The Blue Eyes


The sound of howls was deafening. It felt like they were in the deepest of a dense forest and were surrounded by a pack of wild wolves.

The three young men were frozen in front of the open door. No one moved an inch even after the head of Orka opened the iron door.

Sensing that the three young men were shocked, the oldest man looked back slightly at them and sighed. "That's why we forced Kevin to do the extraction immediately," he started explaining. "It's true that the government can hold them back in the prison, but their conditions are getting worse day by day. The howls sound like crying, right? The werewolves' condition is miserable now."

The three men remained silent. They had watched the video when they met Grace Hasler some time ago, but the real condition was worse.

"It's alright," the middle-aged man spoke again as he smiled. "The most important thing is we are here now. Shall we go in?"

The three young men glanced at the man and nodded their heads. Callum Conor smiled again after he saw the responses. He then led the three men to enter the dungeon.

They started marching down the stairs. As they got closer to the dungeon, the howls got louder. The bitter cry more and more pierced the heart.

The dungeon was dim. There were some artificial lights, but they were just yellow neons that hanging on the wall. The place was humid, and the tiles under their shoes were cold and layered by thin puddles.

As they walked in the hallway, their footsteps echoed melodically. The howls got louder, and finally, they arrived at the prison. They were welcomed by hundreds of werewolves flailing their hands through the iron bars. They were like asking for help from the people outside.

They could see some workers gave them fresh meat one by one, and the werewolves hastily devoured the meat, just like the tigers or the lions in the zoo.

"The government feeds them fresh meat every day, so you don't need to worry about their condition. This place is not the best, but we treat them well," Callum explained again. "But, it's better if we can help them to transform back into humans as soon as possible, right?"

The best answer was only a "yes," so the three youngsters opted not to answer. They just silently examined the werewolves. There were hundreds of them, men and women, young and old. They were so unlucky to be bitten by the original werewolves and turned into monsters.

"Now that everything is ready, let's start the injection process."

It was the most nerve-wracking time. It was the time when they would start injecting the antidote into the werewolves.

Some scientists under Orka suddenly came in with some equipment in their hands, including some bottle of the blue antidote. They were ready to start the procedure.

They walked to one of the prisoners. It was a male werewolf, quite tall, but seemed a bit old. The scientists stopped in front of the howling werewolf. The werewolf's hands flailed in front of them as if he was trying to grab them alive. The scientists were still calm as they took out a gun.

Kevin looked shocked when he saw the gun. "Wait," he suddenly stopped the scientists' movement. "What will you do with the gun?" He looked worried as he kept staring at the gun at the scientist's hand.

Hearing Kevin's worried tone, Callum chuckled lightly. "That's the gun that was created by your mother," he explained. "We used the gun at the war, and we will use it to paralyze the werewolves. We can't do the injection when they are this wild."

Kevin was startled when his boss suddenly mentioned his mother.

"Mr. Conor was right, Kev," Kris suddenly chimed in. "You remember when I left you to bring the weapons to the army, right? That gun is the weapon."

For a moment, Kevin looked up at Kris, but then he turned to the gun again. His mother's masterpiece was still useful even if she had gone.

"I understand," Kevin said again. "Sorry for interrupting. Please continue the process."

Callum smiled as he patted Kevin's shoulder. He then signaled the scientist to continue the process.

The scientist nodded and started pointing the gun at the werewolf. He pulled the trigger, and a needle-like bullet pierced the werewolf's shoulder. The werewolf gradually stopped moving as if he lost his energy. Not long after, the werewolf fell unconscious on the floor.

"Hurry enter the cell! You guys have ten minutes before the werewolf starts gaining his consciousness again," Callum immediately instructed.

The scientists hurriedly took out the keys and opened the bars' lock. They then entered the bars. Two scientists held the werewolf's body, and the other one filled up a syringe with the antidote. He then quickly pierced the syringe needle into the werewolves' arm.

After he finished the injection process, the scientists hurriedly walked out of the prison and locked the prison again. They came out in time. The werewolf's body started trembling violently as he started howling loudly again. The werewolf seemed to be in pain, and he couldn't stop howling.

The spectators watched the scene nervously. It was the first injection, and they couldn't guess the result. They could only trust Selena and her ability in making the antidote.

The werewolf continued howling. His body looked swollen in some part, his red eyes flashed like a red flashlight, and his hands clenched into fists tightly. The loudest howls pierced the ears, the long and pointy nails shortened gradually, the fangs also shrunk into the original size, and the hairs on his body disappeared little by little before vanishing into the skin. And the last, the red eyes lost their lights as they turned darker.

The howls stopped as the werewolf returned to a normal human. The man fell unconscious on the floor, but his chest still moved up and down. The man just fainted.

The spectators remained silent. There was a thin layer of sweat on their foreheads as they witnessed all the process.

"We... we did it," Callum whispered weakly. His smile grazed his face slowly as he kept gazing at the werewolf in the cell.

Kevin felt his body weakened, and he had to lean on Kris for support. "My mother really made it," he replied in a low voice.

Kris smiled and circled his hand around his lover's shoulder. "You have the best mother in the world, Kev. Your mother has saved the world."

Kevin felt like crying, but he tried to hold back his tears. He felt so proud of his mother. His mother had been struggling for so many years to create the antidote, and she finally achieved her long-time goal.

"Continue the process on the other werewolves. Make sure to do the process carefully and safely," Callum instructed the scientists.

The scientists nodded and started moving to other werewolves.

"It probably will take a few weeks to finish this project," Jack commented.

The head of Orka turned to him and smiled. "It doesn't matter. We are willing to do this job properly. We will finish what we have started," he replied.

"Thank you for your dedication, Mr. Conor," Kevin chimed in as he straightened his body. "I'm beyond happy to see werewolves return to normal humans. My mother must be happy in Heaven." He continued staring at the man in the prison.

Witnessing the whole process triggered the adrenaline, but it also warmed the heart when they saw the werewolves returned to humans. That was the most touching moment.

"You don't need to thank me, Kevin. You and your mother have worked hard as well, especially your mother. I really admire her dedication to saving mankind," Callum replied as he turned to Kevin. "But I can't imagine what will happen when you inject the antidote to Mr. Allaband and Mr. Madris, Kevin. Are you sure you will be able to handle their reactions?"

Kevin didn't immediately answer the question. He glanced at Kris and Jack, but the two men just stared back at him blankly. "It will be fine, Mr. Conor," he answered as he looked back at Callum again.

"I believe in your ability, Kevin. But, you do know that some people in the government can't trust you, right?" Callum carefully asked again.

Even though Callum didn't mention any names, Kevin knew exactly the 'some people' he was talking about. It was not really some people because there was only one person who doubted him from the beginning.

"I know, Sir. I will do the process properly, and I promise you a success," Kevin replied.

The head of Orka looked at him with an awkward gaze. He seemed to want to say something, but he was hesitant. Kevin patiently waited for the older man to speak again.

"Kevin, after you finish the injection process, you have to contact me immediately," Callum finally spoke again.. He saw Kevin frowned at him, so he continued, "The government wants to make sure that you are doing your job properly, so they asked me to do a thorough examination of your body and theirs once the process is complete."

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