The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 266 Making Plans

Scarlett and Seven exchanged a glance. They both knew what they had to do. They had to find a way to get the DNA samples from the Withers family without getting caught.

"I will take care of it," Seven said confidently.

"No. Let me handle the target." Scarlett said. Then she looked at Nine, "Brother Nine, can you give me the target identity? I'll try to get a sample for you!" Scarlett said confidently.

Seven rubbed his eyebrows. Clearly, he disagreed with Scarlett's words.

"Three, you're not thinking straight," Seven retorted. "This mission is dangerous. You could get hurt or worse. And if anything happens to you, Rex will probably kill me!"

Scarlett's frustration grew. She hated being belittled and patronized by her guildmates because she was valuable to them, their talented hacker. She knew she had more to offer than just being a skillful hacker.

"I appreciate your concern, Seven, but I can take care of myself," she said, her voice steely. "I didn't join this guild to sit on the sidelines and watch. I want to be a part of the action, to fight for what's right. This mission is important to me, and I won't let anyone stand in my way..."

Seven sighed, knowing he couldn't change Scarlett's mind. He respected her determination and knew she wouldn't give up until she achieved her goal. He couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as he looked at Scarlett.

He remembered all too well the last mission they had been on together, leaving her injured and shaken. He didn't want to see her hurt again, especially not when it could have been avoided.

"Damn, Scarlett! Please..." he said, his voice tinged with concern. "I know this is important to you, but you must be careful. We can't afford to lose you."

"Seven! I won't let my past accident stop me from taking a field mission," Scarlett said firmly. "...I won't put our guild in danger or let myself get hurt. But I can't just sit around and do nothing while you guys work to solve my personal matter..." 

Once again Seven took a deep breath. Helpless with Scarlett's persistence.

"Three!" Seven said reluctantly. Then a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He continued his words, "...fine! But you can't act independently and will follow my lead. Promise me? If you don't promise, I will call Rex immediately to stop you!"

Scarlett returned his smile, but she felt a twinge of irritation as she heard his last few words. Why did he have to call Rex? Gosh!!

But instead of voicing her frustration, Scarlett decided to play along. "Don't worry, Seven," she said calmly, "I promise to follow your every order. Besides, I don't want to let you down."

Seven couldn't help but smile when Scarlett agreed to follow his lead. Even though he couldn't stop her, at least he could keep an eye on her and make sure she didn't get into trouble.

Scarlett looks up at Nine after convincing Seven to let her join the field mission.

"Brother Nine, who is your target?" she asked, hoping to gather as much information as possible.

Nine, who didn't care what Scarlett and Seven were talking about — he was busy reading something on his cell phone — slowly raised his head. He looked at her and replied, "Your cousin, the first grandson of the Withers family. He is a well-known movie star in this country. His name is Dax Withers, but he goes by a different name, Dax Prince."

Scarlett was taken aback. She thought Withers was only engaging in activities related to the underworld or business. But it turns out they have a family member who is a movie star. Interesting!

"I thought the guy would be approachable." Seven said calmly.

"Yes! I will easily approach him..." Scarlet said excitedly.

"Tsk! You guys have to read Dax Withers' profile first..." Nine shook his head and sent the Dax Withers profile file from his cell phone to Scarlett and Seven.

Seven and Scarlett quickly opened the email, eagerly wanting to know their next target. As they read the report, their faces darkened with frustration.

The report details a public figure who rarely appears, making it nearly impossible for anyone to get close to him. And if he's out in public, he's always swamped by a massive security team.

"Unbelievable," Seven muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "Why does he need so much security? Is he the President of the United States?"

Scarlett rolled her eyes at Seven's joke. "No, but apparently, this person is like a mafia king…." She answered flatly. "Oh, I forgot, he's the Withers' first grandson, right? No wonder he'll be the heir to the family business!"

Scarlett took a deep breath, still feeling uncomfortable being a member of the Withers family. She wished her DNA wasn't the same as theirs. She didn't want to associate with this family.

"Maybe we should look for someone else. This seems like too much trouble." Seven said. 

Scarlett nodded in agreement. "Agreed! Let's move on to the next target," She turned to Nine. "Brother Nine, can you pull out the next potential target?"

"What the hell! Looks like you two didn't hear what I said!? I told you, he's an easy target, meaning it's even harder for you to break through the safety of the other Withers family members!" Nine smiles.

As Nine finished speaking, he noticed that Seven and Scarlett hadn't responded. He quickly added, "But don't worry, guys! If you assess them, it may be difficult for me to handle Dax Withers with my abilities. However, I believe in your abilities and think you can handle the task easily..."

Scarlett, "..."

Seven, "..."

Seven and Scarlett exchanged glances, silently acknowledging Nine's confidence in their skills.

"How will you approach him?" Seven finally asked Scarlett.

Scarlett's mischievous grin widened as she motioned Seven closer to her. "I've got an idea..." 

Seven leaned in, curious to hear her plan. 

"Well, it's easy. We only need a sample of his hair, right? So we don't have to be too bold to approach him..." Scarlett tells him her entire plan.

Seven nodded in agreement, impressed by Scarlett's quick thinking. "I like your idea. Let's do it."

"Alright, let's make a move tomorrow night. According to the report, he has a wedding party invitation. He confirmed through his manager that he will be attending because the groom is his best friend." Scarlett said excitedly.

Seven grinned, feeling the familiar thrill of anticipation. "Perfect. We'll blend in with the crowd and get what we need. It's good to be doing this again with you, Three!"

"I can't believe you guys look so relaxed!" The nine were confused, unable to understand how they could be so calm and collected. Had they forgotten that the Withers were not an easy opponent?

"Don't worry, Nine. This is something we used to do in the past. It's like riding a bike; you never forget how to do it. And don't worry, I'll also get you a sample." Scarlett chuckled at his reaction. 

Nine nodded, still uneasy but trusting in his partners' abilities. 

"Alright! I'll arrange our invitation to get into the party," Seven said, clapping his hands excitedly. It had been over a year since he had gone on an undercover mission with Scarlett.

Scarlett nodded in agreement, but then she remembered something — their outfits. "Is there a function room here?" she asked. They always had a particular room at their base camp where they could find everything they needed for their missions.

"Yes, we have one," Nine replied. He pressed a button on his chair, and shortly after that, a short-haired man appeared in the room.

"You know her, right?" Nine asked the man, who nodded in recognition. "Please take her to the function room," he instructed.

The man led Scarlett to the function room, where she found racks of clothes, wigs, and various accessories. She quickly picked out a stylish dress and a long, blonde wig to help her blend in at the wedding party.

While in the living room...

Seven looked at Nine with a question mark that radiated from his eyes.

"Did you see what I saw?" Seven asked curiously. "I think she fought with her husband?" He could read Scarlett's expression when he saw her at the airport. The shine in her eyes looked different from the last time she had seen her — they always looked sparkling. Now, her gaze dimmed.

"Mmm... I see the same thing. Doesn't she really love her husband?" 

Seven didn't know how to answer that. 

Nine stood up from his seat. Before leaving the room, he said, "...You better tell Two! He won't be happy if he learns about this from someone else."

Seven was thinking for a moment while watching Nine leave the room. He was in a dilemma now; if he called Rex, it meant he betrayed Scarlett. But he would be in massive trouble if he didn't report this to Rex, right?

After a while, Seven stood up from his chair and decided to call Rex.

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