The Blue Eyes

Chapter 168 - NEW HAIRCUT

[Blue was staring at Kevin with her pair of big eyes after she heard Kevin's question. It seemed that she was surprised by her brother's question.

Kevin patiently waited for the girl's answer. He just asked about Blue's feelings toward Jack, and he didn't want to press the girl to give him an answer immediately. He only asked the question based on an instinct, and he was not one hundred percent sure of his intuition.

The girl suddenly lowered her head and bit her lips nervously. After a few seconds, she then answered, "Yes, Brother. I like Jack."]

"You okay, Kev?"

Kris's question broke Kevin's reverie. He blinked confusedly before looking up at Kris, who was standing beside their bed. He just realized that he was lost in his thought after recalling the conversation with Blue this afternoon..

"I'm okay, Kris," he answered.

The scientist was already in his pajamas and was ready to sleep. He had been sitting on the bed alone before Kris suddenly came in with a glass of milk in his hand.

"Drink your milk and go to sleep," Kris said as he handed the glass to his lover.

Kevin nodded and accepted the glass. He thanked his lover shortly before drinking the milk carefully. That was his new habit. Since he started living with Kris, he had to drink milk before going to bed. Of course, the one who prepared the milk was his lover.

Not long after, the glass was empty once again, and Kevin put it on the nightstand.

"Sit down, Kris," Kevin instructed his lover, who was still standing tall like a skyscraper.

The said lover smiled before he sat on the edge of the bed beside Kevin. He then stretched out his hand to brush off Kevin's long bangs from his forehead.

"You need a haircut, Kev. Your bangs were on the way every time I wanted to kiss your forehead," the taller man spoke as he withdrew his hand.

The scientist smiled softly before he replied, "Can you give me a hand? I don't want other people to touch my head."

The reply made Kris frown. "What? Didn't you go to the barbershop in the past?" He asked confusedly.

"Not really," Kevin answered as he shifted his gaze away to look at his hands on his lap. "When I was a kid, my mother was the one who gave me a haircut. And when I grew up, I cut my hair by myself."

Kris looked startled before he responded, "That's why your haircut looks messy."

Kris's mock made Kevin scowl at him. "Do you even know how to cut human hair? I bet your skill is worse than mine," he retorted irritatedly.

The object of the mock chuckled as he got up from the bed. He then placed his hands on his hips as he looked down at his lover.

"You want to make a bet with me? What will you give to me if I win?" The caramel-haired guy asked playfully.

The scientist was still frowning when he looked up at Kris. "You can ask me anything. As long as I can do it, I will do anything for you if you win," he replied without a doubt.

Kris nodded in satisfaction when he heard the answer. "It's a deal then," he said. "Now, please get up and get ready to receive my service," he added as he turned around and left Kevin alone in the room.

Kevin's frown was getting deeper, but he just shrugged as he started getting up from the bed. He then walked toward the door and stepped out of the bedroom.

He was welcomed by Kris, who was standing behind a stool with a new towel, a pair of scissors, and a comb in his hands. He looked like a barber now.

"Please sit down, dear customer. Let me give you a new haircut," Kris said politely as if he was speaking with a real customer.

Kevin couldn't help but giggle at his role-playing. He then complied with his lover's order and walked over to the stool.

Kris immediately covered Kevin's upper body with the towel after the young scientist sat down perfectly on the stool.

"Do we only have a towel to cover my body, Kris? It feels weird," Kevin protested a little as he glanced at the towel.

"Yes, we only have it, but you don't need to worry. It's a new towel, so I can guarantee that it's bacteria-free."

Kevin just shook his head at his lover's antic. But, a pair of hands suddenly held the sides of his head, stopping his movement right away.

"Don't move, Kev. I will start my job, so you better stay still," Kris warned his lover.

"Are you sure about this, Kris? You won't make me bald, right?" Kevin asked doubtfully.

"I won't," Kris answered confidently. "Just stay still, and I will give you a masterpiece."

Kevin just shrugged as he let his lover experimented with his jet-black hair. He could feel the scissor started cutting his locks, and he felt nervous.

Kris was busy with his hair while Kevin was busy praying to God until a ringtone suddenly broke the silence. Kevin could hear Kris sigh behind him.

"That's your phone, Kev," he said.

Kevin looked up at him and answered, "I know." While getting ready to get up from his seat.

"What are you doing? I'm not finished yet," Kris asked confusedly when he saw Kevin already stood on his two feet while brushing away some hairs from the towel.

"I will grab my phone in the bedroom and answer the call for a moment. It could be an important call," he said as he quickly paced to the bedroom.

Kris could only stare blankly at his lover, who had entered their bedroom. The scientist didn't even remove the towel from his shoulders because he was in a hurry.

Not long after, Kevin came out from the bedroom and said, "It's my adoptive father. I will answer it before you can continue your work." As he hurriedly walked toward the balcony.

Kris could only shake his head at his lover's behavior.

Meanwhile, Kevin had arrived at the balcony and immediately answered the call.

"Yes, Dad?" He greeted the caller.

"Hello, Son. Am I disturbing you?"

If Kevin could tell the truth, he would say yes. But his foster parents rarely called him, and he couldn't be that rude to them. The last time they called was a few days after the war ended. They already learned about the situation, and they both apologized to Kevin.

Kevin immediately forgave them. He knew that his foster parents didn't have any bad intentions for him and just wanted to protect him.

"No, Dad. I'm free right now," he replied as he leaned his body on the railing. "Where is Mom? Is she sleeping now?"

Even though his foster parents were abroad now, the country was in the same time zone as Calenta, so there was no time difference between the two countries. That was why he guessed that maybe his adoptive mother was asleep.

"Yes, Kev. Your mother is sleeping now. She isn't feeling well these days, so she took medicines and fell asleep right away."

Kevin displayed a worried expression on his face after hearing the answer.

"What happened to Mom? Has she visited the doctor?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"You don't need to worry, Kev. I have taken your mother to the doctor, and the doctor said that your mother is only exhausted. Nothing is wrong with her body."

Kevin finally could breathe a sigh of relief. "Please take care of Mom, Dad. And you also need to take care of yourself. Don't overwork yourself," Kevin pleaded with his caring tone.

The father chuckled at the pleading. "You are still the same, Kev. You are so caring and lovely. It seems like you are ready to be a good husband," he stated.

His father's statement stunned him. His foster parents had never talked about marriage with him. They seemed to respect Kevin's privacy and didn't want to pry on his private life, so it surprised him when his father suddenly said something like that.

"Have you ever thought about marriage, Kev?" the father asked again. "I don't mean to pry, but you should start planning for your own family. You have been so busy with your work, trying to find the antidote and whatnot. But, the antidote has been found, and the issue with the werewolves has been settled. It's time for you to think about yourself, Kev."

Kevin was still silent, and his right hand subconsciously gripped the phone tighter.

"Anyway, do you have a girlfriend, Kev?"

The pressure came to him again, and Kevin felt more uneasy. However, he knew that he couldn't stay silent forever, so he answered, "I have a lover, Dad."

He decided to use the word 'lover' because he was in a relationship with a man instead of a woman.

"That's great!" He could hear his father's happy reply. "Then, you need to introduce your lover to us when we come back to Calenta next week."

Kevin's body froze when he heard the reply. "What?" He asked blankly.

"Yes, Kevin. We will visit Calenta next week, so please tell your girlfriend to spare some time to have dinner with us next week."

Kevin could only scream inwardly, 'I don't have a girlfriend, Dad! I only have a boyfriend!'

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