The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 10 - 10 10 Dongfang Young Master Comes_1

10 Chapter 10 Dongfang Young Master Comes_1
Translator: 549690339
Back then, she insisted on marrying Dongfang Yu, he opposed it, but couldnt change her mind, so he reluctantly agreed.

Therefore, she must have been wronged by Dongfang Yu in some way.

Mainly because, within the year of her marriage to Hai Xiaotang, the grievances she had suffered were almost entirely because of Dongfang Yu.

She didnt want to say much about it, but he couldnt just turn a blind eye, so he planned to help them out.


The old man had the servants prepare a lavish dinner.

When Hai Xiaotang saw the feast on the table, her mouth watered, Grandpa, can we start eating now? Im really hungry.

The old man sat in the main seat and chuckled, No rush, were waiting for one more person.

Who? Hai Xiaotang asked, puzzled.

As soon as she finished speaking, the servant announced, Master, Young Master Dongfang is here.

Hai Xiaotang was taken aback!

She looked over and saw Dongfang Yu walk in, tall and stately in a handcrafted suit.

Dongfang Yus gaze merely skimmed over her.

He turned to his grandfather, Grandpa, how have you been feeling recently? I brought some health supplements, see if you like them.

The old man laughed, Of course I like them, anything you give me is welcome. Come sit down, its just about time for dinner.

Dongfang Yu sat across from Hai Xiaotang.

Hai Xiaotang finally understood everything, Dongfang Yu was summoned by her grandfather.

The old man must want to foster their feelings for each other but she doesnt want that!

Whats going on between you two? Xiaotang, did you upset Ayu (nickname for Dongfang Yu)? You dont even dare speak to him, the old man teased.

Hai Xiaotang laughed, Grandpa, Im just so hungry now, I just want to eat. Once Im full and warm, Ill have energy for other thoughts.

Ha ha, youre a cheeky one, the old man laughed heartily, Alright, everyone start eating. Its rare for both of you to join me for dinner, so eat a lot, okay?

Grandpa, you also need to eat a lot. Hai Xiaotang quickly helped him with his food, which made him very pleased.

The entire meal was filled with lively conversation.

Hai Xiaotang was busy chatting and laughing with grandpa, and grandpa was busy discussing issues with Dongfang Yu.

The entire table seemed festive, yet had a subtly odd vibe.

Because Hai Xiaotang and Dongfang Yu didnt have any dialogue.

After dinner, Dongfang Yu planned to leave, Grandpa, I still have some matters to attend to, Ill visit you again another day.

The old man looked puzzled, Its so late, do you still have unfinished work?

Yes, I need to deal with some documents.

Alright, you can go. Its getting late. You can come and visit again some other day.

Grandpa Hai Xiaotang hesitated, Ill stay here tonight, keep you company.

She didnt want to go home, much less share the roof with Dongfang Yu.

Although she didnt hate him, she didnt want to face him either.

She still couldnt treat him like a stranger without any resentment.

His presence still disturbed her feelings, not because there was still love, but because she couldnt remain as calm as a tranquil lake.

She didnt want to feel like this

The old man raised his eyebrows, I can tell somethings wrong between you two. Speak up, whats going on?

Hai Xiaotang hurriedly defended herself, Nothing at all!

Really? Why arent you two going home together then? Arent you husband and wife? Most importantly, the old Xiaotang used to cling to Dongfang Yu like a little tail.


New book by the author, updating at least 4,000 words daily, looking forward to your support~ This book is part of the Vow Not to Be a Wife series, it may seem similar, but it definitely tells a different story~

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