The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 607 Death Needs But A Moment To Strike

Chapter 607 Death Needs But A Moment To Strike

A flash of purple light suddenly appeared beside Karronteel. The Spectral Dragon in hybrid form noticed the strange energy but felt no presence appear with the anomaly.

’It’s me. Forget I’m here.’

Jack’s telepathic message calmed Karronteel as he looked back to the tag-team of Quake Dragons before him.

After using Karronteel’s abundant spatial energy use as a cover for his teleportation, Jack backed away and let Karronteel continue his match up. The hero quickly examined everything taking place, searching for where his efforts would make the greatest difference. It was likely that Torian would discover the truth and return to the battlefield in a few moments, so Jack had to make the most of the little time he had bought himself.

Jack speedily evaluated Karronteel and Bowzer’s battles first, finding that they didn’t need Jack’s help. Bowzer was already overwhelming the other inexperienced Quake Dragon god and fighting with a level head while Karronteel kept the other two from interfering. Soon, Bowzer would claim his first victory as a god and then tag-team the remaining two Quake Dragons gods with Karronteel.

Next, Jack scanned over the battlefield on the ground. His glances gave Jack hope as Dragov was nearly finished with his ascent to godhood. Those defending Dragov weren’t exactly winning, but their focus was delaying as the moment Dragov and Phoro ascended would be the moment they claimed victory. It was also a good thing to see his party and wives working closely with the leaders of the Leisure Guild. It kept them constantly busy but they were able to heal when necessary and keep up a constant defense, in large part due to their powerful beast companions, like Dradich and Mooldrat.

While glancing at the battlefield, Jack smiled when looking over the two gods being held back by the three strongest mortals of the Leisure Guild.

Tyres was relentlessly frowning as he pushed the two mortal swordsmen to their limits. His faster-than-lightning strikes were the most difficult thing to contain. Jin’s new mana supply helped keep Tyres at bay but his lack of level wouldn’t allow him to keep up with Tyres in a sprint. But the addition of the mysterious, helmed swordsman changed that. The helmed swordsman would utilize his three speed-focused magic types to keep Tyres from breaking free and Jin would attack at each opening that the mystery man created. Despite Jin’s unwillingness to fight as a team, his impromptu teamwork with the mysterious swordsman was impeccable.

Alcahain, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying his match with Hadurt. At lv. 90, Alcahain proved himself to be stronger than the lv. 89 Hadurt, but Hadurt’s use of wind and lightning kept him with the edge in terms of speed. That meant that Alcahain wouldn’t be able to outrun the berserker and reach the ascending beasts. But the genuine smile on the Brawler God’s face showed that he was enjoying himself and his circumstances. He chased after Hadurt as Hadurt danced around the Browler God and wielded his halberd with deadly accuracy.

But Jack couldn’t avoid seeing Kori’s and Tralbok’s fight anymore. Sure, Jack noticed the 2-v-2 of Dragas and Moranti against Grixor and Lyrun. However, they were long-time gods and Moranti’s skills and battle experience were more reliable than anyone else across the battlefield. With that confidence in Moranti, Jack’s gaze honed in on Kori with a grim stare.

Kori was no longer standing in the air. Instead, Kori was being held by the neck. The Fox God made no cries of pain or weakness. Not only was his tail missing, but so was Kori’s one good arm. Yet Kori confidently glared back at Tralbok and spat in Tralbok’s face, not even caring to attempt a final hell flare attack or share any final words.


Tralbok’s burst of laughter filled the area, startling many and alerting the surrounding battles of the hasty finish to their duel.


Bowzer howled and unleashed his unbridled rage yet again. The younger Hell-flame Fox charged his opponent, tearing through the Quake Dragon’s defenses at the cost of receiving a powerful blow himself.

As that Quake Dragon was torn apart and burned to cinders, the blood from Bowzer’s wounds was evaporating and filling the air with a sour scent. This added to the scent of Kori’s wounds and made sure that all nearby gods could sense that pungent aroma.

But Bowzer couldn’t stop Tralbok.

A wind blade sliced through Kori’s neck, decapitating the Fox God and allowing his body to begin the long fall to the ground.

Moranti watched it with a shaky gaze. For a moment, he pondered the risk of saving Kori. That moment created an opportunity for Lyrun. The Elf God summoned all his strength to launched his greatest attack of magnified light filled with static electricity. But Moranti wasn’t the target. Lyrun was locked onto Dragas, showing no intention of backing down from his original plan.

Sadly for Lyrun, Moranti only pondered saving Kori for a moment and instantly turned his attention back to the matter at hand.

Swinging his scythe with his greatest speed and strength, Moranti threw a hundred-meter arc of spatial energy. Grixor was forced back by the swinging scythe and the slash of energy crashed into Lyrun’s powerful stream of light, forcibly destroying the attack. But that wasn’t the end of Moranti’s attack.

Moranti was still spinning around when he suddenly vanished from before Grixor.

Coughs sounded out from behind the Earthen God, shocking Grixor and forcing his attention elsewhere.

"Thank... you..."

Lyrun stammered his final words, smiling wide as he looked at the scythe jutting out of his chest.

With the slightest of nods, Moranti finished the job. Rather than pull out the scythe, Moranti ripped the blade through the rest of Lyrun’s torso. One of the Elf God’s shoulders was cleanly cut through along with his heart and many internal organs. Moranti made the death quick and painless for his old friend.

In just a couple of seconds, two well-respected and feared gods were killed in dramatic fashion for all to see. Though Sybin had been killed, witnessing Kori’s and Lyrun’s deaths with their own eyes was far more impactful on the many divine combatants.

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