Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 609: The super black technology of Hantang Technology!

  Chapter 609 The super black technology of Hantang Technology!

  They did not achieve their strategic goals, did not defeat BYD electric vehicles to dominate the low-end market, so they failed.

  At this time, even Wuleng Automobile, the company that is best at controlling the overall cost of automobile manufacturing, whether it is now or in the future, cannot defeat BYD Electric Vehicles, and other companies naturally don’t have to think about it.

  So in the low-end field, BYD electric vehicles are simply a killer. Relying on the super quality, the cruising range is not in vain, and the three artifacts are the most cost-effective in the same positioning.

  No company in the world can compete with BYD electric vehicles, and in terms of high-end vehicles, Hantang Technology is still the sales champion of mid-to-high-end vehicles.

  Although Hantang Technology is currently facing the impact of Fengtian, Pingguo, GM and other car companies, their sales are still not as good as Hantang electric vehicles.

  Because Hantang electric vehicles have a reputation for good quality and the advantages of high cost performance, among them, the quality of Hantang Technology has not had any large-scale quality incidents since its sale.

   For this reason, some netizens on the Internet joked that the Hantang electric car can be used for three generations after being bought back and repaired!

  Of course, tinkering with three generations is definitely an exaggeration. After all, the solid-state battery of an electric vehicle will continue to decay over time.

  In addition, the electric motor and other things of the electric vehicle will also inevitably suffer from loss as it is used and oxidized.

  So although the electric car of Hantang Technology is amazing, he is also afraid of the aging and corrosion of various things, liquids and even oxygen.

  So it must be an exaggeration to use three generations for tinkering, unless the owner is a person who knows how to take care of the car.

  At that time, if his descendants and grandchildren did not dislike the serious attenuation of solid-state batteries and the low mileage, they might really be able to make repairs for three generations. After all, the three generations are actually only 34 years old.

   But no matter what, the Hantang electric car is indeed due to its relatively low price, very high cost performance and super good quality.

  Expressways and special roads have L4 automatic driving, ordinary roads have L3 automatic driving technology and first-mover word-of-mouth advantages. At this time, it is still the sales champion.

  Even if Pingguo Fengtian GM and other electric vehicles that support L4 autonomous driving technology come out, they still cannot compete with Hantang Technology. This is the strength of Hantang Technology.

   To be honest, this scene once caused an uproar on the Internet, and why the final result is such a discussion has been going on for a long time.

  But no matter what they discuss, Hantang Technology does still retain its position under the attack of car companies all over the world!

   There are Hantang electric vehicles at the high and high end, and BYD electric vehicles at the low end.

  Hantang Technology has firmly maintained its dominant position in the past few months, although it has indeed encountered some challenges in the past few months.

  However, Hantang Technology still maintained its sales champion status by virtue of many advantages and selling points, so during this period, Hantang Technology's capital chain did not break as people imagined.

   No, at this time, as soon as the news that Hantang Technology was about to hold a press conference came out, people rushed over from all over the world.

  The reason why we say it is people is because ordinary people from all over the world accounted for the vast majority this time. Compared with the huge number of guests, the reporters seem to be small.


   May 3, 2008, just one day after Children's Day, and three months before the upcoming 2008 Olympic Games.

   On this day, a group of tourists came to Daxia’s Shanghai Metropolitan Airport. At this time, there are still 4 days before the press conference held by Hantang Technology on May 7.

  So they decided to have a good time in the famous city of Daxia, which is the magic capital of the Pearl of the East in Daxia.

   "Is this Daxia? Are you sure we haven't come to a contract?"

  At this time, a young Caucasian boy in a 4-member team was full of surprise, because he felt that this city was really beyond his expectations.

  When he was on the plane just now, he saw the general appearance and architecture of the entire city from the sky.

  The densely packed high-rise buildings in the magic city brought him a deep shock, making him think that what he came to was the twisted contract at the center of the world instead of the backward big summer in his eyes!

  In his eyes, Daxia should be a backward area. After all, isn’t that what the news media has been promoting?

  Although because of the emergence of technology in the Han and Tang Dynasties, the impression of Great Xia is no longer the kind of country that is barbaric and backward to the limit.

   After all, it is really a country that is barbaric and backward to the limit. It is impossible for Hantang Technology, the third largest industrial empire-level super private enterprise in the world, to be born.

   Even so, in the years of propaganda by the global media, the concept that the country of Great Xia is a backward country is still deeply implanted in the hearts of overseas people.

   But at this time, when he saw the huge sci-fi city below from above the city, they had to wonder if they were being limped by the media.

  There are so many high-rise buildings, and these buildings seem to be a country with high technological content, how can it be that kind of backward and ignorant country.

  So at this time, he finally couldn't help expressing his emotion. His impression of the country of Daxia has changed a lot.

   "What happens next will shock you."

  A black youth in the team laughed and said.

  The reason why the black youth said this is because he was as shocked as the white youth when he came to Daxia.

  But when he thought that was all there was, the facts later surprised him so much that he even doubted whether he had come to the kingdom of heaven.

   "Really? Let me wait and see."

  The white youth said something with a smile.

   This white young man is not an ordinary person, and he is the very familiar technology product reviewer Up master in the eyes of website b website.

   However, because its features are not outstanding, the only outstanding feature is that it is thinner, so he cannot get a louder and special title.

  So in terms of popularity, he is not as good as "Installation Ape", "Geek Bay", etc., but among many overseas up masters, he is also a frequent visitor to the front row of popularity.

  Of course he was also a video host in the middle of 2008, but he made videos on Youtube Video Network, and he is not very famous in China at present.

   "Come on, let's go shopping."

  Others also smiled and said a bit when they saw this.

  Hearing this, they also nodded with a smile, and then walked out of Modu Airport.

  When they came to the gate, the black youth stopped the three of them, and then said with a smile:

   "I have ordered a car online. There is a software called Hello on the Internet. There is a thing called a ride on it. It is more affordable to take a ride."

   "Hitch ride?"

  The other three all showed stunned expressions, not knowing what a ride is.


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