The Blue Eyes

Chapter 193 - THEY KNOW KRIS

Seeing his lover suddenly fall silent, Kris furrowed his brows. "What's wrong with you, Kev?" He questioned his lover in a confused tone but got no answer as his lover continued staring at the front of the car without blinking.

Getting no response, Kris finally decided to follow Kevin's gaze, and his body froze right away. He could see a woman and a man staring in their direction with wide eyes and gaping mouths.

"Are they... are they your foster parents, Kev?"

The couple on the veranda was like a sculpture now. They didn't move an inch and just kept staring at the red car.

Kris wasn't stupid to guess that Kevin's foster parents had witnessed their hot scene in the car earlier. He had not even turned off the car engine, and the lamp inside the car was still on. The parents could definitely see how they behaved like AV actors earlier.

"Let's go greet my parents, Kris."

Kevin was about to open the car door, but his hand was being held by Kris all of a sudden.

"I know you are also hard right now, Kev. How are we supposed to meet your parents when we are this hard?"

Kevin glanced down at his crotch, and yeah, he was indeed hard. They both were hard right under the parents' noses. How was Kris supposed to win Kevin's parents' trust if their first meeting was like this?

Kris scolded the devil inside him. How could he lose control over himself and let his lust take over his body instead?

"I will explain to them, Kris. We both are adults, so doing something like that is not surprising, right?"

Kris knew that Kevin was just trying to comfort himself. Yes, they were both indeed adults and legal to do that kind of thing, but doing that right under the noses of the parents? That was a different case.

Moreover, Kevin's parents were homophobic, so they probably were disgusted by them right now.

Even so, Kris still let Kevin's hand go, and he kept staring at his lover as his lover stepped out of the car.

Kris took a deep breath before exhaling slowly. "Can you please go back to sleep, my dear weapon? You don't want to embarrass me in front of Kevin's parents, right?"

He dumbly talked to his dick, but miraculously, his dear weapon got softer upon hearing his dumb request. Kris blinked in amazement, but he still sighed in relief in the end.

As his mental condition got better, Kris immediately turned off the car engine before opening the car door and catching up with his lover, who already reached the parents' position.

Kris started to feel nervous, but he still brought his legs to stop in front of Kevin's parents.

"Why aren't you waiting for us inside, Mom, Dad?"

He could hear Kevin questioning his parents, but the said parents were locking their gaze on him instead. Kris thought that he would have enough confidence to meet Kevin's parents, but it turned out that it wasn't as easy as he thought.

"We heard the sound of the car engine and decided to go outside. We didn't expect that we would see―"

"Let's go inside first before we continue our talk."

Kevin's mother hastily cut off her husband's words. Even though his speech was cut off, Kevin and Kris could guess what the older man was about to say. They couldn't help but blush with embarrassment.

Even so, Kevin still managed to nod his head and began to follow his parents into the house. He motioned for Kris to follow them, and the tan-skinned man could only follow the order with heavy steps.

He wanted to run away right now.

The four people arrived at the living room in no time, and the parents sat down on a long couch, while the two youngsters sat down opposite to them on another long couch.

The atmosphere was awkward and tense, and Kris could only squeeze his hands on his lap to suppress his nervousness. If only the parents didn't catch them making out in the car, he probably wouldn't be this nervous.

"So, he is your boyfriend, Kevin?" Kevin's father, Benjamin Lowell, questioned his adoptive son. He especially emphasized the word 'boyfriend,' and it made the two youngsters gulp nervously.

"Yes, Dad," Kevin replied despite being nervous. "He is Kris, and Kris, they are my parents."

The young scientist wasn't confident, but he still managed to introduce his lover to his parents.

"Kris?" This time, it was Charlotte Lowell who reacted in surprise. "You mean the Kris who has been with your mother for the last seventeen years?"

Charlotte's reaction confused both Kevin and Kris.

"Yes, it's Kris who has helped my mother for seventeen years. How did you know about him, Mom?"

Both Benjamin and Charlotte didn't immediately respond as they kept their gaze on Kris. Their gaze was difficult to describe, and it made Kris feel nervous again.

"Your deceased mother couldn't stop talking about Kris in the past. It would be weird if we didn't know about him," Benjamin finally answered his son's question.

"Your father is right, Kev," Charlotte suddenly chimed in. "Your mother even sent us Kris's photo, but that was a long time ago when Kris was still a teenager. Kris has the same age as you, right, Kev? He looks so handsome now."

Both Kevin and Kris were puzzled by Benjamin and Charlotte's sudden change of attitude. They acted cold and distant before, but now they looked so friendly upon knowing the history of Kris.

The two youngsters glanced at each other, but none of them could answer their curiosity.

"Selena had told us about her plans that sounded very dangerous. We also knew about the antidote in Kevin's body, and we were so worried about Kevin's safety. But then she told us that a man named Kris would protect Kevin in the future, so we didn't feel worried anymore. Selena was so proud of you, and we are proud of you as well, Kris."

Benjamin's words confused the young man even more. Kevin's foster parents did know Selena very well, and they also knew about Selena's plans. But, both Kevin and Kris didn't expect that they would know about Kris too.

"The incident on the island that killed Selena, Joseph, and Mike was so unfortunate, but we are happy to see you two in a good condition now," Charlotte chimed in again as she smiled at both Kevin and Kris.

"Kris has been protecting me well all this time, Mom," Kevin finally spoke again. "He even risked his life for me, and I depend on him a lot."

Kevin thought that it was time for him to show Kris's good side in front of his foster parents. Both Benjamin and Charlotte knew quite a lot about Kris even though they had never met the tan-skinned man in person, and he saw it as an opportunity.

It seemed like his adoptive parents liked Kris because Selena constantly complimented Kris, and it was a good opportunity for him to 'promote' Kris as the ideal son-in-law.

"Selena also told us that Kris was even willing to protect you with his life. That sounded ridiculous, but now that you confirmed about that, we finally believe Kris's dedication," Charlotte chimed in again as she giggled a little.

"Do you remember that Selena also told us that Kevin and Kris have known each other since childhood? They are best friends, right? Their friendship is even stronger than we imagined," Benjamin butted in as he chuckled, and his words stunned Kevin and Kris.

Both Benjamin and Charlotte had witnessed how they were making out in the car earlier, but they still saw them as best friends?

Kevin thought that his parents were finally able to accept Kris as his lover after hearing their story and also seeing their friendly reaction, but it turned out that they were still in a denial.

The black-haired man scowled as he spoke again, "We are not just best friends, Dad, Mom. Do you think best friends would kiss each other hotly like what you saw earlier?"

Benjamin and Charlotte's smiles vanished upon hearing their son's question, and Kris looked startled as well. He glanced at Kevin and found the latter's blue eyes were full of determination.

"We know that Kris is a nice guy, and we also know that he's been protecting you all the time, Kevin. But he's a man, so you're probably just confused about how you feel, right? Kris has been by your side the whole time, so you may mistake your feelings for love."

Kevin's forehead creased even more upon hearing his adoptive mother's statement. He clenched his fists and was about to argue, but Kris was faster than him.

"Kevin isn't confused by his feelings, and our feelings are real. We love each other, and we just want to be together.. Sorry if I sound harsh, but even if you two were against our relationship, I wouldn't be willing to let Kevin go."

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