The Blue Eyes

Chapter 201 - [JACK-CASPER EXTRA 1] DUTY

The first time they met was because of duty.

Casper was assigned to relay the news about the explosion on the island, and he had to approach the four youngsters who were busy talking with each other.

He was just a young soldier who was often seen as the wallflower in the army, and he often received a trivial task like that instead of being ordered to fight the enemy in the frontline.

The duty he received today sounded trivial, but that was actually important and probably would cause more pain if he wasn't able to deliver the news properly. That was why he looked so nervous the moment he started reporting the news to the four youngsters.

As predicted, the four people were shocked by the news, and one of them even almost fainted upon hearing the shocking news. He had tried his best not to hurt the people's hearts, but that wasn't an easy task.

The four people started talking seriously with each other, while he could only stand there like a clueless spectator. He wanted to leave the four people, but he knew that he couldn't do that because he still had another task to complete.

That was why he could only stay with the four people like a statue while waiting for them to finish their discussion and finally notice him. He was indeed a wallflower.

Unbeknownst to him, one of the four people kept stealing glances at him and secretly laughed at his bored expression.

That person was Jack Madris.

Kevin, Kris, and Blue were engaged in conversation, and Jack was listening to them seriously. They were all mostly talking about Professor Selena Beischel, and since he didn't know the female professor at all, he didn't dare to speak up.

That was why he still had the chance to glance at the young soldier who looked like a kindergarten kid being punished by his teacher to stand in front of the class.

Jack was still listening to the conversation, but he couldn't help but think the soldier was quite interesting. Soldiers tended to have darker skin due to fieldwork that exposed them to the scorching sun, but Casper's skin was bright and smooth. He didn't give a vibe of a soldier at all.

Jack assumed that Casper rarely did fieldwork and worked more in the office instead.

'Is he the baby in the army? Why would someone as gentle as him manage to get a position in the army of a big country like Calenta?' The tattooed man couldn't help but wonder.

Jack was curious in his heart, but then he stopped wondering when Kris said that they would better rest at home now because they were already so exhausted.

Yeah, they were indeed exhausted. Even though the four of them had supernatural powers in their bodies, they would still feel tired after fighting all day. Kris was right. It would be better if they just rest at home.

To his surprise, Casper dared to speak again as he offered a ride to their respective residences. Kris assigned him and Blue to stay at the orphanage, and Jack couldn't protest.

'He just wants to be alone with Kevin. What an annoying brat!' He cursed in his heart but didn't dare to voice it out because the situation was so tense right now.

Kevin was shaken by the news of his parents' possible death, and he could only rest himself in Kris's arms. Jack wanted to roll his eyes at the sight, but he held himself back. He didn't want to cause trouble because he knew that Kris had not fully trusted him yet.

He could hear Casper excusing himself to look for two cars that would escort them to their respective houses, and he had to admit that the young soldier's voice sounded so pleasing in his ears.

Soldiers usually had a rough and harsh voice, but Casper had a soft and smooth voice instead.

'Is he even a real soldier in the army? Maybe he's just a lackey.'

Jack had a suspicion in his heart, but he couldn't stop his eyes from following the soldier's figure when the soldier was leaving them.

"Do you think that young soldier is quite weird, Jack?"

Jack winced a little when he heard a question coming to his side. It was Blue who just threw a question at him.

Blue's eyes were red and puffy, and Jack could tell that the girl was still mourning Selena's death. Selena was the one who nurtured the girl in the past seventeen years, and losing the mother figure was a huge shock to her.

The girl still managed to speak even though her voice sounded weak, and Jack knew that the girl just needed a distraction. Unlike Kevin who kept silent in Kris's embrace, Blue chose to distract herself by talking with him.

"His skin is even fairer than yours, Blue. Maybe you can switch positions with him. Go to the battlefield and let him live in an orphanage instead."

Jack intended to joke around to entertain the sad girl, but the girl ended up scowling at him upon hearing his strange joke. "You want to kick me away?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

Jack finally realized that he just offended the blue-eyed girl. "That's not what I meant," he immediately clarified. "I think you are fiercer and stronger than him, so I think you will be more suitable to be a soldier than him. That's just a joke, though. You don't need to take it seriously."

The young girl rolled her eyes upon hearing the clarification. "Your joke is not funny at all," she replied.

Jack chuckled when he heard the girl's retort, but his expression turned solemn again when he saw the young soldier walk over to them with car keys in his hand. The rain just stopped, and the sky was still dark, but he could see the young soldier shining brightly in the dimmed atmosphere.

What he was seeing was weird, and Jack wondered in his heart, 'What's wrong with my eyes?'

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