The Alliance Marriage Went Wrong

Chapter 151 - Make You Pay

When Commander Iria reached the palace grounds, she noticed that King Tobias along with Crown Prince Emor and some officials were already set to leave. She quickly rode her horse towards the King and then bowed her head.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. I hope I'm not too late." Her heavy head crossed her mind but she was not a fool to talk about it. It will seem like she was complaining about being told to participate in the hunting.

"You reach here on time, Commander Iria," King Tobias promptly said to her with a little smile. "Crown Prince Emor wish for you to participate. I hope you won't be too upset about joining us."

"I dare not," the Commander replied in a formal tone, slightly lowering her head. Then she sensed how Emor Tripas rode his horse towards them.

"We meet again, Commander Iria. I'm glad that you accept my humble request."

He was too ahead of himself. She was simply complying with the King's order, not his request.

"Greetings, Your Highness," Iria uttered, trying her best to sound normal. She won't want to lose her composure, at least while the King was around.

Much to the Commander's relief, the Prime Minister and other officials came to them before Emor Tripas could say anything more.

"I still find it hard to believe that Commander Iria will be joining us in hunting. I never thought that I will live to see this day." It was Prime Minister Dallas Vareky who jokingly exclaimed the truth.

"I won't do much, Prime Minister. I will just tag along and it will be great if you can teach me," the Commander stated with a little smile.

"We all know that you're great at hunting. Thanks to Crown Prince Emor, we will finally get the chance to see it ourselves," the Prime Minister said with a light chuckle.

Iria Alewine didn't say anything and only smiled. If only she could teach the so-called Crown Prince a lesson! However, not while he was in her kingdom. That would bring no good.

"I think we can go now."

She raised a brow when she heard the King. What about the Crown Prince? Or the Second Prince?

King Tobias understood what she was thinking and explained by saying, "Prince Orius won't join us and the Crown Prince has some important matter to deal with."

Though Iria was quite taken aback, she didn't ask anything. It was already a given that Orius Aventine won't join them. He never did. However, it was quite unlike of the Crown Prince to miss this kind of event.

Was something wrong with him?

She couldn't think further as they soon depart for the Amlant Forest.

The Amlant Forest was one of the largest forests in Jerivia and the hunter's choice. Located in the south of the Jerivia capital, one had to ride for two hours from the palace to reach the forest. All kind of hunting event was mostly held here and even today, King Tobias issued an order to forbid anyone else except his group to enter the forest.

When they entered the forest, everyone goes in separate directions with some guards following them. However, Commander Iria had to stick to the Nardodian Crown Prince in the King's order.

As the Crown Prince had no knowledge of this vast forest, the King asked her to guide him. Though it wasn't exactly an order, what the King said should be done without refusal.

"Why are you doing this?" the Commander asked the Crown Prince once everyone left.

Three guards followed them at a distance, one was from Jerivia and two were from Emor Tripas's side. Iria recognized them as the young man and woman from the Crown Prince's chamber that night.

"You don't know?" Emor Tripas asked and tilted his head to her. "I think long and hard after you left that night. I figure out that your reason for slapping me was indeed Arin Helev. So, as I said, you have to pay for it."

By forcing her to do things which she disliked? The Commander barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes! Why was he so shameless?!

"You better get prepared," Emor Tripas added. "I have many ways to make you pay for that slap. This is just the beginning, Commander Iria."

"You might earn another one while trying to make me pay for that single slap," Iria Alewine replied, sarcastically.

She wasn't a fan of games, especially this kind of game!

"As I said that night, you can do that as long as it will make you feel better, but not for another reason," Crown Prince Emor simply replied.

"I'm sure that a guard from our side who is behind us will also know the way. You should let him guide you instead of me," Commander Iria shrugged and added, "As you heard, I'm not a fan of hunting."

"Are you saying that you won't follow the King's order?"

Iria Alewine halted her horse and the Nardodian Crown Prince did the same. After she glanced at Emor Tripas for a few seconds, she suddenly said, "I have a feeling that it would be better to get punish rather than sticking next to you for a day. At least, I won't be wasting my time."

When the Commander tightened her grip on the rein, trying to turn around, Emor Tripas was very quick to lean to her and grabbed her hand. "Don't leave."

"Let go," Iria uttered. Her voice hinted at no sign of backing down.

Losing no time, she breaks free from his grip and turned her horse around.

"Then can I use that wish?"

Once again, he sounds so desperate to the point where it amazed the Masked Commander! Why was he so hard to understand?

Wish? She realized how she promised to grant him a wish for saving her life.

He was willing to use for something this trivial?!

"I might not be Klaus Ermias but Emor Tripas. However, I'm still the same person, just like you. Besides, I don't think the Masked Commander will go back on her word," he pointed out and the Commander turned around, facing him once again. Just when she was about to speak up...

"Accompany me just for today. Please," he pleaded with her.

Quietly staring at his gaze which was calm yet sincere, Iria Alewine sighed in defeat. "I don't break promises," she muttered before she said, "Follow me."

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