The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 147 Mistake .

The power shown by Ezra Zephyr doesn't belong to the lower realm, simply put, it was unheard of.

All four limbs of lionman were twisted and destroyed in different ways, the common thing was they looked heinous now.

"Time to part our ways, your majesty." Said, Ezra.

He was waiting for the results of the rest of the rings so he could harvest, after accomplishing his mission, he wanted to enjoy the last meal.

"Soul Absorption." He cast the spell, this was a unique spell that Ezra created with the help of Fenrir's teaching.

He couldn't figure out the exact circles this spell needed and only had a vague guess, it was a strange spell and Fenrir stayed quiet when Ezra asked him.

The circle formed and the soul started to leave the body of Brownmane Empire's second prince.

He cried but no voice came out of his mouth, only his suffering face and the river of tears flowing from his eyes showed that he was in pain.

During the torture earlier, Ezra ran a bolt of chaotic lightning onto his throat. Destroying the entire neck and vocals, only made sure that he could breathe.

Soon, the soul came out in the form of a ball and went into the chest of Ezra.

Fenrir opened his mouth to devour the martial spirit.


A crimson red lion roared.

"Lower your voice."

"Shut the fuck up."

Both Fenrir and Ezra retorted to the warning of the lion, respectively.

The lion couldn't resist the suction force and got itself devoured.

Ezra didn't smile in satisfaction, instead, he was looking at the dead Victor Bronwmane in quietness.

He felt like something is missing, and even after killing him in the worse way possible, he was not satisfied at all.

"Why my anger hasn't decreased a bit, it feels like I kill the wrong person." He mumbled.

"Focus, boy. Brownmane Empire is the last thing you should be worrying about." Spoke Fenrir and continued. "Your next opponent is Carlo Aur who has the martial spirit of Filipino hero Rajah Indrapatra.

These two martial spirits, Indrapatra and Soliman are two twin princes. Their host must be twins as well, but Indrapatra always gets to choose the strongest one in the duo, leaving the weaker one to Soliman."

Before Fenrir could speak more, the mysterious voice intervened by announcing.

"The winner of the 8th Ring is Ezra Zephyr, he will be sent to the next floor." Light engulfed Ezra Zephyr the moment the voice ended.

He took a last glance at the dead Victor Brownmane and said. "Don't worry, Fenrir. I am not stupid, I take every word of yours very seriously."


Blinding light attacked the eyes of the prince, he shut down his eyelids, and he felt as if he was floating in the deep ocean, not swimming against it but floating alongside and becoming one. His body felt liveliness

The light vanished, and he could sense the strange atmosphere. His eyes opened, and he found himself in a deep forest.

He pivoted his head, all the winners of the previous round were present. John Stark was calm and composed, he had a friendly smile decorated on his face when he looked at Ezra Zephyr, he looked refreshed.

"Hi, Ezra!" Said in a melodious voice, it was none other than Farrie Holaleth. Her burnt body was fully healed, and the seductive looks and charm she lost reappeared on her physique. She also seemed to overcome the death of Baron.

"But how?" He asked himself. "Does this have anything to do with that strange phenomenon where he was floating in an unknown realm?"

After a minute he shook his head and extinguished all the useless thoughts.

Akkar Boldheart was proudly waving his Axe Hammer, the claw attack from the youngest prince, Leomord Tigerian was nowhere to be seen on his body. Everyone's wounds were healed.

Ezra looked again, three people knelt before him. They were Zulfi Dimitry, Shifa Pista and Theor Galearms.

Ezra didn't react and gestured them to stand up, when he turned his head, he intentionally revealed a smile.

The three subordinates of his smiled, there was visible satisfaction in their eyes.

Everyone waited for a specific voice to come and soon their waiting paid off.

"Congratulations, the 8 of you managed to climb up. First of all, let me inform you that you have permission to surrender and leave now, you will receive the blessings as per your rankings.

Move out, those who want to leave, there will be life and death situations."

Silence befell in the deep forest, everyone was in deep thought, they were battling inside their mind on what to do. However, Carlo and Ezra stood carelessly calm.

The prince of Ezra finally made a move, his eyes met his subordinates who were waiting for the order. Some hidden messages were sent and 2 people came out, Theor Galearms and Shifa Pista.

"We want to surrender and leave." They both said uniformly.

The mysterious voice said nothing and light took away the two werewolves.

Seeing that, Akkar Bildgeart hesitatingly stepped forward. "I don't know who will be my next opponent, or what will be the rules. It's better to get little with my head intact, this dwarf is not a greedy one." Said the Battle Maniac.

Following him, Zulfi Dimitry stepped out as well. "I want to leave as well.".

Of course, it was the decision of Ezra. Zulfi wanted to fight but the prince ordered him through secret gesture language they invented during the invasion of the Warborn and Tribbain Kingdom.

Both dwarf and werewolf vanished with the sparkling light.

Only four left. Ezra Zephyr, John Stark, Farrie Holaleth and Carlo Aur.

*sigh* "I am being utterly stupid but... I'm gonna stay." Said John Stark.

"So will I" the only female spoke.


Two chasms were created before them. "Those who will enter the same chasm will face each other." Said mysterious voice.

"Thank god, we can pick our opponents." Sighed John in relief.

But, the mysterious voice came again. "The winner will be decided when one dies or his opponent accepts his surrender."

Carlo Aur, who remained calm all the while started to move. Slowly like a majestic beast, he used his feet and entered the 1st chasm.

The eyes of John Stark and Ezra Zephyr saw each other, John knew that the werewolf prince will choose the other side.

But to his surprise, Ezra moved towards the chasm in which Carlo went.

Farrie, the enchantress wanted to avenge Baron but she couldn't gather the strength to stop Ezra and go in his stead.

At last, she gritted her teeth in shame and regret after murmuring. "Come back alive, Ezra!"

Fair Sword started his walk as he said. "I won't be lenient just because we are acquaintances." He entered the portal.

Farrie calmed herself and followed him silently, both vanished as soon as they touched the portal.


Ezra heard countless bird chirps, he looked at his surroundings and found himself on a gigantic circle, crimson stones used on the ground were showing that this colour is achieved by drinking countless blood.

This circle battle arena was surrounded by tall thick trees, and there were large and small boulders and hills on the arena.

At the very front was Carlo Aur, facing Ezra Zephyr. Finally, the clash of titans. The best genius of the Naran continent vs the best genius of the upper realm invading group.

"You look quit..."


Before Ezra could say, a punch was right in front of his face.

The prince of Bloodfang Kingdom was shocked by his speed, but it was not beyond expectations of Ezra.

The prince slowly dodged the attack, cleanly. Terrifying everyone, even Carlo was slightly surprised by his quick reaction.

The next moment, four bullets were shot towards him, he took out his strange urumi sword to slice them


4 loud blasting sounds occurred, and instead of cutting those bullets, he was knocked a few meters away. His eyebrows twitched in astonishment, he was feeling the strong vibrations from his sword by that impact.

He looked at those four bullets and found that they were bracers, for some reason he was not shocked anymore.

He started to walk towards Ezra, the latter was smirking as usual. Both men came closer, there was a lot of hatred and killing intent revolving around the two but both kept great control.

Carlo Aur was towering Ezra Zephyr, the latter was not short, he was 6'2 but the man from Las Filipas had the giant height of 6'5.

"Ezra Zephyr, am I correct?" Asked Carlo.

"Mmm-hmm" the prince nodded in affirmation.

"How did you become so strong in the lower realm? Those bracers... they are of legendary tier, how did you get them?" The big man in loincloth ask everything that he had in his mind.

"Everything is possible in this world, lower realm is a cursed land, left by the great gods. So we have our own ways."

Carlo chuckled. "Don't lie, lower realm people is the synonym of insects."

"Then why have you come to the land of insects?" Asked Ezra, his tone filled with mockery.

"For Spirity Bailiwick, what else do the insects have for me?"

Ezra sighed. "An ant can carry 10 to 50 times their body weight, a scorpion's sting can kill a tough big man and a cockroach can survive big blasts, don't underestimate insects."

Carlo didn't answer for a while, he pondered a bit and smiled, it was a genuine smile.

He looked at Ezra and said. "You are right, you are not an insect. You want to win the biggest blessing of Spirity Bailiwick? Join Las Filipinas and I will surrender, you can have it."

"Da fuck!!??" Uttered Ezra in shock.

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