The Birth Of A Villainess

Chapter 293 - Qu Xing Xu's Decision (1)

Gu Yan raised his hand to his face, the wrinkles on the skin of his disguise started to grow more as he moved.


The sound of leather getting ripped resounded through the bamboo forest they were in along with the rustling of the leaves when the wind started to blow towards their direction.

Once he was finally able to get rid of every leather skin he had to wear on top of his real skin, Gu Yan didn't change his expression that didn't show his disgust for wearing that dirty old bastard's skin.

"How was it?" Qu Xing Xu asked his right-hand man who was slowly standing up from his kneeling position.

Gu Yan stuck his tongue out to wet his dry lips and said, "Several nobles have banded together to bring you down. They did want to inform the Emperor, but that man from the Song family decided to forego with it and proceed with the plan."

The man he was talking about was no other than Song Lan who was currently acting as the mastermind of everything.

"I see…" Qu Xing Xu stroke his cleanshaven chin and slowly smiled. "They've really worked hard on this, haven't they?"

Gu Yan shifted on his foot and nodded. "They're working hard as if there's a war coming to storm the Empire. But the only thing they wanted to get rid off is you."

"Hmmm. I wonder why?" Qu Xing Xu suddenly asked, making Gu Yan glance at him in pure surprise.

"Master… You don't remember, do you?"

"Remember what?"

"That you sent them that message containing some information about what happened twenty years ago." Gu Yan supplied because Qu Xing Xu sincerely looked like he didn't recall any of that day's events.

It was not that Qu Xing Xu truly forgot about what he had done before. It was just that he was too happy to care and think about anything else during his wedding day and wedding night. Thus, even if he already sent the message through Gu Yan to the nobles who were part of that tragedy 20 years ago, he simply didn't think that it was worthy for him to remember.

It was more important for him to careful engrave the memories of his wedding into his eyes and mind.

"Oh..." Qu Xing Xu lazily mumbled. Although there was slight tone in his voice that he recalled what happened a month ago, there was no expression whatsoever on his face. On the contrary, he looked as if he was too bored to continue listening about this matter.

Knowing exactly what is inside his Master's heart, Gu Yan sighed internally and continued to report what he had found out.

A few days ago, the elders of every nobles clans has been acting strange. They kept on arranging a secret meeting inside a house situated near the Song family's residence. One might think whenever they see these elders to be discussing about court matters, but Qu Xing Xu's men was passing by at that time and saw them walking by and didn't think that it was that simple.

Even if they were really discussing court matters, wouldn't be more sensible for them to discuss about it inside the Palace rather than inside an empty house in the capital?

And thus, Qu Xing Xu's men didn't waste any time to inform Gu Yan who in turn informed his master.

"The snakes have been rattled by the message you left as a gift on your wedding day. They're afraid their secrets are about to be revealed under the Heavens and persecuted for what they did." Gu Yan stated.

Qu Xing Xu took a step toward a bamboo tree and leaned his back on it. He chuckled lightly as if mocking the elders of these noble families. "And so... They plans to eliminate me and make sure that their secret are buried with me?"

"That is right, Master." Gu Yan paused before continuing. "They included the Qu elders in their plans. They seem to want to let the entire Qu residence perish during the Moon Lantern Festival."

"Is that so?" Qu Xing Xu's lips raised slightly. "So, not only they want my head on top of a pike, they also want to bring down my entire Qu family. How ridiculous."

Although Qu Xing Xu's words sounded as if he was harboring deep hatred feelings towards these noble elders who gathered to plan for his and the Qu family's demise, the glint in his eyes and the corner of his slightly raised lips told another story. He was certainly entertained by this situation.


"What's wrong? Is there anything else?" Qu Xing Xu noticed how Gu Yan hesitated to speak more and decided to call him out.

Gu Yan was not surprised that Qu Xing Xu caught his internal strife since he couldn't possible hide his real thoughts to his master who gave him a part of his soul. Being connected to Qu Xing Xu through their soul and mind, Gu Yan didn't try to prolong the tension by hiding a few more things he found out during the meeting earlier.

"There's still something else they also want to achieve from this scheme." Gu Yan tested the waters and saw that Qu Xing Xu was waiting for him to continue. And so, he added, "It involves the young madam back at the Qu residence."

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the air suddenly took the opposite direction. It was slightly sunny that day, but inside the bamboo forest, the temperature plummeted to the point that Gu Yan could feel the cold even under his skin: which was already used to cold weather.

"What did you just say?" Of course, Qu Xing Xu didn't say this just for Gu Yan to repeat his words. Gu Yan knew this and so, he didn't utter a word and kept silent.

"What does their plans have anything to do with Lin Xiaofei?" Qu Xing Xu asked. He knew that if these oldies were to get what they wanted, Lin Xiaofei will be troubled at the end of it. Or worst, she could die along with him. That is, if they do succeed. However, he didn't think of anything that could make them involve Lin Xiaofei in their plans.


Author has something to say: That's today's update! I will try to force myself to write 1 or 2 chapters daily and join the win-win event so we can get some rewards. So, don't forget to buy the privilege chapters and help me rank up in the win win event!

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