The Blue Eyes

Chapter 122 - SWEET TALKER

"Have you contacted the car rental, Kris?"

The owner of the name looked up from his phone to find his lover was busy with his backpack. The tan-skinned man smiled a little before answering, "Yes, I have." He put down his phone and leaned his back on the back of the couch. "We still need to spend money to rent a car in the end."

Kevin frowned and walked over to his lover, then he sat down next to his taller lover. "You keep complaining about spending money since yesterday. I can pay for the car by myself if you're not willing to buy me the car, Kris. I still have my savings," he stated in an annoyed tone.

"It's not like I'm stingy or something, Kev. It's okay to spend a little more. I didn't buy anything expensive besides the red car, anyway," Kris replied. "It's just, your dream car is not ready, and we have to wait for at least one month before the car is ready."

Kevin sighed and shrugged. "I can't help it. The car is a limited edition, after all," he responded nonchalantly.

"I didn't expect you're into SUV models. Moreover, that robust car is totally different from your old car."

They went to the car shop yesterday. Kevin was still in his pajamas, but he was very enthusiastic when he was looking at all the car models in the shop. His eyes sparkled brightly like Sirius, and a big smile as big as Jupiter plastered on his face. The young scientist was totally forgotten about their fight before.

"I need a robust and strong car that will not easily be destroyed when it hit something on the road."

Kevin's replied made Kris's eyes widen, "Don't jinx it, Kev! Having a car accident once is enough. I don't want you to experience the same accident ever again!"

Kevin was a bit taken aback, and his heart skipped a beat seeing his boyfriend's angry face.

"I'm sorry, Kris. I didn't mean to make you worry."

His lover was a bit offended by his harsh word, and Kris felt guilty about that. He was about to hug his lover's body, but then he felt sudden electricity on his shoulder. His body flinched a bit, and he turned to his side.

"You little devil! What were you doing?" He exclaimed at the small robot that was standing innocently near his legs.

The robot's hands stretched out to electrify Kris's shoulder earlier, making the owner of the shoulder jumped in surprise.

"You scared my Master, you big devil!" The robot replied in its robotic voice.

Kevin glanced at the robot and giggled. "You're my best son, AZURE!" he praised the blue-eyed robot.

The robot's eyes gleamed at the praise. It then moved its short legs to approach Kevin and stopped near the latter's legs. The white robot then rubbed its face on Kevin's long legs.

"You spoiled that robot too much, Kev," Kris stated while rolling his eyes.

AZURE had been living with them since a few days ago, and Kevin couldn't stop spoiling the cute robot ever since. He even wanted to let AZURE sleep on their bed with them, but Kris was against the idea.

"Have you packed your clothes, Kev?" The taller man then asked again.

Kevin looked up at him, but his hand didn't stop patting AZURE's head. "I have, but do we need to spend the night in Rodein District? The district is only three hours away from here. I think we can go back right away," he asked curiously.

"You're not wrong, but I have a better idea," Kris replied. "We probably need to investigate the case at night. A dark district like Rodein will likely be more active at night. We can collect more information when it's dark."

Kevin nodded in agreement. What Kris had just said made sense to him.

"Then, what about Jack and Blue? Blue was not feeling well yesterday. I haven't contacted her to ask about her condition."

"You don't need to worry about her, Kev. Blue is okay now, and they're ready to head to Chilad. I've also told the car rental to send the car to the orphanage so that they can use it right away."

Once again, Kevin nodded his head. He was satisfied that his boyfriend had planned everything thoroughly.

"If you're ready, then we should get going now," Kris said as he got up from his seat.

But Kevin didn't budge and turned his head to AZURE instead.

"Is it okay to leave AZURE alone here, Kris?"

Kris apparently had guessed that Kevin would ask the question. He already prepared a good answered, so he immediately replied, "I've assigned some men to guard this place. They're Professor Selena's trusted men, so we don't need to worry about the robot's safety."

"Alright, then," Kevin seemed to be satisfied with the answer. He then looked down at the robot and cupped its cheeks. "Be a good kid at home and wait for us to come back, okay?"

Kris rolled his eyes at the sight. Kevin was behaving like the robot was his own child. That was ridiculous but sweet at the same time, so he didn't have the heart to protest.

"You better turn the robot off to save its energy," the taller man spoke again.

Kevin nodded understandingly and said, "I'll see you tomorrow, my son." As his index finger pressed on the small button on the robot's chest.

Kris could only shake his head but didn't say anything. He then headed to the door and put on his shoes. Kevin followed suit. He also put on his shoes without uttering any words.

After they got ready, they immediately left the apartment. Kris didn't lie earlier. In front of their unit, two men standing straight and bowed to them when they went out. Kevin just bowed back to them awkwardly and quickly tailed behind his lover, who had been walking at a quick pace.

"Why are you in a hurry, Kris?" Kevin said after he successfully catching up with his lover.

"Who's in a hurry? It's my usual speed," Kris replied.

Kevin just rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. They finally arrived at the parking lot in the basement, and they immediately got in the car. Kris turned on the engine, and the car started speeding.

The red vehicle sped on the smooth asphalt. It was not raining in Serein today. There were clouds in the sky, but they were just Cirrus and Stratus types that didn't seem to produce the precipitation later.

Kris silently drove his car. The street was crowded, as usual, restraining him from pushing the gas pedal stronger. He quietly peered at his lover next to him who seemed too busy with his phone.

"Who are you texting to?" He then asked curiously.

"I'm texting Blue," Kevin answered without looking up at him.

Hearing the girl's name made Kris's body tense. "Did Blue say anything?" He asked again, choosing to brush off his uneasy feeling.

"Nothing in particular. She just told me that she and Jack were about to head to Chiliad."

Kevin was still looking down at his phone. It seemed like he was still texting with the blue-eyed girl.

"Kev, can you turn on the radio for me?" Kris finally asked again, seeming to try hard to gain his lover's attention.

"Can't you turn it on yourself? The radio is not far from you, anyway."

Kris gritted his teeth. Why was it so difficult to win his lover's attention? The caramel-haired man chose to give up and turned the radio himself. A ballad song greeted his ears as soon as the object was turned on.

"Oh! It's my favorite song!" Kevin suddenly exclaimed. His eyes no longer looking at the smartphone and now gazing at the radio.

Kris was dumbfounded. He had been trying hard to win Kevin's attention, but in the end, he was lost to a damn radio. His luck was cursed.

"Why do you like this song, Kev?" The taller man decided to ask.

"You don't remember this song, Kris?" The scientist asked back while turning his head to his lover. "It's the old song that was playing when I first met you many years ago. You were standing in front of a DVD store, and the store was playing this song at that time. Don't you remember the song?"

Kris frowned as he tried to recall the old memory. "I didn't pay attention to the song back then," he answered when he remembered nothing about the song.

Kevin seemed to be disappointed. He pouted a little and asked, "Then, what were you paying attention to at that time? How could you forget such a meaningful song? It's a song about sweet first love, you know?"

Kris glanced at his lover a little and smiled when he saw his lover's adorable behavior. "Rather than paying attention to the song about a sweet first love, I was paying attention to my first love at that time," he then said in a sweet tone.

The sweet tone stunned Kevin. He stared at Kris and found his lover smiling even though he didn't face him. His cheeks gradually getting warmer as his heart beat faster. His lover was such a sweet talker!

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