The Blue Eyes

Chapter 178 - THE DIAMOND

"Are you sure that you will be okay if I head to Chilad without you today, Kev?"

"I'm fine, Kris. I will just keep myself busy in the laboratory."

Kris was still in doubt even though his lover kept assuring him that he would be okay. His lover had told him the details about his foster parents who were against their relationship, and Kris couldn't help but worry about his lover's condition.

He wasn't worried because of the rejection, but he was more worried about his lover's mental state. He knew for sure that his lover treasured his foster parents so much, and his lover must be feeling complicated now.

It wasn't like in dramas when parents would convict Kevin and not let him meet his lover, so Kris knew that he didn't have to worry about the possibility that he might never see Kevin again. Kevin no longer lived with his parents, and he had the right to see Kris whenever he wanted.

Kris was driving Kevin's new car now. He and Jack would head to Chilad by driving Kevin's car today, but he needed to drop the scientist in the laboratory first..

The car was new, and not many people knew about it until now. If it suddenly appeared in the district, no one would suspect them as the owner of the car.

They didn't want something bad to happen, but they knew that he had to remain vigilant.

"You should have let me drive your car to work, Kris. If you'd let me do that, you could go straight to the orphanage to pick up Jack."

Kris was still focused on driving when he replied, "Your mind is tangled now, and I'm not ready to lose you because of a car accident. You don't have the healing powers now, and I can't guarantee your safety."

It sounded like Kris was still traumatized by Kevin's accident a few months ago. Kevin was lucky that he had healing powers back then, but now that he didn't have the powers anymore, Kris wouldn't dare risk his lover's safety.

Kris was very worried, but Kevin just chuckled softly. "I don't have healing powers anymore, but there are doctors who can help me whenever I need them," he replied. "My mental state is stronger now, Kris. I'm like a diamond that gets stronger under a lot of pressure. Besides, I'm also more beautiful like the diamond. Do you agree with me?"

Kevin sounded so confident and bright, and the attitude lessened the worry in Kris's heart. The burly man finally managed to flash a smile at his lover before stretching out his hand to ruffle his lover's dark locks.

"Be a good boy when I'm not around. Don't hang out too much with the green-eyed giant," he spoke as he withdrew his hand.

Hearing the warning from his lover's mouth, Kevin immediately furrowed his brows. "How could you call Luke a giant when his height is probably the same as you?" He then asked in amusement. "But, I would like to apologize to you in advance, Kris."

The taller man frowned in confusion upon hearing Kevin's sudden apology. "Why did you apologize to me?" He asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"I promised Luke to have lunch with him in a month in exchange for his information about Felix Smith."

The pair of hazel eyes widened in surprise. "What?" The owner asked in disbelief. "That green slime surely just wants to flirt with you!"

Kris just mentioned a new nickname for Luke White, and it made Kevin burst out laughing. Kris sometimes went too far, and he couldn't believe his lover's way of condemning his colleague at work.

"You think too much, Kris," the scientist replied. "I've asked him if he had other intentions for me or not, but he answered with a 'no.' He just wanted me to be his lunch buddy. That's all."

"What? You even asked him directly about something like that? You're so shameless."

Kevin scowled at his lover right after his lover finished mocking him. "Say that again, and I will take that green slime to replace your position as my lover," he threatened his lover, deliberately emphasizing the words 'green slime' that was discovered by his lover earlier.

"I know you won't be able to replace me with anyone, Kev."

"You do know that I won't be able to do that, but you're still jealous."

Kevin's quick reply was enough to shut Kris' mouth. His lover was right. He trusted his lover wholeheartedly, but he was still jealous every now and then. He didn't understand, but he couldn't control his feelings sometimes. His love for Kevin was too great to destroy his rationality.

"Jealousy is a manifestation of my strong love for you, Kev."

The raven-haired man couldn't help but laugh. He stared at his lover with a playful gaze as he responded, "You are getting smarter with words, Kris."

Kris just giggled but didn't say anything else. The car was enveloped in a comfortable silence as the two men in the car smiled while looking ahead. It was still early, and the streets weren't that crowded yet. Kris could drive the car comfortably.

More or less, Kris felt relieved when he saw his lover's relaxed expression today. His lover was gloomy and messy yesterday, so he thought that his mood wouldn't get better anytime soon.

But perhaps his lover was right. Kevin might be shocked yesterday, but now he was feeling better because he was like a diamond that would shine even brighter upon enduring lots of pressure in his life.

"I will talk to my foster parents again in a few days."

Kevin suddenly sounded solemn again, and Kris peered at his lover for a moment.

"You can take your time, Kev," he replied. "But you shouldn't have avoided them like what you are doing right now. You didn't even tell your parents that you stayed with me last night, and they were probably worried about you last night."

"You're wrong," Kevin voiced his disapproval. "My parents didn't text me at all. They weren't worried about me because they were still disappointed in me. It wasn't me who avoided them, but it was the other way around."

Kris didn't know what to say after hearing Kevin's answer. His lover's relationship with his adoptive parents was complicated now, and he didn't even know how to help Kevin find a way out. After all, it was he who caused the tension between the two factions.

"Don't forget to stop in front of my laboratory building, Kris," Kevin reminded his lover, who looked blank upon hearing his answer.

Kris flinched when he heard his lover's reminder. He didn't realize that he was daydreaming just now.

The caramel-haired man immediately pulled over and turned off the car engine in front of Kevin's laboratory building.

"You have to contact me if anything bad happens," Kris warned his lover.

The said lover was busy unfastening his seatbelt when he replied, "I don't want to disturb your date with Jack today, Kris."

"Kevin Beischel!"

Kris's stern tone made Kevin look up and smile sheepishly. "I was just joking," he said. "Lean forward a little and let me give your forehead a smooch."

Kris's anger dissipated as soon as he heard his lover's order. He grinned widely as he leaned his body forward to accept a kiss on his forehead.

Kevin shook his head before he planted a sweet kiss on his lover's forehead. "Happy now?" He asked after he leaned back.

"Not enough," Kris answered. And without warning, he suddenly ambushed Kevin by giving him a hot kiss right on the lips.

The scientist gasped, but he didn't reject the initiation. He raised his hand and landed it on the back of Kris's head before pressing Kris's head to deepen their kiss.

Their tongues wrestled for a few minutes before Kevin ended their make-out session. He panted as he stared intently at his lover's dark orbs. "You are the best kisser," he praised his lover in a whisper.

Kris laughed as he pecked Kevin's lips once again. "You can say that because I'm the only one who's ever given you a kiss, right?" He teased his beloved lover.

Kevin giggled as he got ready to leave the car. "Take care of yourself, Kris. And don't you dare to give my car any scratch."

The caramel-haired man laughed again at his lover's antics. He was the one who bought the car, but Kevin was very protective of the car.

"This car and I will come back safe and sound," the taller man replied.

Kevin finally nodded before he opened the car door. He stepped out of the car and turned around swiftly. He then waved his hand toward Kris just like a little kid who was just dropped by his parents in his school.

Kris smiled before starting the car engine and driving the car again. He glanced in the wing mirror and could see that his lover was still waving at him. When he saw Kevin through the wing mirror, he suddenly got a bad feeling.

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