The Alliance Marriage Went Wrong

Chapter 199 - Treason

Around an hour ago

In the royal court of Jerivia, King Tobias Aventine was sitting on his throne on the platform. The officials were also standing on his left and right and with all the eyes of the officials on him, the expression on the King's face was somewhere between calm and anxious.

"Your Majesty, we know that you are very fond of the Masked Commander. However, this is not a matter which should be overlooked. We should get to the bottom of this matter." It was Minister Julian who was pressuring the King. He was one of the most powerful Ministers in Jerivia and... the one who always saw the Alewine's as a threat to the throne.

"You should be careful, Minister Julian," Minister Ronan snapped. "You are accusing the most celebrated warrior of our Jerivia of plotting treason just because of that small information you receive from an unidentified person. Do you know how serious your case will be if your claim is proven to be false?"

"I'm just being cautious, Minister Ronan," Minister Julian argued. "A little investigation will do no harm."

"No harm you say?" Prime Minister Dallas Vareky chimed in. "If the people know about this, don't you know that it will be a huge blow to not only the Alewine Army but Commander Iria herself? Her loyalty has never been questioned before because there is no need for that."

Hearing this, Minister Julian turned to the King who was on his throne and then knelt. "I strongly believed that this matter shouldn't be overlooked. Treason is what caused the fall of many great kingdoms and even if it is just a rumor, we should investigate and kill everything from its root.

"I'm loyal to Jerivia and the throne. I only want to make sure that our Jerivia is not in danger. So, if the news I brought turns out to be false, I'm willing to accept the punishment for that," he firmly added.

From his throne on the platform, King Tobias gazed down at the Minister who was pleading with him on his knees. He always knew that Minister Julian saw Commander Iria and her immense influence as a threat. If it wasn't because of his loyalty to the throne, he might already find a way to get rid of him!

"You talk like you're sure of it, Minister Julian," he stated impassively. Then he turned to the Captain of the Royal Guards. "Send someone to inform Commander Iria that I summon her, right now."

The King's words made the Prime Minister's eyes flew wide open. "Your Majesty!"

"No matter what, I won't allow words to get out," the King firmly said. "To protect Commander Iria's reputation, no one in this room is allowed to leave until this case is closed." Looking down at Minister Julian, he added, "If your claims turn out to be false, you should be ready just as you said."

Still kneeling on the floor, Minister Julian lowered his head. "Yes, Your Majesty."


Minister Julian get back on his feet and a murmur soon erupted in the hall. Most of them didn't believe the claim of Minister Julian. They strongly believed that disloyalty didn't flow in the veins of the Alewine's. They had proven themselves enough for almost a century now!

Not to mention that the Masked Commander was the only daughter of the legendary Commander, Darien Alewine. She will never tarnish her father's name. That's what most of the officials believed. However, Minister Julian wasn't alone either. Some of the officials also see the Alewine's as a threat even during the time of Darien Alewine.


Iria Alewine walked inside the royal court with all eyes on her. She knew what was going on but she feigned ignorance and maintained her composure. She shouldn't show anything, let alone a weakness.

She never really cared about the opinion of the officials on her. She wasn't interested in their power struggle and all she wanted was to do her duty without distraction yet these officials never stopped being wary of her.

Finally, she halted before the platform and got down on one knee. "Greetings, Your Majesty."

King Tobias quickly gestured her to rise and she complied. She met his gaze and noticed the coldness in it. His gaze reminded her just how much he hated this. Then with another gesture from the King, the small letter which Minister Julian received was in her hands. The Commander narrowed her eyes and read it though she already knew what would be written in it.

"Do you know about that?" King Tobias asked her. His gaze was quite calm compared to before and his voice was firm, just like how the King should speak.

Iria Alewine put down the letter and squeezed it hard. "What is this about?" she asked. "Where did this letter came from?"

"That letter was delivered to me in my mansion this morning," Minister Julian responded to her question. There was a hint of contempt in his tone yet the Commander remained unfazed. She won't give him the pleasure to see what he wanted.

"Have you met King Aryan in secret?" the King asked. "Is that letter true, Commander Iria?"

"Will what I say make sense, Your Majesty?" Iria Alewine asked the King back.

"How insolent!" Minister Julian spatted. "His Majesty asked you a question and what you should do is answer him. Seems like you're too powerful now to recognize who your King is."

"Enough," King Tobias firmly stated. "Watch what you say, Minister Julian."

Turning to the King, the Minister bowed his head. "I apologize, Your Majesty."

The King ignored the Minister and shifted his gaze to Iria again. "You should know that this is not a trivial matter, Commander Iria. I'll ask you again. Are the words written on that letter true?"

Commander Iria narrowed her eyes and gave Minister Julian a side glance. His victorious smirk and the way he was observing her every action... she didn't miss it. Then she clenched her fist and looked up at the King again. "That's up to you to decide, Your Majesty. I refuse to speak on this matter."

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