The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 219 Roshi's Move

The area around the creek became extremely lively during the subsequent few days. Over a hundred disciples would gather here at a specific time, while numerous others also came over to observe.

Ezra Zephyr would spend some time everyday helping everyone knit their yarns.

However, due to the number of people, it had become much more troublesome to sense yarns even with the power of the spiritual energy, causing his efficiency to drop.

Even so, he was able to maintain a speed of one to two yarns per day for everyone.

Though Ezra was a little unsatisfied with this pace, the disciples that had come for his help were delighted by it, emotions and excitement often flushing their faces.

After all, they would usually take quite a few days to knit a single yarn. In comparison, the rate at Ezra's place was clearly much faster.

At this speed, the first level promised by Ezra would definitely be reached in a month.

Hence, as the days passed, the gazes of numerous disciples seemed to burn hotter and hotter when they looked towards the prince, and there was even an additional trace of admiration now present in their eyes. Ezra Zephyr had used reality to prove his ability.

After each daily training session, the elated disciples would brag about their progress to those whom had been unable to obtain a spot, causing the latter to be madly envious and so regretful that they felt as if it would be better to die.

If they had believed in Ezra a little earlier, they would not be in their current predicament where even a spot was out of their grasp.

At this rate, the disciples receiving guidance from Ezra Zephyr would very likely reach the first level of the Gossamer Steps technique in a month. By that time, the gap between them would become clear.

Those originally stronger disciples may soon be surpassed by others.

Such thoughts made the many disciples who practiced the Gossamer Steps technique very anxious. Moreover, the progress at Roshi's place seemed to be growing slower and slower recently although they still had to pay the same considerable tuition fees.

Therefore, some of the disciples withdrew from Roshi's classes, and began to save up spirit jade, waiting for Ezra's next round of recruitment.

As such, although far more than a hundred outer mountain disciples were practicing the Gossamer Steps technique, the disciples at Roshi's place gradually lessened. In the end, only a meagre dozen disciples were left, a pretty pitiful sight indeed.

Hence, while the many lectures halls in the rear mountain remained abuzz with activity, only Roshi's place appeared rather lonely and desolate.

The other official outer mountain disciple instructors were secretly alarmed by this scene, all of them committing Ezra Zephyr's name to heart.

When Ezra and Roshi clashed previously, they had naturally felt that a mere unofficial outer mountain disciple could not possibly be so capable.

Hence, they had unhesitatingly chose to support Roshi when he asked for their help. But now, that decision of theirs did seem rather foolish.

Ezra was clearly no samaritan. Wasn't it clear already what state Roshi had fallen to after clashing with the former?

As true outer mountain disciples, they understood what a great job it was to teach spirit techniques in the outer mountains, and numerous mountain disciples would fight tooth and nail for it. Roshi had paid a tremendous price to obtain this cushy job, but who could have expected things to end up like this.

"Ezra Zephyr should not be provoked." The sight of Roshi's lonely and desolate lecture hall made the other outer mountain disciple instructors sigh inside.

As a result, they would occasionally sing praises about Ezra Zephyr while giving their lectures, hoping that it would eventually travel to Ezra's ears as a show of good will. The previous lecture ban on Ezra and his people also quietly disappeared.

Roshi's fate had clearly frightened them. No one knew whether Ezra was also capable of teaching other techniques.

If they pushed him too far, and he began to teach their spiritual techniques too, Roshi's case was already a prime example of what could happen.

<In Roshi's lecture hall.>

Roshi's expression was ashen as he gazed at his lonely lecture hall. The dozen or so figures within looked rather distracted and did not seem to have any intentions of diligently learning. Who knew where their minds were at this moment.

Moshi looked towards Roshi and anxiously said, "Elder brother, we can't continue like this, or no one will come here anymore."

Roahi's spiritual technique lectures was a great source of income, while the younger brother was also able to obtain a tidy sum for himself. This allowed Moshi to lead an extremely comfortable life in the outer mountains, numerous disciples often gathering around and flattering him.

Now that Roshi was being repeatedly suppressed by Ezra, the former's spirit jade income had received a huge hit, making the Moshi's situation very awkward.

Roshi remained expressionless, but blazing rage burned in the depths of his eyes. He peered into the distance, seemingly crossing numerous mountains to see the bustling scene at the creek. Compared to the desolateness here, it was akin to night and day.

Roshi glanced at Moshi and emotionlessly said, "A mere newcomer thinks he can trod all over me. Looks like I'll need to teach him about respect for his seniors."

Before his words faded, he had already began walking out of the lecture hall.

Roshi descended the rear mountain, ultimately arriving at the highest mountain in the mountain rage where he came to a stop in front of a courtyard at the waist of the mountain.

In the stone pavilion within it, Elder Yin smiled when he saw Roshi and said, "It seems that you can't take it any longer."

Roshi cupped his fists together in greeting before he walked forward. He did not speak, but merely retrieved a big case and placed it on the tablet. As he lifted the lid, an interior lined full of spirit jade pieces was revealed.

Roshi finally said, "Elder Yin, I hope that you will kindly accept these two thousand spirit jade pieces."

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