Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 728 - Seven Hundred And Twenty-eight: You Should Be Scared Of Me

Chapter 728 - Seven Hundred And Twenty-eight: You Should Be Scared Of Me

The third point of view:

"Can I help you with that one?" Theodore offered help to his sister who was buried in projects.

"And make you miss your date? No way," Eve refused him.

"You do know you would always come first in my heart," He pouted.

"Yeah, I know you love me so much brother, but it's time you got a girlfriend," Eve added, "And I pray you said that the next time she's here with me," She smirked.

Eve knew her brother really liked Ailee, she's been observing the way he never takes his eyes off her even during practice whenever she was cheerleading. He's totally smitten.

Well, she likes Ailee too. Contrary to her expectation at first, considering she's from an aristocratic family, she's kind, beautiful, and a natural-born leader. The way she handles the cheerleading team with expertise and care increases her respect for her.

Theodore grinned in embarrassment causing his sister to roll her eyes, "Idiot,"

"But then ..."

"Just go, I'll be fine!" Eve stood up from her seat beginning to push him out of the class, "I'll be fine, or have you forgotten that I can protect myself? Moreover, this school has more security than our place does,"

"Fine," Theodore finally agreed, "Stay safe," He pecked her on the forehead, "See you when I'm back,"

"You too," Eve waved at him and watched him till he disappeared down the hallway.

"Finally!" She groaned, stretching out her body as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulder. Since it was just the both of them in the family, Theodore had made it his duty to look out for her since he was the eldest twin, saying it's his big brother role or something.

With a deep breath, Eve Donovan went back to her seat and was so engrossed in her assignment that when a shadow crossed the corner of her eyes, she was startled.

"Shit, who the fuck was that?" She sensed whoever passed by was familiar.

Without a second thought, Eve got off of her seat and stepped out of the class only to see the outline of the figure cross the corner of the hallway.

Intrigued and curious about what whoever that could be was up to, Eve followed him at a distance. It was a male and his back was extremely familiar so she continued to stalk him. It wasn't until he cut off at another corner of the hallway that Eve got to see his side view and she gasped, "Allen?"

What the fuck was he doing here? The school was over. Or maybe he had practice or maybe not? The way he was sneaking around told her that he was up to no good.?No, she had to find out what he was doing?

At once, Eve moved stealthily as she followed Allen's trail only to meet an empty hallway. Allen was nowhere to be found.

"What the fuck?" Her brows furrowed at once. She had been sure she was right on his track, how did he varnish? Did he move faster?

At once, Eve quickened her footsteps and came to a T-road only for someone to push her into the wall.

"Why are you following me?" Allen growled at her.

However, the next thing Allen knew, Eve had already substituted their position and he now had his face pressed to the wall with his arm behind his back in an elbow lock.

"Before you touch a girl once more, make sure she's doesn't have a black belt in judo,"

"Hmm, impressive," Allen muttered and with great speed and reflex freed himself out of the lock only to have her in the same position she put him.

"Unfortunately, they say, pride comes before a fall," He muttered, still holding her in the same elbow lock.

Eve grunted, trying to free herself but Allen that asshole eliminated every position she could use to maneuver him.

"Release me this instant!" She commanded him and at the same time wondered why the move didn't hurt as much as she thought. Was he intentionally holding back cause she sure didn't hold back when she had him in the same lock and meant to cause him pain? Most of all, how was he more skilled than her?

"What do I get in exchange? You riding my d*ck?" he breathed into her ears, causing shivers to run down the spine.

Eve told herself that it wasn't the good shiver but the bad one - she was only scared of what he might do now she's in this vulnerable position.

Allen smirked at her mortified expression. Yep, he was the big bad wolf and she had every reason to be scared of him. He finally let go of her, and was smug at the rosiness in her cheek. It was cute.

Damn, he doesn't do cute girls.

"Next time, don't bite more than you can chew," He warned her and only took a few steps when she shouted at him.

"I'm not scared of you,"

And she did it.

"I know guys like you, Allen. You think that just because you're rich, good at sports, handsome, ambidextrous, and powerful that we should all bow down and worship you, but that's the opposite of it. I don't care who you are and I'm not scared of a shit you could do to me,"

Allen turned slowly, all traces of smile vanished from his face as he said, "Oh you should be scared, darling, "

Eve suddenly gulped, even his mention of darling was dripping with acid. But she straightened her spine and held her head high, her gaze locked with Allen's. She was a strong woman and had never backed down from any challenge.

"You should be scared of the one that can destroy your body, in and out," And before she could ask him what he meant by that, Allen strode over to her, so fast she couldn't guess his intention. His hair dug into her hair and yanked it back causing her to whimper only for him to slam his lips down so hard against hers that all breath left her lungs.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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