The Blue Eyes


The four people were dumbfounded when they heard Blue's statement.

"What satellite imagery?" Julia asked the young girl.

"I used Chilad satellite imageries to analyze the fragmented overburden material of the abandoned mine. After overlying two satellite imageries of Chilad that have five years gap, I noticed there's a newly buried area not so far from the abandoned mine."

The four people were more speechless after they heard blue's further explanation.

Even Julia looked overwhelmed by the blue-eyed girl. "Are you a college student?" She asked dumbly.

Blue was about to open her lips to answer, but Kris was faster than her by a second.

"She is a high schooler, but she has a genius brain.. Do you see a potential in her?" The burly man asked Julia seriously.

It seemed that Julia's eyes were full of stars as she turned to Kris. "Just let her join the Intelligence Agency after she graduated from college. I will give her a recommendation," she answered.

"No," Kevin suddenly butted in. "Blue will join Orka later. She wants to be a scientist like me."

Hearing Kevin's claim, Julia turned to the young scientist. "She is still young, and perhaps she will change her mind in the future. It's not a bad idea to join the Intelligence Agency," she stubbornly argued.

"Why do you want her to join the agency so badly?"

"So what? Why don't you let her join the agency?"

Three other people remained silent as they watched Kevin and Julia had an argument.

"Excuse me, can I continue my explanation?"

Blue's soft voice managed to interrupt the argument, and the two who were arguing turned to her simultaneously.

"You can continue, Blue," Kevin answered the question.

Julia cleared her throat when she realized that she just had a childish argument with Kevin. She looked embarrassed because she lost her chic image for a moment.

"Please wait for a moment. I will grab my laptop first," Blue said as she got up from her seat.

"That girl is still young. How can she acts mature like that?" Julia asked in a low voice after Blue's departure.

"Blue grew up in the orphanage and was always be an independent girl," Kevin answered.

Julia nodded before she spoke again, "Andre often told me about Blue. He always spoke so highly about the girl, and I was always curious about her. Unfortunately, only today did I get the chance to meet her."

Kevin smiled wistfully. Andre had always been a caring brother for Blue. He was like the girl's second brother while he was the girl's first brother. Even when they were busy working in the laboratory, Andre would always ask about Blue's condition.

Kevin suddenly missed his colleague so badly. If Andre was still there with them, things wouldn't be the same.

Blue's arrival broke the scientist's reverie. The girl didn't say anything and just immediately sat beside Kris again before placing her laptop on the table. She then did something with the laptop for a moment before looking up at the four adults in the room.

"This is the result of my analysis," Blue stated, and the four people immediately stared at the laptop's screen. "This area with the red circle is the abandoned mine area." She pointed at the area. "And this area with the blue circle is the fragmented overburden material." She moved her finger to point at another area.

The four adults carefully inspected the areas that were pointed at by Blue.

"How can you be so sure that the area with the blue circle is the fragmented overburden material?" Kris asked his niece.

"I determined it from the color and the texture of the soil," Blue answered. "The two areas have soil with the same color and texture. The material in the area with the blue circle is relatively young, so the erosion is still in the early stage. In addition, you can see the vegetation density. Due to its young age, the area with the blue circle has less vegetation than the other areas. That means the area was newly buried by new material."

The four adults were once again amazed by the young girl's detailed analysis. They were no longer staring at the screen but gazing at the girl instead.

"Your teacher taught you all of that, kid?" Jack asked the young girl.

"I'm not a kid!" Blue immediately rebuked. "And no. My teacher didn't teach me all of that. I learned it by myself."

Kevin and Kris weren't surprised by the answer because they already knew about the girl's habit, but both Julia and Jack looked starstruck upon hearing the girl's answer.

"That's a good analysis, Blue," Kevin praised his little sister. "But, is there something wrong about the area with the blue circle?"

Blue nodded before doing something with her laptop again. After a few seconds of struggling with the laptop, the girl finally looked up again.

"This is the area before it was buried by the material," Blue's index finger pointed at an area on the imagery. "The area was a valley before it was buried," she added the information.

"Isn't it normal to store the fragmented overburden material in a valley?" Julia asked as she looked up at Blue.

"Yeah, that's indeed normal, but it's weird because Blacoal just left the material in the valley instead of using it to restore the mine area," Blue answered.

"Maybe the company was just too lazy. I mean, they had to spend money to do that, right?" Jack chimed in.

Blue nodded before she voiced her opinion again, "That might be right, but I'm still curious about this valley. This is a natural valley that was originally an intermittent river, but after it got buried, no streams pass through this valley."

The four people frowned after they heard Blue's explanation.

"There was no stream because this area was no longer a valley, right?" Julia asked again.

"No. That's not the right answer," Blue replied confidently. "Some people seem to have deliberately drained this area. They 'moved' the river to another valley. You can see this spot." Blue's finger pointed at a spot in the imagery. "It's like a dam stopping the streams that should lead to the buried valley and diverting the streams to another valley."

The four people looked at Blue in disbelief. The gaze made Blue squirm uncomfortably because she was like being judge by the four adults now.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Please say something!" Blue whined as she felt more uncomfortable under the gazes.

"You did a great job, Blue. I'm so proud of you," Kris praised as he ruffled the girl's black hair.

The girl scoffed at the praise. "That's just a simple analysis. No need to praise me so highly," she replied. She looked cold when she rebuffed the praise, but her face flushed. She was just a tsundere.

"I agree with your uncle, Blue. You did well," Kevin also joined in praising the blue-eyed girl.

"Wait," Julia suddenly chimed in. "Kris is Blue's uncle?" She asked in confusion.

Ah, that was right. Julia didn't know about the relationship between Kris and Blue. Even though the government had known a lot of information about them, they still managed to hide some information about themselves, including the relationship between Kris and Blue.

"It's a long story, but yeah, Kris is Blue's uncle," Kevin answered the question.

Julia didn't immediately respond and just peered at Kris and Blue back and forth.

"You two don't look alike at all," she commented after a pause of a few seconds. "Blue looks more like Kevin than you, Kris."

Kris smiled slightly. It seemed that Julia was more relaxed and more familiar with him now. It could be seen by the way Julia looked at Kris and how she addressed the burly man. She had let her guard down in front of Kris.

"It doesn't matter. Kevin is her brother, after all," the caramel-haired man replied nonchalantly.

Julia was saying the fact, after all. Kris and Blue didn't look similar at all. From their physical appearances to their characters, the two people didn't look similar at all.

Julia just shrugged as she turned to Kevin again. "What's your next plan, Kev? You want to investigate the valley?" She asked the raven-haired man.

"Yes," Kevin answered without a doubt. "I will go to Chilad with Kris to investigate it."

Julia scowled in disagreement. "You better not do that," she stated firmly. "Just let me collect more information about the mine and Blacoal Company first. It's dangerous if you two go there right away."

Kevin didn't say anything and just turned his head to his lover. It seemed that he silently asked for his lover's opinion.

"I agree with Julia," Kris finally voiced his opinion. "We don't have any powers anymore, so we can't be reckless. Let's investigate the valley from a distance for now."

Kevin smiled at Kris's argument. His lover was quite thoughtful. They were just normal humans now, so it was dangerous if they did things impulsively. They had to make an accurate calculation now.

"Alright," Kevin finally decided as he turned to Julia. "We will rely on you, Jule. Please work hard to find more information about the valley."

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