well, leaving only Kris in front of the mini stage.

Kris looked clueless, but Kevin just flashed a small smile at his handsome lover.

"You are angry with me, aren't you? Do you want to say something to me, Kris?" Kevin asked his lover, needing to look down because he was on the stage right now.

"Stop playing with me, Kevin Beischel," Kris replied in an annoyed tone. "You've been on my nerve since early morning, so just tell me what do you want to do with me!"

His lover was indeed angry, and Kevin smiled again to soothe his lover's mood.

"I just want to sing a song for you, Kris. Don't you want to hear me singing?"

Kris's annoyed face was immediately replaced by an excited expression upon hearing his lover's statement. "You want to sing for me? Do you even know how to sing?"

Kris was looking down at his talent, and Kevin glared at the taller man. "You dare to question my talent, huh? Alright! I won't sing for you anymore!"

Kevin was acting like he was upset, and Kris looked panicked as he widened his eyes. "No, Kevin! I believe in your talent, so please continue to sing for me!"

Kevin rolled his cerulean eyes, but he was laughing in his heart. He had been preparing for this event since a long time ago, so why should he cancel his plan to sing the song? Even if Kris didn't want to hear him singing, he would still sing to satisfy himself.

"Okay, Kris," the raven-haired scientist spoke again in victory. "I will still sing for you because you begged for it. I have composed this song especially for you, so listen to this song carefully to understand how I feel for you."

Kevin and his high pride were still there, and Kris could only smile sheepishly at his lover's statement.

"This song is called 'You Are My Kiss.' I composed it and wrote the lyrics of the song, and all thanks to my father's guidance," Kevin stated again as the music started playing, and he peeped at his foster parents while winking at the older man. The father smiled while giving him a thumbs up.

Who would have thought that Benjamin Lowell knew how to compose songs and even taught his adopted son to write songs?

Kris was clueless, and he could only wait for his lover to sing for him. The music continued playing, and Kevin's soft voice started greeting his ears.

["When the street lamp glimmered,

You caught my attention with your car bright red.

I tapped you, and you were raged.

I didn't think it was fated."]

Kris didn't even know that his lover could sing quite well. Kevin's voice was not the best, but it was still so pleasing in his ears. And it seemed that his lover wanted to confess his feelings toward him, and he could feel his heart thumping loudly.

Meanwhile, Kevin continued to stare at his lover, who was also staring at him with his sparkling eyes.

["You are my lost Kiss,

That got my first kiss,

And will be the one I miss.

Be it sunny or rainy days."]

It was indeed a nostalgic song for both of them, and it felt like they were inside a bubble where they could only hear each other voices and see each other faces.

["You are my Kiss.

You are the sweetest.

Let people be our witnesses.

If they hate, we could care less."]

Other spectators listened to the song as well, and they were touched by the lyrics uttered by the young scientist, especially the man's foster parents.

The foster parents were the ones who were against their relationship before, but now they could see that their son was indeed in love with a man named Kris. Even if it was hard for them to accept the relationship at first, but they ended up opening their hearts for the two men.

["You are my delight.

Every day and every night,

With you, all will be alright.

I will keep you by my side.

Like the ocean with its tide."]

Jack smiled when he heard the lyrics. His dark obsidians glimpsed at Kris for a moment before shifting to Casper, who was standing by his side.

["Cause you are my Kiss.

You are the one I will miss.

And the one I will kiss.

Be my side and be my happiness."]

The song came to an end beautifully with Kevin fixating his blue eyes on the hazel ones. Their hearts thumped in a rhythm, and they sent their feelings through their deep gazes.

Kevin's breath was still a bit uneven, but he still managed to utter the last words, "Will you marry me, Kris?"

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