The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 43: The Sect Leader Offers Tea!

Chapter 43: The Sect Leader Offers Tea!

Ling Feng escorted Yue Yunlan's servant at the gate of the Wenxian Sect before heading back to Little Bamboo Peak.

As Ling Feng made his way, the gazes directed at him shifted—be it from outer or inner sect disciples, stewards, or even elders.

Previously, owing to Duanmu Qingshan's influence, most had kept their distance out of respect. However, now that Ling Feng seemed to have developed a favorable relationship with the Cangqiong Sect's young lady, it was likely that even the sect leader wouldn't dare to act rashly against him!

Upon learning this news, the most discontented individual seemed to be Yang Wei, the peak leader of Feixing Peak.

Yang Wei played a pivotal role in positioning Ling Feng beside Duanmu Qingshan. However, not only did Yang Wei lose a prodigy, but Ling Feng even managed to establish a connection with Yue Yunlan, a young lady with an illustrious background.

Summoned by the Wenxian Sect's head, Yang Wei, Elder Li Liang, and other senior figures, along with core disciples like Yun Zheng, gathered in the main hall of the peak, all bearing somber expressions.

Hurrying into the hall, a disciple conveyed the news to the sect leader, "Ling Feng has already escorted Miss Yue down the mountain."

"Alright, go and fetch Ling Feng. Tell him the sect leader needs to see him urgently," Lin Canglang said, his expression grave.


Without a moment's hesitation, the messenger disciple quickly turned and hurried out of the grand hall to locate Ling Feng.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Canglang furrowed his brow in contemplation. "This Ling Feng..."

Initially, Lin Canglang had planned to use Ling Feng to retrieve the sword manual from Duanmu Qingshan, expecting him to succumb to the poison and meet his end. However, Ling Feng's connection with the young miss of Cangqiong Sect complicated matters. If Ling Feng were to die in Wenxian Sect, Cangqiong Sect might hold a grudge against Wenxian Sect. This would undoubtedly spell disaster for the Wenxian Sect.

"Ling Feng is of lesser concern at the moment. After all, he can be regarded as one of our own," Li Liang remarked with narrowed eyes, adding coolly, "It's the matter between Miss Yue and Duanmu Qingshan that is troubling. If these two collaborate, we'll be truly facing an insurmountable calamity!"

"Hmph, Duanmu Qingshan, that old thing, is like a stone in the pit—stubborn and unyielding! Given his disposition, if he ever stages a comeback, none of us will escape unscathed!"

Yang Wei slammed the tea table beside him and roared, "I say we go straight to Little Bamboo Peak now, team up, and put an end to that old coot! We can simply vanish from here on, assuming new identities. With the capabilities of us brothers, even if we resort to a life in the mountains as bandits, we can still lead carefree and joyful days!"

"Nonsense!" Lin Canglang shot Yang Wei a stern look. "The situation isn't clear yet. Stirring up trouble now would be downright foolish, don't you think?"

"Exactly, Senior Brother Sect Leader is right," Li Liang remarked, casually stroking the goatee on his chin. "Things haven't escalated that far. After all, this is an internal matter of our Wenxian Sect. It's not appropriate for the Cangqiong Sect to intervene. Let's first talk to that kid Ling Feng, clarify the situation, and then make plans."

"Mmm," Lin Canglang nodded slightly, turning his gaze to his direct disciple Yun Zheng, a touch of disappointment evident in his eyes.

Initially, he believed that this disciple could propel the sect to great heights. However, Yun Zheng turned out to be no more than a bundle of grass in an embroidered pillow[1], unable to capture the attention of the young lady of Cangqiong Sect!

Under Lin Canglang's intense gaze, Yun Zheng felt a sense of trepidation, causing him to shrink back with an expression of both embarrassment and indignation on his face.

The hall descended into silence for a moment as everyone patiently awaited the arrival of Ling Feng.

It was quite an unusual sight to see the leader of a sect patiently waiting here for an inner sect disciple.

After roughly half an hour, two figures emerged and approached from outside the hall.

The one leading the way was the messenger disciple, followed by an individual wearing a beast-skin vest. He didn't quite resemble a disciple of the sect. Instead, he looked more like a hunter from the jungle, appearing somewhat out of place.

While on his way back to Little Bamboo Peak, Ling Feng was intercepted by the messenger disciple, who informed him that the sect leader was requesting his presence.

Foreseeing that Lin Canglang wouldn't remain idle, Ling Feng was unsurprised. He deliberately took his time on the way back, dragging it out for a good half-hour before arriving.

He purposefully wanted to make them wait a bit longer!

As Ling Feng stepped into the hall, Lin Canglang promptly stood up from the sect leader's throne, his face breaking into a wide smile. "Hahaha, Ling Feng, you're here!"


Yun Zheng was dumbfounded on the spot. Was this still the revered sect leader? The attitude seemed more like a son seeing his old man!

Reacting promptly, Li Liang stepped forward, ushering Ling Feng to the first seat on the lower right side. He chuckled, "Ling Feng, my young friend, please take a seat!"

Yang Wei found it challenging to maintain his composure, but he managed to muster a somewhat awkward smile, chuckling in response.

The remaining disciples at the Pulse Formation Realm level in the hall also approached with beaming smiles. "Junior Brother Ling Feng, you've finally joined us! I caught a glimpse of you from afar in the outer courtyard square, and I had a feeling you were an extraordinary talent. Now, seeing you up close, you're truly remarkable!"

"What Junior Brother Ling Feng! Considering seniority, we should address him as Senior Uncle Ling Feng!"

"Yes, yes, Senior Uncle Ling Feng, look at my loose tongue, I deserve a good beating!"

The disciple actually slapped himself in the face, delivering two resounding slaps.

Gulp. Yun Zheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva. If Miss Yue was interested in him, then today, the one sitting here and being revered by everyone would be him.

He clenched his fist, mustered a smile, and approached, ready to dish out some flattering praise.

A mischievous curve graced Ling Feng's lips as he directed his gaze toward Lin Canglang. With a nonchalant tone, he inquired, "The sect leader summoned me. What’s the matter?"

"Hehe, it's not a big deal." Lin Canglang raised a tea cup, offering a faint smile. "Come, you've traveled a long way. Have a cup of tea before we talk."

"I do feel a bit thirsty after what you said." Ling Feng took the tea cup, his brow furrowing. "It's a bit cold!"

"Is that so?" Li Liang quickly approached, feeling the tea cup. "It has indeed cooled down a bit. Let me warm it up for you!"

With that, Li Liang held the tea cup with both hands, channeling his potent true qi. Before long, the tea began to simmer gently, filling the air with its lingering fragrance. It was truly a top-quality tea.

"Not bad, not bad," Ling Feng remarked as he raised the tea cup and took a leisurely sip.

The sect leader served the tea, and the elder warmed it up!

This treatment feels fantastic!

"The tea is quite good," Ling Feng remarked, placing the tea cup down. Seating himself on the chair, he stretched with a lazy yawn. "Ah, after finishing the tea, my legs feel a bit stiff."

"Allow me!"

A disciple from the main peak promptly crouched down beside Ling Feng, extending a hand to massage his lower leg. "Senior Uncle Ling Feng, you know, our family has a hereditary skill in foot massage!"

"No need for you," Ling Feng's gaze fixed directly on Yun Zheng. He pointed with his hand and said casually, "You, come here!"

"Me?" Yun Zheng furrowed his brows. As a direct disciple of the sect leader and a potential future leader of the Wenxian Sect, it was hard to believe he was being asked to give a foot massage to an inner sect disciple.

"Why? You’re unwilling to? If you don't want to, let it be!" Ling Feng shook his head. "When my feet ache, I tend to lose control of my mouth, speak recklessly, and easily forget things!"

"Traitorous disciple, you better come over here now!" Lin Canglang abruptly stood up, shooting a fierce glare back at Yun Zheng.

Yun Zheng's heart skipped a beat as he recognized that his master, consistently prioritizing self-interest, would be ready to forsake him even if he was the last disciple, should the situation demand.

"I'll take care of it! I'll take care of it!"

Yun Zheng clenched his teeth, crouched down, and positioned himself beneath Ling Feng's feet. He extended his hands, prepared to give Ling Feng a foot massage.

However, before his hands could make contact with Ling Feng's calf, Ling Feng furrowed his brows. In a sudden motion, he kicked Yun Zheng directly in the face, sending him flying over ten meters away and causing a chaotic crash as he landed.

1. It's a metaphorical expression implying that someone or something is just decorative and lacks substance or practical value. In the context provided, it suggests disappointment or frustration with Yun Zheng's perceived lack of capability or significance. ☜

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