The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 191: The Test of Willpower!

Chapter 191: The Test of Willpower!

With some time remaining before the afternoon assessment, Ling Feng and Ouyang Jing departed from their previous resting spot and sought out another, finding a quieter environment as they waited for the assessment to begin.

However, before Ling Feng could even settle into his seat, he spotted a figure swiftly approaching their direction.

Ling Feng shook his head with a wry smile. Was it really so challenging to find a moment of peace?

Meanwhile, Ouyang Jing observed Ling Feng's situation and felt a surge of emotion. Perhaps this was what they called a genius, someone who was always the "center of attention" no matter where they went.

This time, the newcomer happened to be a familiar face – Academician Ye Guichen.

"Academician Ye," Ling Feng quickly stood up and bowed to Ye Guichen, with Ouyang Jing following suit.

"We're not in a classroom now, no need to be formal," Ye Guichen waved his hand, and a gentle force lifted the two of them up.

"Ling Feng, did that old gentleman just now say anything to you?" Ye Guichen inquired, his expression carrying a hint of seriousness.

"Academician Ye, were you referring to the elderly senior named Yan Cangtian whom I just encountered?"

"Exactly," Ye Guichen nodded quickly.

"That gentleman?" Ling Feng chuckled lightly. "He simply inquired about my name and didn't say much else."

Ye Guichen seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, nodding in acknowledgment. "That Yan Cangtian is a particularly unique figure within our Tianwei Academy. His status, in a certain sense, is even higher than that of the director. However, it's best if you don't get involved with him. And, remember, if he ever approaches you and asks you to try any new medicines, under no circumstances should you consume them!"

"Try new medicines?" Ling Feng pursed his lips, gaining a vague understanding of why Ye Guichen was warning him. Given his inability to even recognize basic herbs, Yan Cangtian's skill in concocting medicines was likely...


"Alright, I'll remember that. Thank you for the reminder."

"You're welcome. Just keep it in mind," Academician Ye offered a faint smile as he patted Ling Feng's shoulder. "Do your best this afternoon. I believe your performance in the test of willpower shouldn't disappoint."

"Thank you, Academician Ye," Ling Feng fist-and-palm saluted once again in appreciation.

"Then, I'll take my leave," Academician Ye announced before turning away and departing without lingering.

About half a moment later, as Ling Feng rested with his eyes closed, a commotion erupted from the bulletin board in the distance.

Countless young men who were waiting for the afternoon tests rushed over like a tide, whispering excitedly among themselves.

"Big brother, let's go check it out too," Ouyang Jing exclaimed eagerly, unable to contain his excitement as he stood up immediately.

"Sure, let's go," Ling Feng agreed, driven by his curiosity, as he joined Ouyang Jing in hurrying towards the bulletin board.

Upon reaching it, they saw several red papers posted on a massive stone slab with an incredibly smooth surface. The red papers were covered in densely packed small characters resembling a series of serial numbers and names.

"So, these are the results of the morning's entrance examination!" A young man standing at the front shouted loudly.

"Haha, I didn't expect the efficiency of Tianwei Academy to be so high! Let me see where I stand... Haha, 620th place. Looks like I have hope!"

"Damn, buddy, help me check mine too! My name is Wang Erdan!"

"Check mine too, I'm Niu Dachun!"

"Damn, the names of the top five seem to be covered!"

The scene was chaotic as everyone attempted to push forward.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and indeed observed that the names of the top five on the list appeared to have been deliberately crossed out with a brush, leaving no way to read them.

As he scanned from left to right, the rankings only began to display from the sixth name onwards, with his own ranking at ninth.


Ling Feng was slightly surprised. Seeing that he was sought after by mentors and even courted by Zhenlong Academy's academicians earlier, he had assumed he would rank at the top. However, the presence of even stronger competitors had resulted in his comprehensive aptitude ranking being only ninth.

However, with his physique capable of evolution and his understanding, especially with the Heavenly Dao Eye open, being completely immeasurable, Ling Feng's potential was vast.

Additionally, Ling Feng had intentionally concealed some of his talents, so ranking ninth was not bad at all.

"Big brother, ranking ninth is truly amazing!"

Ouyang Jing admired Ling Feng. After all, the young men and women gathered here were all outstanding individuals from various parts of the empire.

"Keep it up this afternoon," Ling Feng patted Ouyang Jing's shoulder. Initially intending to say "you're not bad either," upon seeing Ouyang Jing's ranking beyond the top five hundred, Ling Feng felt such words would seem insincere. Therefore, he could only encourage him with a smile.

"I definitely will!"

Ouyang Jing clenched his fists. While other talents were innate and unchangeable, willpower could be strengthened through one's own perseverance.

If success relied on ninety-nine percent talent and one percent hard work, then Ouyang Jing must firmly grasp that one percent!

Carefully scanning the list from top to bottom, Ling Feng didn't see Mu Qianxue's name, leaving him somewhat disappointed.

"Could it be that Mu Qianxue has already been eliminated?"

Ling Feng sighed lightly. He had mentally prepared himself for this outcome. After all, Tianwei Academy's requirements were extremely strict. From his perspective, Mu Qianxue's only outstanding talent lay in her physical talent. It was highly possible that she hadn't even reached the physical test before being eliminated.

Little did he know, Mu Qianxue was one of the five hidden names at the forefront of the list, with her name positioned at the top!

Half an hour later, Ling Feng and Ouyang Jing arrived at the location of the final assessment.

The Willpower Assessment.

This stage of the assessment had a straightforward method.


However, the twist was that they had to sit beneath a massive sword monument.

Embedded in the center of this monument was an ancient bronze sword.

Legend had it that this was the personal weapon of a renowned general of the Tianbai Empire who had reaped countless souls on the battlefield, imbuing the sword with an unparalleled sinister aura.

Though the monument partially suppressed the killing intent, a significant portion still permeated the surroundings, enough to send shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned practitioners.

Participants in the assessment simply had to sit within the range of the sword monument and endure for as long as possible, proving the strength of their willpower.

All participants were divided into more than twenty batches, each consisting of a hundred individuals.

Ling Feng, along with Ouyang Jing and ninety-eight others, was assigned to the sixth area.

Once all the participants were seated cross-legged, the instructor in charge of the Willpower Assessment nodded, and the staff gently activated the array surrounding the sword monument, releasing traces of its sinister aura.

Moreover, with the passage of time, this sinister aura would only grow stronger!

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