The Blue Eyes

Chapter 130 - TEACHER FELIX

"Damn, you crazy werewolf!"

"Oh, you know how to curse?"

Blue just rolled her blue eyes when she heard Jack's annoying question. It was already 9 at night, but they were still in Chilad District.

"We should've gone home hours ago, but you were such a kid!"

Blue couldn't stop snapping at the man who was driving next to her.

After they left the abandoned mine, they immediately went to eat. Chilad District was famous for its homemade foods. They were not extravagant and expensive like the foods in other districts, but they had an original taste that couldn't be found in other places.

Jack didn't answer Blue's question when they were still at the abandoned mine. He just changed the subject and continued to drive the Jeep to a tavern. Blue felt dejected, but she didn't say anything.

After they finished eating at the small tavern, they originally planned to head back to Nozheic. But, the plan instantly turned into a myth when Jack suddenly stopped the car at a field not far from the tavern. Some kids were playing kites at the field, and Jack shamelessly joined them. Blue could only groan at the childish behavior.

The man continued to play with the kids until the sun had set, and when the kids had gone home by then, he insisted to rest in a small hut near the field. Jack slept at the hut until 9.

That's why Blue couldn't stop cursing at the taller man.

"I feel alive again today, Blue," Jack said as he smiled broadly. "I was a bit offended by your question when we were still in the abandoned mine, but after playing with the kids, I feel better again."

Blue's heart skipped a bit hearing the man's words. "You were offended by my question? Which question?" She asked nervously.

Jack glanced at the girl and answered, "Your question about my life purpose."

Blue breathed a sigh of relief after she heard Jack's answer. She was worried that Jack was offended by her other question.

"So, did you find your life purpose after you playing with the kids?" The girl then asked again.

Jack smiled a little. "I just want to live freely," he answered. "I want to play every day, I want to eat delicious food every day, and I want to be happy every day."

The answer was quite unexpected for Blue. She was stunned a little, but she quickly covered her expression. "Just say that you want to laze around every day, Jack," she commented coldly.

Jack giggled at the cold response. "I'm still adapting to my new life now. I'm still trying to get used to eating cooked meat and trying to suppress my desire to eat human meat. That's not easy, though."

Blue was silent as he stared at the tattooed man with an unreadable gaze. She, more or less, could understand Jack's feelings.

"I will help you to adapt," Blue stated as she drew her gaze away from Jack. "That's not easy, but if you have a company, that will be easier."

Jack's expression turned solemn when he heard Blue's statement. It seemed like he was a bit touched by the sincere words. He moved his face muscles again to form a small smile.

He was about to say something again, but then his eyes caught something on the road. "There's someone unlucky with his broken car ahead, Blue. What should we do?" He asked.

Blue narrowed her eyes at the car that was not moving at the side of the road. "Stop the car, Jack. I think I recognize the man," she ordered.

Jack was a bit surprised by Blue's words, but he still complied with her wish. The Jeep stopped behind the broken car, and they immediately got out of the car and walked over to the man, who was standing beside his car.

"Teacher Felix?" Blue asked as she stopped near the man.

The man flinched and looked back at Blue. "You are Blue, right? One of my smartest students at school?" He asked back.

Jack raised his eyebrow as he listened to the conversation. Blue was indeed a genius at school.

"Yes, Teacher. It's me," Blue answered politely. "What happened with your car, Teacher?"

The teacher smiled while nodding his head. He seemed happy to be able to recognize his student. Not long after, he glanced at his white car. The hood of the car was still open, perhaps he was trying to repair his car earlier.

"My car is already so old. The engine suddenly died, and I couldn't start it again," the teacher answered. "And my phone also died, so I can't contact anyone now."

Blue nodded in understanding. "Are you going back to Nozheic, Teacher?" Blue asked again.

The teacher nodded. "Yes. I took a leave today to visit my mother in this district. I was just about to go back to Nozheic, but my car didn't let me," he replied while chuckling slightly.

The young girl felt bad for her teacher's bad luck. "Then, how about we give you a ride to go back to Nozheic, Teacher? We can ask someone here to look after your car for now. It's impossible to bring your car to a repair shop at this hour," she suggested.

The male teacher looked quite surprised by the suggestion. "Is that okay, Blue?" He glanced a little at Jack, who was standing behind Blue, and continued, "I'm afraid your companion will mind if I take the free ride."

At that time, Blue finally realized that Jack was also there with them. She peered at Jack for a moment and turned to her teacher again. "He won't mind, Teacher," she answered. "That's the best help I can offer you right now. I will feel bad if I can't help you."

Jack widened his eyes when he heard Blue's response. The young girl didn't even ask for his opinion and decided by herself. He was quite offended by that.

"I'm so grateful, Blue," the teacher replied in a joyful tone. "If you don't mind, may I borrow your phone for a moment? I want to call my relative to take care of the car and ask him to send the car back to Nozheic tomorrow."

Without a doubt, Blue fished out her phone and handed it to her teacher. The teacher happily accepted the car and excused himself to make a call.

"Who is he?" Jack immediately asked after the teacher walked away from them to make a call.

Blue turned to him and answered, "He's my Science teacher, Felix Smith."

Jack eyed the teacher who was speaking on the phone. "Is your teacher a native here? Should we ask him about the abandoned mine?" He asked as he turned back to Blue.

The girl didn't immediately respond. Her blue eyes stared at the teacher, who was still on the phone. "No," she finally answered. "We better discuss with my uncle and Brother Kevin first."

Jack nodded and didn't say anything again. He just silently watched the teacher who had just finished making a phone call. The teacher walked back to them again with a big smile plastered on his face.

"All is settled now," he handed the phone back to the owner. "Thank you so much for your help, Blue." He then glanced at the man behind Blue. "But, Blue. Don't you want to introduce your boyfriend to me?"

Both Blue and Jack widened their eyes when they heard the unexpected question. They glanced at each other for a moment, but then looked away awkwardly.

Blue's face was reddened, but she still managed to clarify, "He's not my boyfriend, Teacher. He's my uncle's friend. His name is Jack."

The teacher's lips formed an 'O' shape after hearing the clarification. "Ah! I heard about your adoption, Blue!" He exclaimed enthusiastically. "I'm so happy that you finally got a new family."

Blue smiled softly. Her teacher only knew about the adoption but didn't know the truth. He didn't know that Kris was her real uncle, not just her adoptive uncle.

After enough with the chit-chat, the three then headed to the black Jeep. Blue and Jack got into the front seats while the teacher took the back seat. Jack then started the car engine and drove the car on the road.

"I'm so happy to meet you, Blue. You are my favorite student, and you are very kind. It's truly a blessing to meet you here."

Blue just smiled a little hearing her teacher's praise. "Teacher Felix is also my favorite teacher. Teacher Felix has been helping me a lot since my first year at school."

Jack could only be a listener and didn't utter any words.

"I'm not helping much, Blue. You're naturally smart, so you don't need my help," the teacher complimented the girl again. "Anyway, I still remember your question when I taught your class some months ago. It's your question about the werewolves."

Blue frowned when she heard her teacher's statement. She tried to recall the memory for a moment, and her face turned bright when she finally remembered the event.

"I remember, Teacher!" She replied excitedly. "You gave me a vague answer back then."

The teacher chuckled after hearing his student's accusation. "I just didn't want to jinx it, Blue," he responded as he stared at Blue while smiling gently. "I think it's my turn to give you a question, Blue." Blue looked a bit puzzled by her teacher's words, so the teacher continued, "Mankind had defeated the werewolves once again. Do you think it's really the end for the werewolves?"

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