The Blue Eyes

Chapter 125 - BLUE CORN

Kris could only gawk at Kevin. It looked like Kevin was growing two heads that he needed to look at his lover like that.

"You can eat that spooky soup?" He asked in disbelief.

Kevin calmly blew the soup in his spoon before bringing it to enter his mouth. He closed his eyes enjoying the warm sensation in his throat.

Kris, who was sitting opposite him, patiently waited for an answer. His own soup remained untouched in front of him.

"What's spooky soup?" Kevin finally asked back after he stopped enjoying the taste of the 'spooky soup.'

"That lady was so creepy," Kris replied. "She said that the soup was made of her tears. How can you eat it so calmly like that?"

Kevin chuckled while shaking his head in amusement. "Do you believe in her words? You believe that this blue soup was made of her tears?" He asked again. Seeing Kris just scoffed at him, he then continued, "She used blue corn to give the soup blue color. You can taste it if you don't believe me."

The caramel-haired man blinked innocently in front of him. "She used a blue corn?" He asked, and his lover nodded. "Why did she lie to us that she used her tears to give the blue color?"

Kevin didn't immediately reply. He once again used his spoon to dip the soup and brought it to enter his mouth. Once again, he took some time to enjoy the food, ignoring Kris, who was now glaring at him.

"She was just joking," the black-haired man finally responded after swallowing the soup. "Why did you so easily get fooled by her? Do you think tears can give blue color to the food?"

"I wasn't fooled by her!" Kris quickly retorted. "I just think that the lady is quite strange, and I'm not comfortable eating the food here."

Kevin was about to scoop an abalone in his bowl, but he stopped his movement as he frowned at his lover. "What's so strange with the lady?" He asked.

Kris took a moment of silence, seeming to consider how to tell his lover about what was on his mind. After a long pause, he then answered, "The lady looked gloomy. I know that she was all smiles and all friendly when she welcomed us for the first time, but after I asked her the question about this place's name, her mood drastically changed. I can sense something is not right with her."

Kevin tried to digest his lover's long explanation. He just kept quiet for a moment while his eyes glancing to the kitchen's door.

"I also feel the same," he replied after focusing his eyes on his boyfriend again. "But we shouldn't pry on her personal issue. We just come here to eat, not to investigate her."

Kris wanted to rebuke, but Kevin glared at him dangerously. In the end, he just sighed and nodded. "I understand," he said with an unwilling tone.

He then looked down at the bowl in front of him, contemplating whether he should try the soup or not. But, seeing how Kevin enjoyed the soup so much, he decided to give the soup a try.

The tan-skinned man lifted his spoon and scooped the blue soup. Without blowing it, he immediately brought the soup to his mouth. His eyes widened after his tongue made contact with the soup.

"The soup tastes like a sea," Kris suddenly commented. "The saltiness makes me feel like I'm swimming in the sea. The taste is so fresh, giving me the feeling that I'm currently on a trip in the middle of the sea. It gives me a warm sensation just like when I'm bathing under the sunlight on the seaside."

Kevin smiled after he listened to such a poetic description. "Since when did you become so dramatic, Kris?" He teased his lover.

But Kris ignored the tease and continued to enjoy his food. He didn't only scoop the soup, but he also took the abalone with it. "The abalone is so chewy and fresh. It didn't fishy at all. It feels like it's living inside my mouth," once again he praised the food like he was a food critique or something.

Kevin just giggled and shook his head. His lover was one of a kind. A few minutes ago he was stubbornly refused to taste the soup, but now he was addicted to the food. His lover should stop judging foods from their color.

"Are you not craving human meat like other werewolves, Kris?" Kevin asked his lover in a super low tone. He knew that his lover would be able to catch what he said even though he spoke in such a low tone.

"Werewolves originally could eat anything just fine. They didn't have to eat human food to satisfy their stomach. But, Professor Beischel kept giving them formulas that triggered the wild side of the werewolves. In the end, werewolves felt that their main food was just human meat, and they didn't feel satisfied if they didn't eat human meat."

Kevin was stunned. Hearing his father's name brought back an old pain inside his heart. He could only stare at the bowl in front of him wistfully. He tried so hard to forget anything, but sometimes he still felt the pain in his heart.

The scientist suddenly flinched when he felt a warm sensation enveloped his hand on the table. He looked up and found Kris smiling tenderly at him.

"Stop being blue in this blue place. Let's just enjoy the food and enjoy our journey today. Alright?"

Kevin was mesmerized by the dazzling smile. He swore that his lover had the most beautiful smile in the world. And not only that, but his smile also had a magic trick to make him mirroring the action. He also smiled, forgetting the grief in his heart earlier.

The atmosphere was so calm and serene, but suddenly someone came to their table, making their smiles vanished, and they looked up at the newcomer. They were puzzled to see the tavern's lady standing beside their table.

"Can you lend me your ears for a moment, young men?"

Kevin and Kris looked at each other confusedly. They were communicating through their gaze. 'Why did this lady come to us all of a sudden?' Apparently, that was the question on their minds.

The lady didn't wait for their response as she quickly dragged a chair to their table. She then sat down on the chair and looked at the men in turn before her eyes fixated on Kris.

"You asked me about this place's name, right?" The lady asked Kris, and Kris stiffly nodded to answer the question. "Eighteen years ago, there was a big explosion on the ship. The ship was about to cross the sea from Primea to Calenta. My husband and my son were on the ship."

Both Kevin and Kris were shocked to hear the lady suddenly told them a story, but then a realization suddenly came to their minds.

"Eighteen years ago? Was it during the war between mankind and the werewolves?" Kevin was the first one to voice what was on his mind.

Kris seemed to be guessing about the same thing, so he patiently waited for the lady to answer his lover's question.

"Yes, that was during the war," the lady replied. "My husband and my son worked for someone in the city, and they were ordered to take some weapons from Primea to Calenta."

The answer stunned the two men.

"Did your husband and your son work for the government?" Kris asked.

The lady turned to him and frowned. "I don't think so," she answered. "My husband just kept telling me that he worked for someone powerful in the city and that he got a lot of money from that person."

Once again, the two men were jolted by the lady's story. Their hearts beat in anticipation. The lady's story may be related to the case they were investigating.

"If they didn't work for the government, then, why did they receive an order to bring weapons from Primea? And, you really don't know who is the person who gave the order?" Kris asked again.

The lady looked at Kris with a displeased expression. "I really have no clue about that," she replied in an annoyed tone. "We were just a poor family in Rodein, and my husband with my son changed masters from time to time. They didn't care who was the person they were working for as long as they were paid. Who would guess that the bomb in the ship suddenly exploded and killed both of them."

The lady started sobbing after she finished her story. Both Kevin and Kris could understand the lady's feelings. They both also experienced similar tragedies not too long ago.

Feeling bad for the lady, Kevin stretched out his hand and rubbed the lady's arm. "Now I understand why did you name this place 'The Sad Sea' and painted the wall with blue color. You lost your happiness in the sea, and you're feeling blue afterward."

The lady wiped away her tears and looked at Kevin sadly. "I started this business a year after the war ended. This place is like a memorial place for me," she explained. "But, I still believe that the explosion was not a mere accident. Someone deliberately caused the explosion."

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