The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 141 Neglect

"Humph! Boss... You look brighter this morning. Are you in a good mood?" Cruz said as soon as Scarlett stepped out of the elevator.

"What are you talking about?" Scarlett frowned and walked past him. She didn't go straight to her office room but went to the pantry to make coffee.

"Boss, sit over there. Let me make it for you! What do you want to drink? Coffee drip or Latte?" Cruz forced Scarlett to sit on the couch and prepare her morning coffee.

"Drip!" She said and sat on the sofa.

After some time...

Cruz brought two cups of coffee, placed them on the table, and sat on the sofa across from Scarlett.

"Boss, I'm seriously saying that you look radiant like there's a ring lamp hanging on top of your head. And also, the light in your eyes looks brighter than usual..." Cruz clapped his hands out of curiosity while his eyes beamed, looking at Scarlett.

But when Cruz saw Scarlett roll her eyes as if she didn't care about his words, he continued,  "Tsk, boss!! I've known you for a long time, don't lie to me, alright!! Something must make you this happy and look radiant... right? Come on, Boss! Spoil my clownish curiosity, please..." He begged Scarlett with a funny face.

Scarlett looked at Cruz and couldn't decide whether to find him funny or annoying.

'This idiot Cruz is so noisy!' She wondered as she sipped her coffee, ignoring him.

How can she tell him about the progress of her relationship with Xander? While no one knows about their marriage agreement.

Scarlett didn't rush to answer this Idiot Cruz.

She took another sip of her coffee before saying, "Your worries are groundless, Cruz!!" A playful smile graced her face before she continued, "...Have you forgotten that I was born like this!? My face always looks radiant and beautiful. That's why I don't like showing my beauty in public because there will always be people like you who will be charmed by me!"

Cruz was rendered speechless.

'Damn! Fine, you win, Boss... You win!!' He could only lament his anger inwardly, feeling defeated by her words.

Seeing Cruz's face turn grim, she smiled playfully. Now, she felt in a good mood after teasing him.

"...Well, I'm in an excellent mood today because I got too excited. Zara and Tyler are coming next week. Is their accommodation ready?" Scarlett changed the subject enough to tease this poor Cruz.

Cruz sat up excitedly and said, "You bet they are, Boss! All those two must do is knock on the door and let themselves feel at home."

"Very nice! Since you guys will be living on the same floor, ensure you care for them, especially Zara. It's her first time visiting this country. I'm afraid she won't like the food here..."

"Of course, I will take care of them. Ah, about the food... Did you forget she is also our Food Slave Guild member?" Cruz raised his eyebrow before continuing, "...don't mind her. She will eat anything!"

Scarlett smiled as she nodded slightly.

Indeed! That girl will eat anything, but she will also complain because she is the type of girl who is challenging to satisfy.

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ Thinking of her best friend made her remember her past while living in the US. So many sweet and bitter moments there, making her miss them so much.

"I can't wait to go around town to find heavenly food and taste them!" Cruz smiled happily, but then his expression changed as something crossed his mind.

He gave Scarlett a sharp look before he said, "...Ugh! Boss, you MUST join us! Please don't ignore us like you've been doing lately. You spend too much time with my idol, Xander Riley!"

Although Cruz likes Xander Riley as his idol, sometimes he feels jealous of Xander, as his Boss now spends more time with him.

Scarlett appeared calm, but she was internally cracking up. It was so fun watching this idiot Cruz feeling jealous of Xander.

"What are you talking about, Cruz? Did you forget I spent most of my time on the Island, caring for my father!?" Scarlett shook her head as she stood up from her seat chair.

It's time for her to work. Today, she will bury herself in her studio all day long. Because tomorrow, she will take another day off!


What Cruz said is true! Since returning to this country, several times she neglected her work. Lots of distractions, from her family matters to Xander, who suddenly enters her life and disrupts life the way it is now.

"Oops!! Sorry Boss. How is your father's condition now?" Cruz asked worriedly.

He was aware Scarlett didn't have a good relationship with her parents. Still, she looked so scared ever since her father had an accident. She even abandons her work and decides to stay on the Island for a week to help her father.

Scarlett didn't answer him. She walked into her office. As for Cruz, he followed Scarlett and placed her laptop on the work table.

"My father is still recovering at the hospital. That's why I asked Aunt Lana to return to the Island. I need her to care for my father for a while, while I'm away..." She explained while opening her laptop.

"Good to hear that! But why is Aunt Lana looking after your father? Where are your stepmother and little sister?" Cruz asked, confused.

Scarlett's fingers typing fast on the keyboard suddenly stopped when she heard Cruz's question.

Cruz felt his surroundings suddenly turn cold and even more confused as he watched Scarlett's face darken like she was furious.

"B-Boss, s-sorry if I offended you with my question." He immediately stood up from his seat. But before he left the room, he heard Scarlett say.

"They both died! That shameless evil woman killed my little sister, and God punished her immediately; yesterday, that evil woman was found dead in a car accident..."

While Cruz was shocked by the news, Scarlett did not show the slightest sadness. Instead, there was a tiny glint of satisfaction in her eyes.

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