The Black Necromancer

Chapter 460 Preparing For Disaster

Chapter 460  Preparing For Disaster

Leon and Elena went to rest for the night. Neither of them needed the sleep, but it did not hurt anyone. When morning came, Leon waited for Elena to freshen up before they met up in the courtyard.

Before Elena arrived, Leon met up with Raegan, Darren and Rakon. These three were in charge of the running of the Cromwell Empire. He briefed them on what was coming. The war would not only be limited to the celestial realm, and would also spill over into the mortal realm, after all.

The two Obsidian Skeleton Royals had reached Mid A rank at this point, but could display effective combat power of Peak A ranks. In the Mortal Realm, they would be able to protect themselves fairly easily. As for Rakon, he was already a High A rank and was making strides to surpassing that level as well.

"When the time comes, I want you to do your best to ensure that the Cromwell Empire stays in one piece." Leon told them. He leaned closer and said in a low voice. "Also, keep my father and Elena safe."

"We will make sure they are at their safest when the time comes, Lord Father. But... Lady Elena will never agree to sit back while we fight." Raegan responded but hesitated a bit before speaking his mind concerning Elena.

"It's fine. She can fight, but just watch out for her." Leon patted the two Obsidian Skeletons' shoulders before turning away. He would visit his father and return before Elena got ready.

The relationship between him and his father had become quite good. While they were not automatic buddies, their father-son relationship was much better than what it had been months ago. They did not always see frequently, but when they did, the atmosphere between them was always warm.

Currently, Eugene was on the Central Continent. To be exact, he was training with the other humans from Earth in the Despair Dungeon. As of now, his strength was sitting on the Pseudo-A rank level, with the other humans being somewhere around B rank. With their strength, taking care of the Despair Dungeon would not prove to be too difficult.

Leon blinked and in the next moment, he was floating in the air somewhere in the Despair Dungeon. He looked around and with a single glance, he could tell that he was at the top floor, if the constant sounds and clamor of battle did not make it clear for him.

A human army that consisted of roughly one hundred men and women worked together to stave off the waves of lizardmen, bogmen and giant crocodiles that rushed at them. Spells and techniques set off waves of light and energy in the air that made it difficult to see, but to Leon it was nothing.

He immediately spotted his father's figure at the center of the formation where he gave instructions and commanded the army. A soft white light radiated from his body and illuminated the bodies of his subordinates, boosting their overall stats by a small but noticeable margin. He oozed a charismatic aura that made someone want to know how it felt to experience his commanding style.

"Keep it up! The boss will soon reveal itself!" Eugene's voice rang out as he paused and looked around the floor. The haze of mana did little to obscure his vision.

Leon quietly watched as the battle unfolded. He recalled the time that he had fought against Ugar. The dungeon butler had returned to his original post, serving as the guardian of the core room of the dungeon. Leon just did not know if he still controlled the boss or if he had simply left the boss monster to do as it wished.


At the edge of the army's formation, a sudden explosion caught Eugene's notice. His eyes glowed with white light and he immediately leapt forward, weaving between the army's formation like they were not even there. In his hand was a narrow sword. It was not a rapier, but was just about two fingers wide, which was quite narrow.

"Ha!" Eugene grunted as he thrust the sword forward just as he reached the location where he had noticed the explosion. The soldiers there were still in the midst of reeling back from what had appeared, meanwhile their commander had appeared amongst them in mere seconds.


Eugene's sword clashed against the solid scales of the boss monster. The shockwave from their clash blew away everyone in the vicinity.

"Deal with the mobs! I can hold this one for now!" Eugene announced when he noticed the two strongest people in the army besides him coming to help. They paused and turned around to continue what they had been doing, leaving Eugene to deal with the boss on his own.

"Just you and me, buddy." Eugene cracked his neck and looked at the large lizardman before him. A multicolored crystal core was embedded in its chest, gleaming with power. When Eugene saw this, he hesitated for a moment. This was not the description of the boss monster he had received before embarking on this conquest.

Well, a lot of things had changed since the influx of mana some time ago. Monsters grew stronger, people grew stronger. Eugene guessed that this was only something similar.

'No matter, we can beat it!' Eugene thought to himself and prepared to attack the boss monster again.

"Heh! You look like my former master!" The lizardman suddenly chuckled while looking at Eugene menacingly.

"Oh? That so? You must have met my son, then. I guess he must have thought you a lesson." Eugene replied in kind. The blade of his sword glowed with a white light and the white light on the bodies of the army dimmed slightly. He withdrew some of the power he used to empower the others and used it to empower himself instead.

"You have a sharp mouth, human. I will teach you better manners when we are done. But I won't kill you." The boss monster sneered and the multicolored crystal on its chest glowed brightly.

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