Tangled By Fate



The leader of the desert tribe shared his opinion, "I think the spy was from Riverhill. They are growing more powerful each day. They must be thinking of conquering the whole world."

"I don't think it's that simple," Arthur shook his head. "And, I think I know who it is."

The elderly man asked, "Whose spy is it then?"

Arthur voiced his speculation, "It's a Utahill spy. He is under the command of Lord Alexander of the Dormer family."

His foster father frowned. "An aristocrat of Utahill. Are they planning on another Great War?"

Arthur remarked, "He surely wants something. Maybe he is tired of worldly peace."

"Am I the only one who isn't understanding anything?" Veronica asked them. She looked troubled. "Please tell me so that I can understand clearly. What's with me being a blessed child? What does the prophecy scroll have anything to do with me? You mentioned Lord Alexander. Is he the same person I knew as Sister Ruth's family member?"

Arthur held her trembling hand and explained to her since she didn't know anything about Sister Ruth's death, "We are suspecting that Sister Ruth's cousin, Lord Alexander, sent a spy here to get the prophecy scroll. After they found out about the blessed child who would show up in the Govin desert, he wanted to get that child with power. He wanted to use that power to control the whole world. He was surely ambitious."

He continued, "However, he knew that he couldn't just kidnap the blessed child. A blessed child is like a national treasure. The royal family will execute him if he tries that. And, the Utahill royal family won't go to war. The country is known for its peace. Also, it won't stand a chance against any country."

He added, "Since Alexander can't have the royal family as his ally, he sought help from Riverhill and Synetia. He sent the prophecy scroll to both kings in a roundabout way. The kings didn't know who the sender of the tip was. The ambitious king of Riverhill wished to claim the desert and announced it at the banquet hall. The news spread fast. Synetia declared war against Riverhill as they were aiming for the same thing."

"Then, what about me being a blessed child?" Veronica inquired.

The leader of the desert tribe answered, "We are not sure why you are the blessed child. The power you have is a gift from the Goddess. Goddess Juvena has plans for you. You were sent here to save people and show them the right path."

Veronica lowered her head and said dejectedly, "I just wanted to be a healer who could help people and save them from suffering. I never wished to be any blessed child. So many people died because of me…" Her body shuddered thinking about all the recent bloodshed.

Arthur embraced her trembling body and did his best to soothe her by saying, "That's not your fault. You have done nothing wrong. It's the evil people who want to destroy the peace of this world."

"Will there be another bloodshed like what happened in the desert if they try to catch me?" Veronica anxiously questioned them.

The elder let out a dry laugh. "To catch you, there won't be that much bloodshed. However, it's a different story after they catch you. Once they lay a hand on you, it will be much worse than the war you have seen. Millions will die. You can make an ocean of blood out of their bodies."

"…" Veronica couldn't utter a single word. She recalled the war and people dying with heavy injuries and sickness. Their families' tears and children's loud wails were enough to make her heart go numb.

She heard Arthur saying, "I won't let them capture you. You will be with me. We will hide from those people. If necessary, we will change your looks."

Veronica grabbed his arm and asked him with a hopeful tone, "That… can we do that?"

Arthur promised her, "We definitely can. But, it still bugs me how they are sure that it is you. Anyone can have silver hair and emerald eyes. It's like you were their target from the start."

The leader of the desert tribe narrated, "The only silver-haired woman known by both Riverhill and Synetian soldiers is her. Even the king of Synetia wanted to have her. But she suddenly disappeared from there and they found out after a month that the desert turned into a forest. Their suspicion naturally goes in her direction."

Arthur shook his head. He wasn't pleased with the explanation. "Still, it's bugging me. I can't pinpoint, but something isn't right."

"I don't care what you think, but get the hell out of this place before they come to look for her," the elder scoffed in annoyance.

Veronica started to stand up, "Yes, I should leave as soon as possible."

Arthur grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit. "What do you mean by 'I'? We are going together. I won't keep you out of my sight."

Veronica's voice shook with emotion, "Arthur…"

The leader of the desert tribe cleared his throat loudly and commanded, "Stop being all chummy and finish your meal."

After finishing their meals, they went back to Arthur's room to pack their bags. They hurriedly packed whatever they needed since they didn't have much time.

Veronica didn't have any clothes. The wife of the desert leader gave her some of her old clothes. She said, "We don't make many clothes since we don't have enough materials. I hope my clothes will help you. I had the same figure when I was your age. It reminds me of the old days." The elderly woman giggled.

Veronica finally smiled. "Thank you very much for giving me your clothes. Two pairs are enough."

The elder woman denied, "No, no, you will travel a lot and don't know how the situation will turn out. At least take three sets."

While they were talking, Arthur's pet bird came back with a letter. Arthur unfolded the letter and read the content. His eyebrows deeply furrowed.

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