The Blue Eyes


The secret laboratory turned quiet after Jack made an unexpected confession. The air seemed to stop moving, and it was suffocating. The particles around them grew denser, and the atmosphere grew tenser.

Three youngsters stared at the tattooed man with various expressions. Kevin gazed blankly at him, Blue looked shocked, and Kris... his expression was hard to be defined. There was a mixed feeling plastered on his handsome face.

"Just ignore him, Kev. He was just talking nonsense. Let's start our project today," Kris finally broke the silence as he patted his lover's shoulder.

Kevin didn't seem to be shocked by the pat, but he didn't turn to Kris either. He was still staring blankly at Jack.

"No, Kris," the scientist finally returned. "Jack was not talking nonsense. He was talking about his feeling." He then slowly turned his head to Kris and continued, "After we finish the injection, you have to talk with Jack privately."

Kris was stunned. He fixated his gaze on his lover's almond eyes, and he was surprised when he could guess what was on his lover's mind.

"You misunderstood us, Kevin! There's nothing between me and Jack!" Kris immediately defended himself.

But, to his dismay, Kevin didn't seem to buy his excuse. "You still need to have a private talk with Jack, Kris. That's the only way to solve the problem between you two," he replied in a firm tone.

Kris was speechless. He knew that Kevin was stubborn and wouldn't easily change his mind. He could only sigh as he watched Kevin walked away from him. He then turned to Jack and glared at the tattooed man. Jack looked back at him, but his expression was different than his usual expression. He looked solemn for some reason.

"AZURE, please hand me the formulas," Kevin decided to focus on his project today.

They had wasted a lot of time, and now it was time to re-concentrate on the important project.

The robot didn't want to make Kevin wait for long as it quickly retrieved the antidotes from its body. The hands were pulled into the body, and when they came out again, they came back with the bottles of the antidotes.

There were three small bottles, and each bottle consisted of blue-colored liquid. They were all in blue color, but one of the bottles had a darker shade of blue. That was the antidote for Blue.

"We will do the procedure real quick today. It will take some time for your body to fully accept the antidotes, so we have to be hurry because Orka will do the throughout check-up on your bodies this week," Kevin stated as he took the bottles from AZURE's hands.

"You don't have to be pressured by the old men in the government, Kev. Just do everything at your pace," Kris replied.

"I'm not pressured by them, Kris," Kevin replied casually. "I just want to prove to Julia that you and Jack don't have any bad intentions with your powers. We are going to cooperate with her, so we have to gain her trust."

"Wait," Jack suddenly chimed in. "How come I'm not informed that we are going to cooperate with Julia? Are you sure that it will be okay? You saw it with your eyes how she hates me so much, right?"

The young scientist turned to Jack, and he could see Jack's worried expression. It seemed that he had trauma with the pregnant lady.

"You don't need to worry, Jack," Kevin spoke as he smiled. "Julia is a good person, and she regretted her impulsive action a while ago. Kris also trusts Julia, right, Kris?"

Hearing his name was being mentioned all of a sudden, Kris's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't even tell Kevin about what Julia said to him yesterday, but Kevin seemed to be able to read the situation.

"Alright, let's start the injection procedure," Kevin spoke again. "Who will be my first patient?" He continued as he glanced at Kris, Jack, and Blue.

"I will be the first, Brother," Blue answered coldly.

The cold tone startled Kevin as he looked at the girl while frowning confusedly. He just realized that the girl had been silent after Jack made an unexpected confession earlier.

"Are you okay, Blue? You don't look well. We can postpone your injection if you aren't feeling well," Kevin spoke to the girl softly.

The blue-eyed girl looked up at him and stared at him with an unreadable gaze. "I'm okay, Brother," she replied in a low voice. "I just forgot to tell Uncle Kris about an important matter, and I feel confused all of a sudden."

His name was being mentioned out of the blue again, and Kris's face displayed a puzzled expression as he walked over to the beautiful girl.

"What is it, Blue? You can always tell me about anything," Kris spoke to his niece tenderly.

The niece turned to her uncle and sighed. "There will be a students-parents meeting at school tomorrow. When Mother—I mean, Professor Selena was still around, she usually came to my school as my guardian. But now that she is no longer here with us, I don't know what should I do," she explained as she hesitantly glanced at Kevin.

Kevin was a bit shocked to hear his mother was being mentioned, but his expression remained calm. "You can ask your uncle to come with you, Blue," he stated casually. "He is your relative, after all."

The young girl glanced at her uncle, but she seemed hesitant. "Do you want to come with me to the meeting, Uncle?" She then asked hesitantly.

Kris looked confused now. He just blinked at Blue without saying anything, and then he turned to Kevin as he asked, "Why don't you accompany Blue to the meeting, Kev?"

Now, it was Kevin's turn to frown in confusion. "Why should I?" He asked back. "You are Blue's uncle, and you have to be responsible for Blue."

Blue confusedly glanced back and forth between Kevin and Kris. She looked like an abandoned child because her parents didn't want her anymore.

"I'm an uneducated man, Kev," Kris answered his lover's question. "I probably will just embarrass Blue if I come with her."

Kevin had opened his mouth to speak, but Jack was faster than him.

"That's true!" The tattooed man chimed in enthusiastically.

The young scientist sighed as he turned to the blonde man. "Jack, I will let you borrow Kris later, but please don't disturb us now," he said in a lazy tone.

Jack just giggled as he sat on the chair Kevin used earlier. He looked so relaxed and didn't seem offended at all.

"Why do you let him borrow me?" Kris suddenly asked.

"To let both of you have a heart-to-heart talk. You need it, Kris. Trust me," he replied as he turned to Blue again. "Blue, Kris will come to your school with you, so you don't need to worry."

Blue's blue eyes started twinkling prettily, but then she heard Kris's voice again.

"Why did you decide by yourself, Kev? I have never stepped on a school before. It will be awkward for me, so you better go with Blue instead."

Kevin was about to rebuke, but Blue spoke faster than him.

"I have expected that Uncle Kris wouldn't agree to come, that's why I hesitated to talk to you about that earlier," she spoke in a confident tone this time. "So, how about you two come together to my school? Uncle Kris won't feel awkward that way," she continued as she looked at Kris and Kevin in a turn.

"What? Is that possible? You can bring two guardians at the meeting?" Kris asked the young girl.

The said girl nodded before answering, "Some of my classmates often came with their father and mother. They came to the school in their expensive attires and showed off. That's normal."

"That's right," Kevin agreed with Blue. "Moreover, I know a teacher there, so it will not be awkward if we both come to the school."

"Oh! That's Teacher Felix, right, Brother?" Blue asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah, he was my senior in Orka, but he resigned a few years ago and became a teacher. He is a genius, and it's a shame that Orka lost him," Kevin explained briefly.

"If he is a genius, then why did he decided to quit and became a teacher instead?" Kris asked as he frowned confusedly.

"It's because of personal reason, and he never told anyone about it," Kevin answered as he shrugged.

Kris just responded with an "Oh" and didn't ask further. People had their own personal reason, after all.

"Brother, I forgot to tell you that I met Teacher Felix in Chilad when I and Jack investigated the district."

Both Kevin and Kris turned to Blue after they heard Blue's sudden revelation.

"Ah! That's right! The unlucky man with a broken car! He looked pitiful at that time," Jack chimed in.

"How come you met Teacher Felix in Chilad?" Kevin asked in a confused tone.

This time, Blue was the one who gave the man an answer, "He said that Chilad is in his hometown, and he came to visit his mother."

Suddenly Kevin showed a mixed expression on his face.. He looked at Blue deeply as he said, "Teacher Felix is from Shallop, and Chilad is not his hometown."

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